
Transmigrated as a Wrong Character in a Sorcerer World

After dying in laboratory tests, Klaus transmigrated to a Sorcerer World, in a strange and peculiar character whose existence is an enigma. He knew this world, for it was the world of the novel one of his students wrote. He also knew the character because he created it. But it was a discarded character; it never appeared in the novel. How could he have transmigrated in it? Reality hit him soon after when he was sent to cross through the first test that every sorcerer must pass to awaken his abilities. There, he will have to fight against powerful monsters, which they call Curses, and against other Sorcerers, all to try to enter the select group of Sorcerers to discover the secrets that await in this world and understand his arrival to this and his existence. Just when he thought his journey might be boring, he received a peculiar and mighty power bordering divinity, capable of making him reach unimaginable heights. Although a bit dangerous...

Deltta · Fantasie
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19 Chs

A clear mind

The first thing he did was to check to see if it had the Cursed Core, but after opening the whole body, he found nothing. Discouraged, he removed the sharp nails and used them like knives to cut the flesh.

During the whole process, he was curious about something.

"If curses are born from bad emotions, or more precisely from the Cursed Energy created from emotions, how do they have flesh? Can emotions create flesh?"

He could understand the concept of Cursed Energy giving birth to Cursed Class Sorcerers because the reality is that 'they are not born of it.' Essentially, all sorcerers are either human or belong to one of the existing races, but the type of energy they can use determines what kind of sorcerer they will be.

Or at least that's what he can understand so far, as he still doesn't know if there is any additional difference between the Soft Class and the Cursed Class.

But, for now, he understands that. The problem is that, based on that, he can't explain what gives birth to Curses.

These are born from Cursed Energy, essentially, and it's not like a mutation happens. How can they have flesh, then? Is flesh created out of thin air? Is it magic or something?

Although even then, magic is supposed to exist in this world, but it can't do something like that.

While thinking about it, he butchered the monster, picking up different sizes of pieces of flesh. It was really disgusting; it even smelled, and the blood was unbearable, but there was nothing he could do.

He had no money, and walking to the city no longer seemed feasible. His belly rumbled throughout, and although he was tempted to throw it all away and run to the town, when he looked down and calculated the route, he found that there was 29 kilometers of distance between him and the city.

If he considers that his body is not in optimal condition, that he is hungry, and that the terrain is not flat, it could take him more than half a day to get there.

Right now, his condition is so pitiful that he could very well arrive and immediately drop dead after doing so.

He, therefore, had no alternative. He would replenish his strength by eating something disgusting.

After seeing no more curses nearby, he lit a fire and cooked the meat.

A while later, he took the first bite of a piece of meat he had poked with a stick.

'It tastes horrible...' He thought as he chewed it. He had never eaten anything that tasted so horrible, and it's not like he was a person who was born into wealth.

His past taught him not to be picky about food, so he started eating 'happily'.

As he did so, he looked up at the sky. He longed to see the stars in a new world but could see nothing here.

'It looks like my dream will have to wait a while to be fulfilled since I was immediately sent here after arriving at this place, which still feels unreal.'

He lowered his gaze, looked at the distant city, and, subsequently, at the Hill, he was to Dominate.

'A battle, huh? What would I tell myself if I could go to the past and talk to myself right when the research on the void began?'

'Don't do it, will it kill you? To discover what I so longed to discover, only to have that very thing kill me in the end, is... Frustrating.'

Even though he thought so, he was smiling as he did so.

Of course, he was frustrated. He also remembered the face of the person who sabotaged him, which made him feel angry and even more frustrated.

He knew better than anyone. His research had not failed; he should be remembered as the most outstanding scientist. He was sure he could develop a 'Theory of Everything,' but a little man shattered the plan and thwarted all of that.

A service staff had caused his growing fame, his most remarkable discoveries, and his life to be deprived.

Now, he is sure that that explosion destroyed his fame. With his experiments, he killed a lot of people, including that man who sabotaged him, who will surely be remembered as a martyr for the research to a mad scientist.

Naturally, Klaus understands the weight that comes with that, but honestly, it's not like he cares. Besides, he can't even direct his revenge on someone because that someone also died, and he doesn't know who prompted him to do what he did, so his desire now doesn't go through revenge.

Therefore, although he feels frustrated and angry, he knows how to contain and control himself. At this point, he may have been given a new opportunity. He has arrived in an exciting world full of unknown things that seem to follow a familiar course.

Whether he can take advantage of this second chance will depend on him and his vision. But he doesn't think what happened before was bad because it made him realize something important.

When you are an average human, even the lowest and weakest of your subordinates can thwart your plans. When you have no power, you cannot prevent someone else from being able to thwart your plans, which becomes a sign of how weak humans are.

At least on Earth, that's how it is.

But it's different now. He has arrived in a world where fantasy exists, where he has just been transported to a world without stars, with strange monsters and mysterious energy born of emotions. Even better, with the possibility of becoming powerful himself.

He does not know if there is a way to return to Earth, but if there is, he would like to return simply to tell them about the success of his research; if there isn't, he doesn't care either. From a young age, he learned to ignore the past.

If Earth will be a past for him from now on, it doesn't bother him. On the contrary, it's okay. This world looks like it has more things to investigate than the Earth, more things to satiate his curiosity with.

Now, a whole new fantasy world opened up to his view. Naturally, the infinite curiosity that led him to discover one of the universe's greatest secrets will lead him down a similar path in this fantasy world.

That's why he couldn't stop smiling, even though his food tasted horrible.

It was then that he realized that, it was possible that he could have made it to the City without dying and gone to eat delicious food. But his curiosity would not allow it.

To satiate his curiosity... He was willing to eat things like this simply to understand them.

Perhaps he was simply crazy.


After eating several portions of meat, Klaus took a deep breath and stood up. He looked satisfied, but he didn't even know if his stomach was satisfied or his curiosity.

Still, it was no time to dwell on nonsense.

'It's time to go to town. Let's see what a Fantasy World has in store for me.' He smiled and set off, not wanting to waste another minute.