
Transmigrated as the Former Superstar's Wife

"Calm down, calm down," he said. "You shut up!" she retorted. Xiao Luning, your average entertainment sponge, mysteriously transmigrated into the body of a stunning unknown lady, with no memory intact. But this is no ordinary tale of transmigration; we're talking neon-lit, holographic-type world, and a head swathed in bandages! When she thought life had changed for the better, the universe threw her a curveball. Advanced technology reigns supreme here, boasting superhuman powers, teleportation, interstellar travel, alien coexistence, and warp drives. Yet, their taste in music? Movies? Did AI hijack their brains? How can they consume this much trash? To complicate matters, she's now expecting a child, and her mood swings could set the world on fire. Can she navigate a lifetime of bliss or bickering in this brand-new world? Buckle up for a thrilling, futuristic romance, where the entertainment industry is anything but ordinary! Disclaimer: The cover is not mine.

Veela_10 · sci-fi
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6 Chs


Engrossed in tinkering with the piano, Xiao Luning remained oblivious to Chen Mingtian passing behind her. He, while donning his jacket, couldn't help but notice her.

Usually, Chen Mingtian would have the grand piano covered to shield it from dust and to spare his eyes from the burning sensation they endured each time he descended the stairs. However, for some reason, he did not feel like stopping Xiao Luning from doing what she wanted. Perhaps it was an attempt to help her in recovering the fragments of familiarity tied to her lost memories.

One thing was certain – he found himself captivated by her and her actions.

In a world dominated by artificial creations and programmable wonders, encountering someone proficient with these 'traditional' instruments was rare.

'How interesting.' Chen Mingtian speculated about Xiao Luning's background – a young lady from a rich family, an art or history expert. Mostly those with this background were the only people who could afford or even attempt to learn these 'useless' skills.

In the first place, Chen Mingtian had purchased the grand piano solely for its aesthetic appeal. After all, he could create music effortlessly on his modular.

'It seemed that it has found its owner.' he chuckled at the thought.

Chen Mingtian exited the front door, expecting that it would take a while before she could play proficiently. To his surprise, a beautiful melody began to resonate throughout the mansion.

'What a scary muscle memory.' he thought.

On the first note, it was as if the sun perfectly spotlighted the changing atmosphere. The flowers outside the window seemed to bloom, radiating vibrant colors.

Although Hu Chengjun waited by the car, Chen Mingtian chose to remain hidden, positioned between the door and window sills.

As the music reached its height, nature itself appeared to rejoice – buzzing insects and rustling leaves harmonized with each enchanting note, allowing the listener to savor a world bursting with life.

As the last note lingered, Chen Mingtian found himself eagerly anticipating what would come next. Unexpectedly, he heard Xiao Luning clapping silently.

Chen Mingtian chuckled at the thought, 'An unfinished piece, crafted on the fly. No wonder she found those radio songs appalling.'

With a satisfied smile, Chen Mingtian walked towards the car.

'What a great way to start the day.'

Inside the mansion, Xiao Luning was busily tinkering with her modular, trying to find a way to create a musical notes PDF or record audio. Suddenly, a notification bubble popped up on the screen.

It displayed a message icon.

Curiosity piqued, Xiao Luning clicked on the bubble and it revealed a message from Chen Mingtian.

[That was a great piece. Was it an original?]

A cold sweat ran down her spine. Xiao Luning hadn't anticipated that Chen Mingtian would still be nearby and had heard her impromptu performance. How could she explain herself?

First of all, she hadn't considered the possibility that this song might be lost in history. But what if it was just undiscovered? Would she be accused of plagiarism? That was the last thing she wanted; the shame would be unbearable.

Secondly, could she bear the responsibility of publishing these pieces? What if she wasn't the only one who had been transmigrated?

Thirdly, if she was truly allowed to do what she wanted, how much had been lost to history? Could she revive these pieces on her own?

Lastly, even if she could revive them, would she be able to do it alone? Would she end up creating an entire entertainment company solely for her satisfaction, considering the cultural differences?

The weight of these considerations overwhelmed Xiao Luning. Yet, in reality, she was the only one making herself suffer. She already said it herself, if she was allowed to do what she wanted then she should.

