
Transmigrated as a Wrong Character in a Sorcerer World

After dying in laboratory tests, Klaus transmigrated to a Sorcerer World, in a strange and peculiar character whose existence is an enigma. He knew this world, for it was the world of the novel one of his students wrote. He also knew the character because he created it. But it was a discarded character; it never appeared in the novel. How could he have transmigrated in it? Reality hit him soon after when he was sent to cross through the first test that every sorcerer must pass to awaken his abilities. There, he will have to fight against powerful monsters, which they call Curses, and against other Sorcerers, all to try to enter the select group of Sorcerers to discover the secrets that await in this world and understand his arrival to this and his existence. Just when he thought his journey might be boring, he received a peculiar and mighty power bordering divinity, capable of making him reach unimaginable heights. Although a bit dangerous...

Deltta · Fantasie
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19 Chs

Amazing skills with a problem

The System messages looked at Klaus, and he stared back at them.

For a moment, he forgot about all the pains in his body and stood up abruptly. "Wh-what? Something so good just for killing that guy?"

He had focused on the words that said: Unlocking a Birth Skill, which had unlocked another section of the System and was now before his eyes.

The section didn't say much; it simply had a name: Abilities.

Below those few words, not one but two small windows, one below the other, now popped up.

'Two?' He couldn't help but start reading what these two 'skills' were about, though the first one didn't seem to be a skill.


Klaus Body - Unique Body.

| Point 0 Body: Infinitely Pure Body.

| Limited: Lack of awakening.


'Limited? What does it mean? Lack of awakening?' Klaus frowned. 'Awakening... Do it mean going through the First Bath? It must be... No one should awaken an ability as soon as they enter this world, so perhaps it lacks finishing the mission to understand what it does.'

'But, Point 0 Body... If I think of that, various ideas come to mind, but I don't remember exactly what it might mean.' Klaus sighed and decided to keep scrolling down the system.

Maybe he would see something that would make him remember.

Then, a new ability came into his view.


Central Power - Unique Power.

| The Great Attractor: Every hit you make will attract energy from your surroundings towards you to be further processed by your body. Depending on the power of the blow, the attraction will be greater or lesser.

| Limited: Lack of awakening.


'Great Attractor?' He eyed the name suspiciously. His eyes widened like saucers.

Seeing the name and the description of the ability gave him a mental image, an important one, of something.

That something belongs to the universe and is located in the Laniakea supercluster of galaxies. More precisely, the gravitational anomaly of the Laniakea supercluster: The Great Attractor.

Thinking about this connected the wires in his head, making Klaus able to understand perfectly what was happening.

'Now I get it. This novel was written and inspired by mathematicians, physicists, and astrophysicists. Obviously, the abilities created could have something to do with that theme. Now I remember. This character wasn't written because his abilities were so strong.'

'An ability inspired by the Great Attractor, able to draw the surrounding energy into the body, is a very powerful ability. It could break the novel's rules, making it more complicated to do. Now...' Klaus looked up to find the explanation for his body.

He realized everything he had not been able to see before.

'Such an amazing ability like that naturally needs a matching body. And what better than the Infinitely Pure Body? What does the 0-Point Body mean? It's simple. The idea behind making this body and naming it so is because it is the 0-Point of the Cartesian Plane.'

'If we look at it this way and it is Infinitely pure, it means that it can become strong with the two types of energy that exist: Positive Energy and Cursed Energy, right? After all, these would be equivalent to Positive and Negative Energy on the Cartesian Plane.' He thought.

For a moment, he paused to think about this. He felt he had found something good but couldn't come up with anything after thinking about it, so he focused on continuing his theory.

'The Great Attractor can attract both types of energy simultaneously, while an Infinitely Pure body can process them… Amazing. This is really good. I never thought I could witness something so wonderful.'

His heart began to pound with excitement. This was an idea unlike any he had ever read about. Just by counting those two options alone, his potential seemed not to be limited, which made him see an exciting fantasy future where his infinite curiosity would be fully satiated.

At least in theory, the Great Attractor and the 0-Point Body are extraordinary abilities. Because it is supposed to attract energy to the body just by hitting, whether training or fighting, he can do it.

'It's a perfect body for a perfect skill.' Klaus smiled broadly, excited.

While he was so excited, out of sheer curiosity, he wanted to go lower, perhaps hoping to learn more about his new abilities.

He didn't expect to find anything else.


The Cursed Energy is your companion and longs for your presence.

| Little Incarnation: He who the Cursed Energy loves, reigns in the night. His name is The Incarnation.

| Incomplete explanation, Impossible to use: Lack of awakening.


Klaus frowned. 'Little Incarnation? What is this?' There was no memory of this in his mind; no matter how hard he tried to think, he couldn't recall anything similar.

Even though he was not present during this novel's creation and formal writing, he did not think the abilities of someone he had once created would change so much.

After trying to remember for several seconds, he was forced to sigh and give up. The ability itself had no detailed explanations. It was empty. All it said was that it could not be used and a saying regarding it.

That didn't give him much information within his knowledge, so he wouldn't keep thinking about nonsense to which he couldn't know the answers.

Instead, he decided to focus on the fact that he understood the first two skills well, at least theoretically.

"I have to find a way to confirm that theory..." He said, looking up.

He was hungry, and it was nighttime here, but instead of trying to make food, he focused on confirming his theory.

