
Transmigrated as the Emperor's Nanny

Former master assassin, Code X, wakes up as a 74 year old woman dressed in ancient clothing. Instead of a toned body and youthful features, she now finds herself with the body of a grandma, complete with a walking stick, white hair, and bad eyes! How did she end up with this situation? Simple — this was karma for all the blood on her hands. To atone for her past sins, she now has to save lives. The more lives she saves, the younger she becomes! But this is not as simple as it looks, not when she finds herself reincarnated in a warring kingdom plagued by death and crime. So when she saves the life of a young boy, she does not expect his next words: “Thank you, beautiful elder sister.” When she touches him, she momentarily regains her youth? But wait, this poor-looking boy is the Crown Prince? And she is now his nanny? What will she have to do to escape this weird situation? _____ “You really want to take me for Empress?” She tried to pry his hands off her back, but her strength was no match for the young emperor. In response, he only tightened his embrace, dipping his head and burying his face into her shoulders almost possessively. “You know what they will all say. You know what they are already saying —“ He sealed her lips with a fiery kiss. Pulling away, he looked her straight in the eye. “Let’s see if they could talk without a tongue.” He smiled. “Or without a life.” For the first time in years, she dared to look at him carefully. He no longer was the child clinging onto her lap during a storm nor the little boy begging for a bedtime story. Now, he towered above her, his soft features from before sharpened by time. Sensing how close he remained to her, uncontrollably, her heart skipped a beat. “Be my Empress.” _____ NO PEDOPHILIA (this is a slow burn and romance only appears later in the story)!!!!! This story is about dual salvation, so there will be NO RAPE and NO ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIP!!!!! _____ Cover Art: Cover designed by the super super talented Bloom759!!! Please check out her stories here on Webnovel!!! All original image credits to the original artist. I couldn't find a way to contact the artist, so if there are issues with copyright, please message me as soon as possible (Instagram @tangerqueen_author)

Tangerqueen · Fantasie
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51 Chs

Assassination Gone Wrong

Code X let her hips sway to the beat of the rhythmic tune, enjoying a brief moment of relaxation as her cocktail dress flared under the disco lights, almost as if a blooming rose. Pretending to reach for a martini glass, she cast a sideways glance at the raised platform.

A middle-aged man sat in the middle of a crowd of beaming women, his large beer belly rising and falling as he gulped down alcohol. Laughing loudly, he flashed a golden tooth and another row of yellowed and blackened teeth as he lustily grabbed one of the prostitute's pale thighs.

Code X made her way towards the man, feeling the familiar and comforting coldness of her sheathed dagger against her skin. Mentally running through the details of her mission once more, she plastered on a saccharine smile.

Ma Zhongqing. Age 53. Real estate developer. Owes a debt of 10 million but has a secret stash of money overseas. Loves toying with younger women, especially innocent-looking but bolder ones.

Swirling her martini glass, Code X walked up the platform. As Ma Zhongqing's rough hands inched further and further up between the woman's legs, Code X let her glass drop to the floor, widening her eyes in make-belief surprise as she brought her hands to her mouth.

All the commotion within the booth temporarily stopped, as all the eyes turned to Code X. "Oh no! Sir, I'm so sorry," she drooped her head, a tear sliding down her cheeks. "I didn't mean to disturb your… merriments." As if on cue, pink clouds of embarrassment crawled up her cheeks, and she bent down to pick up the glass shards.

Seeing her full breasts peek out from her low-cut dress as she kneeled, Ma Zhongqing licked his lips, barely able to contain his lust.

Motioning with his fingers, he chuckled, "Come join us, sweetheart. The more the merrier, so there's no disturbance at all." He gestured to his lap with a suggestive smile.

After a feigned moment of hesitation, Code X strutted over and settled onto the man's lap, hiding her cringe as she felt the man's fat quiver from underneath her. Good riddance that this man would die soon. She could taste his blood in the air, and the image of his imminent torment lit her up her face as her red lips pursed into a small smile.

"You whore," the man's smelly breath spilled onto Code X's face. "Don't you pretend now. I know you were trying to attract my attention."

Code X pretended to pout, batting her eyes seductively towards the man as she tried to hide her disgust. She wrapped her slender arms around the man's pudgy neck, her fingers drawing small circles on his skin as she toyed with her hair ribbon with her other hand. She could feel the eyes of the neighboring prostitutes drill fiery holes into her flesh as she stole their customer.

"Sir, with your commanding presence, how could anyone in the room possibly not want to attract your attention?" Code X purred, slightly tightening her grip on the man. "I mean, look at you!"

Obviously flattered, Ma Zhongqing fished a hundred dollar bill from his coat pocket and tucked it into Code X's dress, his fingers sliding a tad too close to her breasts for Code X's liking.

Dismemberment? Burn him alive? Or a vial of the most painful poison?

With his fingers wriggling around her skin, Code X felt a wave of disgust as she reconsidered her choice to simply slit the man's throat. Inside her mind, she cursed the man ten times over.

