

A villain transmigration story but with a main character that does not suddenly goes like, "Oh I am a villain nothing that I can do about it lets just randomly, out of nowhere turn evil and kill anything and anyone". Or a main character whose is too afraid to even look at the protagonist in the eye or someone who is secretly a simp, the list goes on. Though the MC will ruthless and decisive, he will be emotional and sentimental at the same time just like a normal person, not too evil not too pure.

Bliss_Writer · Urban
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11 Chs

The Promise of Partnership

The time had finally come for Lin Biao and Leng Xue to meet with the representatives from the Su Group to discuss an important contract. An air of anticipation hung in the air as they prepared to discuss a significant contract, they had chosen the prestigious Royal Palace as the venue for the meeting, specifically the presidential suite.

As Lin Biao made his way to the suite, his mind brimmed with a mix of excitement and curiosity. This encounter with the Su Group held great potential for his business ventures, and he was eager to see what this new character, Su Jing, would bring to the table.

He knew about her intelligence and competence due to the novel, but nothing could compare to meeting her in person and experiencing her capabilities firsthand.

Being the host of the discussion, Lin Biao had entrusted Leng Xue with the responsibility of preparing the room to perfection. As he entered the suite, a sense of satisfaction washed over him as he witnessed the meticulous attention to detail that had been put into its arrangement.

Leng Xue, ever diligent, was there overseeing the final preparations, ensuring that everything was in order. Her presence and expertise brought a sense of calm and professionalism to the room.

With the room fully prepared, the atmosphere buzzed with anticipation. It was now only a matter of time before the representative from the Su Group, Su Jing, would arrive. The weight of the impending discussion hung in the air, mingled with a sense of optimism for what the future held.

As they eagerly awaited Su Jing's arrival, the minutes seemed to stretch into eternity. Each passing second intensified the anticipation, and the room seemed to come alive with a heightened sense of purpose.

Lin Biao couldn't help but reflect on the significance of this meeting. It had the potential to shape the course of his business ventures, opening doors to new opportunities and partnerships. Although the Lin family was the top in the country, but this was something that belonged all to him.

Su Jing's role in the story was more than just a representative of the Su Group in this contract discussion. She held a significant position as one of the heroines, intertwined with the protagonist Ye Chen in unexpected ways.

From the beginning, Su Jing's mother, who happened to be friends with Ye Chen's mother, had tasked her with taking care of him. However, Ye Chen being the protagonist had embarked on a path of his own, working as a loyal and skilled bodyguard by Yan Wen's side. Their lives seemed to run parallel, yet destined to intersect at a crucial turning point.

As the story unfolded, a sudden twist of events changed the course of Su Jing and Ye Chen's relationship. When Su Jing's mother fell gravely ill, it was Ye Chen who emerged as the hero, showcasing his unparalleled skills and courage. In a moment of dire need, he swooped in, saving Su Jing's mother and earning the heartfelt gratitude of the entire Su family.

This act of heroism not only stirred the admiration of Su Jing but also ignited a spark of curiosity and fascination. She began to see Ye Chen in a new light, appreciating his unwavering loyalty, dedication, and unwavering determination to protect those in need. The admiration grew stronger as she witnessed his selfless acts and unwavering resolve. Only in her eyes though.

In the original version of the story, with Lin Biao still in a coma, Su Jing's cousins played the role of the villains by obstructing Ye Chen from treating Su Jing's mother.

However, with the changed circumstances, a new path emerged, one that brought Su Jing and Lin Biao together in an unexpected way.

Soon Su Jing entered the lavish suite Biao's eyes immediately fell upon her. She exuded an air of confidence and poise. Su Jing possessed an undeniable charm, coupled with an aura of intelligence and competence.

Her physical appearance was striking. Su Jing had lustrous jet-black hair that cascaded down to her shoulders, framing a face with delicate features. Her eyes were like deep pools of obsidian, sparkling with a mixture of intelligence and determination.

As she stood in the room, Su Jing's height almost reached Lin Biao's shoulders, making her approximately 5 feet 8 inches tall., she carried herself with grace and elegance, leaving a lasting impression on everyone she encountered.

As Su Jing entered the room, Lin Biao promptly rose to his feet, extending a welcoming gesture.

"Welcome, Miss Su. How are you today?" Biao greeted her with a warm smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin. I am doing well. How about yourself?" Su Jing responded, returning the smile.

Engaging in polite conversation, they both took their respective seats, ready to delve into the matter at hand.

"Well, let's not waste any time and get straight to the discussion," Biao suggested, eager to make the most of their meeting.

"Indeed, Mr. Lin, let's proceed," Su Jing agreed, slightly surprised by Biao's polite demeanor. Being part of the upper circle in the city, she had heard rumors about his situation with Yan Wen. Additionally, their previous encounter had left an impression on her, making this new encounter seem quite different.

'It seems the rumors were indeed true. He has certainly changed,' Su Jing pondered silently. Although the Su family had received an invitation to attend the birthday celebration of Old Lin, Su Jing was unable to attend due to prior commitments, and thus, had not witnessed Biao's transformation on that day.

