
Bumping Up In The Ranks + Training With My Esper Abilities

[3 Days Later.]

So after one day of getting my Esper powers. Things have been quite interesting to say at least. And just as I expected, Genos arrived all fully rebuilt and even more stronger than the last time. When he arrived, we talked about the meteor and our rankings. I knew Genos would handle the research for me. The Hero Association decided to bump my rank to B-class rank 51. Now that is a fair rank up if I say so myself. It gets harder to rank up when you are promoted to a very high class like A or S, maybe even B. Though to be honest, I thought they would rank me higher than that. I'm pretty salty right now, like very salty... I'm not joking. I'm quite upset about that

The other thing that happened in the past two days was that I can now decently control my Psychic powers like how Gaara controls his sand. I can move objects towards me with my mind without much-needed concentration and less use of my hands. I'm trying to up my mental game until I master my powers. I have also tried my other abilities. The first one that I used was Telepathy. Of course, I'm going to test it out with Genos, and wouldn't you know it, he was thinking about me all day. How I'm such an amazing person and sensei. I guess I could've guessed that. Why did I even think that Genos would imagine something naughty... Probably shouldn't assume that since he's a cyborg after all. Though he still can, I just don't want him to think like that. Imagine having a pervert cyborg as your roommate

The other ones I did were Electrokinesis and Pyrokinesis. I managed to master these two pretty damn easily. Seriously, I can make blue flames with my mind with low difficulty at maximum. Meaning I can manipulate it like how I know the back of my hand. Yes, I don't know why my flames are blue, but I presume it's stronger than normal flames. Anyways, I can easily control it like how most users do it that have this ability, I think. Wait till you see me drag blue flames in the air. The same also goes for Electrokinesis. I couldn't believe that I mastered these two abilities in a couple of days. Maybe I'm a prodigy after all. Though it wasn't all too interesting to train with

As for the other ones like Electronic Control. I already have it in the bag. I used my Psychic powers to turn on my tv and switch channels after a few minutes of getting used to my power. So another ability mastered, I guess. The Healing can wait until I have found someone to experiment with. Maybe I should kidnap someone to test it out... Yeah, maybe not. Though I wonder if it works on Genos. That will need some thorough research

The other one is Matter Reconstruction. The name of it alone is just badass. So from what I understand with this ability is that I can disassemble and reassemble objects. Like any object. Metal, rocks or anything I touch basically. Though I will give it an okay rating since it only works on objects. And I'm cool with it, I'm not saying it's bad but I do think that its potential was kinda wasted. I thought I could use it to kill monsters brutally, though I could already do that with my Psychokinesis. Either way, this ability has some traits that would be helpful in different situations

Shockwave Generation... Now, this, I like this, I like this. That's just insane. Maybe I could create a shockwave that could literally break the earth

Sadly, If I actually did try and make one, It might happen. I already imagine myself in space somewhere with a blank face on me after I accidentally destroyed the whole earth. I think we know that this ability rocks

The next one is Flight. Bro, I can already do that

Though if my body glows a silver aura then I'm okay with it. Oooh I can't wait to see it for myself

I should test that tomorrow, but for now. Let's get into the one I wanna talk about, Teleportation. I mean, come on. This is just too good to be true. Imagine just endlessly teleporting around someone like Sonic, Bro would be done with his Ninja life. Probably not but it will add to his traumatize meter that's for sure. Having the ability to Teleport to any place and location at will is pretty good... Like really really good

Now the last one, Extrasensory Perception. From what I could understand, this ability can get me information on something and someone when I use my sensing abilities that came with my Esper powers. It will give me someone's approximate location and is pretty good for investigating something since it can give me the history of something I can sense, touch and feel

Camden: "Still got a long way to go with my other abilities. Well, it will probably take like a few days to get used to all of them. And I got all the time in the world right now until those sea creatures or whatever they are called show up. In all honesty, they will probably come shortly, but we shall see" I said as I read my naughty manga while laying on my sleeping mattress. It's nice to have a break playing from games from time to time. And that's why it's the perfect excuse to read some pages out of my naughty manga. Though I doubt I would even use these so-called "Methods" in this manga for when I'm getting laid and I don't know when will that happen. My only chance to get laid is probably someone who knows me just as I know what they really are... That's quite oddly specific that I just said

Maybe some typical love interest for me will show up soon. But hey, who am I to say that that will happen. Fubuki is probably the closest thing here that would fit that role. Though I am surprised that she hasn't yet noticed me literally boosting my way through B-class. *Sigh* Who am I to care about it. Not like she'll have any interest in me anyways except for my power, which she'll use in her group of hers. I still don't know what my end goal is since I didn't really expect for me to be transmigrated into the universe of Onepunchman but who knows '... Maybe I should just continue reading this. I will sort out my love troubles aside... For like the 1000th time' I thought with a lot going through my mind