Xiao Luning decided to set these thoughts aside and seek more information from Hu Chengjun. Since Hu Chengjun was typically occupied with Chen Mingtian, she figured she could ask Eng. Gomez for tech support.

And so, Xiao Luning embarked on her journey for knowledge.

In the car, Chen Mingtian was waiting for Xiao Luning's reply, growing increasingly concerned.

'Why isn't she replying? Did something happen to her?' he wondered.

Glancing at Hu Chengjun, Chen Mingtian recalled that Xiao Luning was still getting accustomed to her modular. Putting his device aside, he let his mind wander.

He recalled the look in Xiao Luning's eyes as she observed him. They reflected him, but the emotion was different from what he was used to.

'I understand she lost her memories and is starting anew, but this is the moment to prove I'm still attractive even when people don't recognize me.'

Chen Mingtian hesitated before calling, "Chengjun."

Hu Chengjun, who was busily monitoring the navigator of the hover car, replied, "Yes, sir."

"Am I not attractive anymore?"

Hu Chengjun was momentarily taken aback by the question. He was confused but answered rationally.

"Sir, based on recent surveys, you're still one of the Top 10 Hottest Male Artists in the entire universe. Your fanbase is steadily increasing, spanning from young to old. Your likable personality, both on and off-camera, remains attractive to the audience."

Chen Mingtian gave a perfunctory nod to Hu Chengjun's reply. He wasn't concerned about his popularity suddenly dropping at any second.

In the eyes of many, he was already retired. While he might make occasional appearances, he wasn't actively involved in the limelight.

He still worked in the same industry, attending events and collaborating with various stars. Even if he wasn't in the spotlight, he remained part of conversations.

He thought, 'Maybe it's the amnesia, the overwhelming materials she needs to learn, or perhaps she's just a unique person.'

Despite these thoughts, Chen Mingtian couldn't help but sigh. He started to doubt the statistics. Even if no one in the top 10 could attract Xiao Luning, he couldn't accept her first impression of him.

The more he thought about that moment, the clearer Xiao Luning's expression became in his mind. Instead of a placid look, it was one of curiosity.

Amnesia? Maybe. However, she could clearly express her preferences in music. What about him?

In frustration, Chen Mingtian ran his fingers through his already messy hair. Suddenly, Hu Chengjun called out to him.

"Sir, you forgot to take off your contacts."


Chen Mingtian carefully removed his new AR contacts, a device that could change the color of his eyes. It was a suitable technology to conceal his identity when mingling with the common people.


In a dawn of realization, he chuckled, "She must've noticed."

After that, Chen Mingtian didn't feel as bad. After all, who would appreciate the appearance of a liar hiding their identity? It might have created a mysterious and intriguing impression on her.

Over the next few days, the atmosphere in the mansion gradually shifted from a somber night to a serenading moonlight.

Xiao Luning was not scared anymore. Eng. Gomez provided invaluable assistance, offering educational resources spanning various industries, from common sense to cultural diversities in this world.

He even granted her access to the national database, ensuring her actions remained undocumented, except for classified files, which were beyond even Eng. Gomez's reach. 

Though Xiao Luning found it strange that Eng. Gomez had this much power, she decided not to dwell on it. Thanks to him, she did not have to worry about her identification in the vast universe, despite having only her first name.

However, she had another problem — the mystery surrounding the identity of the previous owner. Nothing could be found about her.

Eng. Gomez explained that there were only two possibilities that could explain this.

Firstly, she might be an orphan, a common circumstance in the slums, often leaving newborns unregistered.

Despite the invasion of aliens, poverty persisted. Just Xiao Luning's speculation, but it might've intensified especially among those lacking access to advanced technology

Xiao Luning found this possibility highly unlikely. Given the model of her modular and the expensive appearance of her clothes, she came from an affluent background.

The second possibility was more unsettling — she could be a target. Although she did not have a bounty on her head, becoming prey to an invisible enemy was not a good position to be in.

Just the thought of it sent chills crawling across Xiao Luning's skin.


Vivaldi – The Four Seasons. “Spring”: I. Allegro (Piano Excerpt Version)

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