Suddenly, the man paused, his hands resting on Code X's leather choker. Or more specifically, on the silver dagger-shaped pendant that draped from it.

"What a fine necklace," his voice was grave. "What a fine necklace indeed."

Her heart jumped. When unsheathed, the pendant would transform into her most treasured weapon, a sharpened dagger that could slit any person's throat in a blink of the eye. She knew she had to transfer his attention immediately.

Silently taking in a deep breath, her hands slithered to his crotch. "Nothing as impressive as I would find here, I suppose," Code X purred, making a mental note to cut the disgusting bulge to a thousand pieces.

Hearing those words, Ma Zhongqing laughed heartily. "My precious, I assure you that it would be even more impressive once you see it for yourself," he pushed her hand even closer to the tiny bulge until her fingers were forcibly pressed against it. "Or even better," he licked his lips. "You can feel it for yourself."

Letting out a small giggle, one that made her want to gag, Code X whispered, "Let's take this somewhere else, Sir." She motioned to the private parlor behind her. Seeing that the man didn't immediately respond, against all wishes to throw up on the spot, she lightly squeezed Ma Zhongqing's manhood. "I can't wait to see how impressive it is in bed."

Without another moment of hesitation, he motioned to stand up, trying to princess carry Code X into the room. But with a few attempts, he found himself breathing heavily and giving up as he instead walked alongside her.

Hearing the door lock behind them and drawing all curtains shut, Code X let her sickly sweet smile disappear as she found herself alone with her target.

The man immediately pounced on her, attempting to push her onto the large bed in the center of the room as sticky sweat dropped down the sides of his face. Code X side-stepped ever-so-slightly, watching as the weighty man fell onto the bed face down.

With nimble fingers, Code X loosened her hair ribbon, revealing that it was in fact a binding device. And before the man could react, she wound the durable string tightly around his body, so that his fat bunched up underneath the binds.

"Don't worry now," she hissed. "Don't make a sound, or I'll make you regret it."

The man wormed around in bed, struggling until he flipped himself over.

Much to Code X's surprise, there was no fear on the man's face, only raw excitement.

"Oh, so my beauty is into this. What a pleasant surprise." Completely unaware of the pain that awaited him, the man's yellowing eyes gleamed in the dim light. "I haven't seen a woman like you in a long time. My sweetheart is a wild one."

With a flourish, Code X unclasped a large scarlet rose made of fabric from her dress and shoved it into the man's mouth as he squirmed around in protest.

"What is the passcode to your offshore account?" She hissed, unsheathing her dagger and pressing it to the Ma Zhongqing's manhood.

Much to Code X's annoyance, the man still looked amused, his beady eyes glinting lustfully. Her blood boiled, and her hands worked quicker than her mind as she cut into the bulge. It was a tiny slit, more of a warning than an intention to harm, but crimson blood immediately seeped through the man's pants.

His face turned ashen gray as he was suddenly hit with the reality. This woman was not joking. He shook his head wildly, beads of sweat dripping down his neck as a look of sheer terror lit his eyes. The fabric in his mouth stifled his yelps of pain, but his eyes bulged in utter agony.

"What is the passcode to your offshore account?" Code X repeated, wiping the dagger against his shirt. "I'll let you speak, but if you dare to scream." She made a cutting motion to his neck, swinging her dagger close to his flesh. "I can assure you that you will not be quick enough to scream before I send you to hell."

The man nodded, his head bobbing up and down like a pinhead.

Removing the cloth from his mouth, Code X pressed the blade to his neck. "Speak!" She commanded.

"Activate. Activate. Activate." Much to her surprise, Ma Zhongqing spoke calmly, his facial expressions replaced by one of utter calmness. His voice line was even different, more serious and deep.

The doors bolted shut. As did the windows.


Tick. Tock.

The noise was faint, but a trained assassin like Code X could tell the sound from a mile away. This was the sound of a bomb.

The man offered a sad smile, and for the first time, Code X looked him in the eye.


Tick. Tock.

"Where is the bomb?" Code X forced her voice to remain still and to not betray her emotions. There must be another way out of the room. There must be a way to stop the countdown. There must be a way for her agency to save her.

"My apologies, Code X," Ma Zhongqing suddenly sat up straight, easily undoing all of the binds. Tearing off his masked disguise, he revealed himself to be a younger man. "I'll see you in another life or perhaps in hell."

When he flashed the rose tattoo on his wrist, Code X knew that her life was over. After all, she had the very same tattoo engraved onto her back. This man was sent here for a single purpose — to kill her.

A call rang from her headpiece, a Bluetooth speaker disguised as a flower hair clip.

Picking up, before she could even speak, the voice on the other side sounded coldly, confirming her worst suspicious, "Terminate Code X."

The room burst into flames.

Why do you guys think the agency wanted to terminate Code X? Leave your thoughts below!

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