
Transmigrated As Thanos' younger brother

Webnovel_Addicted · Anime und Comics
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8 Chs


Slowly opening his eyes, Suke was greeted by the sterile scent of disinfectant. Looking around, he realized he was in a place that resembled a hospital.

The familiar English letters and the frantic medical staff confirmed it—he was on Earth.

"This... This is Earth! I'm finally here!"

Overjoyed, Suke tried to get up despite the medical staff's attempts to keep him lying down. Before his feet could touch the ground, he found himself floating.

"I can actually fly?"

Suke laughed, marveling at his new ability—something even his brother Thanos didn't possess.

Wait... The voice that woke me up was Jean Grey? Phoenix? Isn't she a character from the X-Men? Am I at a mutant school now?

Pondering this, Suke noticed a crowd of children behind a glass wall. The oldest seemed about twenty, while the youngest looked only four or five. They all stared at him in shock.

Among them, a special girl stood out. About fifteen or sixteen years old, with long fiery red hair, she was strikingly beautiful. She sat alone in a corner, seemingly avoided by the other children.

"Jean Grey!"

Suke called out, recognizing her instantly. Jean noticed his gaze, panicked, and quickly ran out. Just then, Professor X and others arrived.

Seeing Suke, Hank couldn't help but shout, "Did you see it? I said this guy can fly!"

"Okay, Hank, let the kids leave. He just woke up and needs quiet," Professor X ordered.

The children were promptly escorted away.

After a shower and a change of clothes, Suke followed Professor X to an office where Hank, Mystique, and Wolverine were waiting.

"Child, if now isn't the right time, we won't force you. We can wait forever," Professor X reassured him.

Suke shook his head. "No need, Professor. Now is the time."

Knowing a conversation was inevitable, Suke preferred it over being dissected.

"Alright," Professor X began, "what is your name? Where are you from?"

"My name is Suke, and I come from the Eternal Clan on Saturn's moon, Titan," Suke replied.

"Why did you come to Earth? Are you here to invade? And why do you speak our language? Have you been studying us for long?" Hank asked eagerly.

"Wow, so many questions," Suke thought before answering. "I came to Earth not to invade, but to escape. My planet was destroyed, and I was the only survivor. Also, I don't just speak your language—I understand all languages and knowledge in the universe. Your language is just one of millions."

"Wow," Hank was stunned, left speechless.

"You said your planet was destroyed. Who did it?" Wolverine asked.

"It wasn't someone else," Suke said, feigning sadness. "The one who destroyed my planet was my dear brother Thanos, a powerful cosmic tyrant."

"Kid, it seems we have something in common. We both have jerk brothers. Though my brother never tried to destroy Earth," Wolverine said with a smile, thinking of his brother Sabretooth.

"Let's stop here for today's conversation. Suke, on behalf of Earth, welcome. Treat this place as your home. You can stay here as long as you want. Hank, show Suke around," Professor X concluded, noticing Suke's sadness.

"Come on, Suke, I'll show you around. I believe you'll like it here," Hank said with a smile, leading Suke away.