He stood a little away from where he had killed the curse and tried to move his ability internally. 'Can't I?' He thought, confused, only to realize that he didn't need to move it; it was always active.

All he needed to do was train.

'Hit and hit, to absorb with the Great Attractor. At the same time, training with higher risk is more beneficial.' He thought, remembering what the book said regarding the workouts.

'I see, so hurting and hitting me are forms of training, as long as they are done correctly...'

He took one last look at his skill before looking ahead. 'Hitting attracts energy... Let's try it.'

He closed his eyes first, remembering the training he had gone through over the past month.

If he remembered correctly, those guys and the book mentioned that to become strong, he needed to feel the surrounding Positive Energy and concentrate on it so he could exert his will on it to affect it and draw it into his body.

If he considered it carefully, the 'will' part could be skipped, because the Great Attractor already fulfilled that function. He only needed to focus on one place, so he soon opened his eyes and stared at a nearby tree.

His breathing quickly harmonized with the nearby environment, bringing his concentration to the highest level. He bent his waist slightly and placed both arms close to his waist, with his elbows pointing straight ahead and his fists pointing straight ahead.

It was a stance he had learned in an anime. 'I thought that thing would never be useful, but will it work?' He smiled a little after thinking like that.

Well, he didn't mind either. The idea is to throw punches, not to look professional.

Then he struck hard at the front. His first blow soon became a second, third, and fourth blow until he stopped because he noticed something.

He hadn't noticed, but his eyes were glowing. Before his eyes, he could see the movement of huge streams of dark energy, which swirled towards him as if they wanted to enter his body, but they passed by.

'Huh? Didn't it enter?' Klaus was in shock, but simultaneously, he could notice a subtle and tiny movement of a different energy.

This energy looked more like wind and even seemed to be yellow somehow. It wasn't cold like the first one; it was slightly warm. This energy swirled towards him, entered his pores, and settled in his body, causing it to activate and start processing it.

'Positive energy?' Klaus smiled broadly. But immediately, the smiling countenance disappeared.

At this moment, he could see the two types of energy, although he did not know why. Dark and cold energy was present in large quantities in this world, and it seemed slightly aggressive. It was as if it was always in constant aggression towards everything that came near it, but it obeyed the Great Attractor. That was the cursed energy.

While the Positive Energy...

'It's unfortunate its low quantity. Is this world special, and that's why there's not enough Positive Energy?'

'The Cursed Energy didn't enter me either... That's worrying. If the Cursed Energy is more abundant, it is in my best interest to become strong through that, but my body somehow doesn't want to accept it.'

As usual, he liked to close his eyes to think; this time, he did it again. Still, after closing them, his mind found itself looking at the body inside him again.

'This is... The Soft Ring?' He was in front of a huge Ring, partially illuminated with a yellowish energy.

That energy was also formed all over his body as if it were a small layer of skin, but it was so small that he could barely see and spread all over it. That was positive energy.

'It goes into the Ring and comes out of it to be all over my body... I get it. But what is this then?' He looked to his right, up in this dark place.

There was a Core there. Naturally, he could recognize it and was sure it was a Cursed Core.

That means that he has in his body the two things necessary to be a Sorcerer of both Soft Class and Cursed Class.

'Considering the curiosity of my body, I can understand it. I should be able to be a Dual Sorcerer, though I don't know if such existences will exist in this world. But why doesn't that one have any energy at all?'

As he could see, the Cursed Core in front of him was empty, devoid of energy. It was like a floating triangular shape of a black color with some transparent white lines.

For this, there should be a reason and that reason he would like to know.

'Hmm, I see; maybe what's missing is the complete awakening, as in the skills? In short, the completion of the Cursed Energy Bath is missing. Maybe that's why I can't absorb cursed energy.' As he was thinking about this, he felt a sharp pain in his body that stunned him and brought him out of his thoughts.

His body was suddenly hit by various waves of cursed energy, which took it upon themselves to enter it differently and begin to wage war on him inside it until it adapted.

Klaus simply frowned. He realized that he had to adapt to this, as it would happen every time. He didn't give the matter any more thought.

He had managed to see through what he needed and his abilities. But he knew that a test could not be passed just because he wanted to, and he was sent here without any preparation.

So, he had to focus on training.

He looked determinedly ahead, lowered his body again, and started punching. At least he wanted to understand the training better before he went deeper into that city of unknown dangers.

Each blow created slight ripples in that energy he could now see. It was as if his body suddenly became a whirlpool, fiercely attracting everything within its reach.

As his training progressed, hours passed. His body sweated profusely until he suddenly stopped and dropped to the ground.

"Haahh... Forget it. It's almost impossible to train here. Even though I've done it so many times and can see all the energy, the Cursed Energy refuses to enter me, and the Positive Energy is so little that it's pitiful. Also, why does it only work at a 20-degree angle in front of my punches? That's too little." He complained, panting.

Although he could feel a slight advance, that advance was very slow; it didn't convince him. 'Maybe I'm doing it wrong.' He thought.

Then his stomach growled, warning him that he was hungry.

That made him get up.

As he guarded the surroundings, he looked around for the body of the monster he had killed and approached.

"You look really disgusting, dear monster. It's so disgusting that even to me, it makes me nauseous, but... I guess when the hunger gets tight, the palate will have to loosen up." Klaus said, knelt to prepare this disgusting, not-at-all-appetizing Beast Cursed.