With their pleasantries exchanged, the discussion between Lin Biao and Su Jing continued, delving into the details and intricacies of the contract they were about to negotiate.

As the discussion progressed, it became clear that Su Jing was not just a beautiful face. She possessed exceptional business acumen and an astute understanding of the contract's intricacies.

Her knowledge and insights were invaluable, demonstrating her expertise in the field. It was evident that she had worked hard to earn her position within the Su Group, and her contributions were highly regarded.

Su Jing's confidence and intelligence shone through as she articulated her points with clarity and precision. She presented her arguments persuasively, showcasing her negotiation skills and strategic thinking. Lin Biao found himself impressed by her business acumen.

At the same time, as the discussion progressed further, Su Jing found herself increasingly drawn to Lin Biao's charm and charisma. His polite demeanor and eloquence only added to his allure. The contrast between the past and present him was adding to this impression.

The discussion flowed smoothly, with both parties exchanging ideas and exploring different possibilities. Su Jing's contributions proved to be invaluable, as she offered fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to the challenges at hand.

Her insights not only demonstrated her understanding of the industry but also highlighted her ability to think outside the box.

As the conversation deepened, Lin Biao realized that Su Jing's talents extended beyond her business prowess. She possessed a natural charisma that effortlessly drew people towards her. Her engaging personality and genuine interest in finding mutually beneficial solutions fostered an atmosphere of collaboration and trust.

Throughout the meeting, Su Jing's professionalism remained unwavering. She maintained a calm and composed demeanor, even when faced with potential obstacles or differing opinions.

Beyond her professional abilities, Su Jing's character and values also resonated with Lin Biao. Her dedication to her family and the respect she held for her mother left a lasting impression. It was evident that she valued loyalty, integrity, and hard work.

As the discussion neared its conclusion, it became clear that Lin Biao and Su Jing were well-matched in their aspirations. Both individuals sought success and excellence in their respective endeavors. Their shared commitment to achieving their goals created a sense of synergy between them, fostering a foundation for future collaboration.

As the meeting drew to a close, Lin Biao couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the possibilities that lay ahead.

He recognized the potential of forging a partnership with Su Jing and the Su Group, understanding that their combined efforts could lead to significant growth and success for both parties.

With a mutual understanding reached and the contract's key terms agreed upon, Lin Biao and Su Jing exchanged warm smiles and firm handshakes, symbolizing the beginning of a promising business alliance.


With a mutual understanding reached and the contract's key terms agreed upon, Lin Biao and Su Jing exchanged warm smiles and firm handshakes, symbolizing the beginning of a promising business alliance.

"Well, I must say you have changed a lot since our last meeting," Su Jing remarked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"People learn and grow," Lin Biao replied, a hint of amusement in his tone.

"With lines like that, it seems you have grown a little too much, almost like an old man," Su Jing teased playfully.

"Haha, you can say so. By the way, how is Aunt Su? Is her condition alright?" Lin Biao inquired with concern.

"Honestly speaking, although she seems fine, I can tell she is suffering a little. After all, I am her daughter," Su Jing responded, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.

"Miss Su, as a sign of the beginning of our business relationship, I would like to give you something," Lin Biao said, reaching into his pocket.

Curiosity piqued, Su Jing watched as he handed her a small, elegantly wrapped piece of chocolate. It was no ordinary chocolate. Unknown to her, it was imbued with Lin Biao's qi in such a way that the qi would dissipate slowly into the consumer's body, offering healing properties and alleviating internal injuries

Having being a transmigrater he knew she suffered an internal injury, and gaining exoerience of a of dive doctor making something like this wass a piece of cake or should I say chocolate for him.

Though it will not fully cure her, it will alleviate symptoms and provide her with considerable relief. Lin Biao had purposely crafted the chocolate in such a way that its effects would linger, ensuring that they would have another opportunity to meet in the future.

"A chocolate?" Su Jing raised an eyebrow, her curiosity now mixed with intrigue.

"Miss Su, this is not just any chocolate. It is a special medicine that I purchased from a famous doctor through our Lin family connections," Lin Biao explained. "Try giving it to Aunt Su and see if it helps relieve her. Before you say anything, let me remind you that our family's connections extend far beyond your imagination. Even if it doesn't cure her completely, it won't harm her as it has no side effects."

Su Jing was taken aback by his gesture. The thoughtfulness and consideration behind his gift touched her heart. She could sense his sincerity and the genuine concern he held for her mother's well-being.

Although suspicious about this being a prank she believed that young master of the prestigious Lin family won't do so that too for a serious matter like this.

"Thank you, Mr. Lin," Su Jing expressed her gratitude, her voice filled with appreciation. "I will definitely give it a try and see if it brings any relief to my mother. Your kindness means a lot to me."

These were not empty words, if it really worked she would be eternally grateful to him.

With the contract successfully negotiated and the foundation of trust and goodwill established, Lin Biao and Su Jing knew that they had embarked on a journey that would shape not only their professional lives but also their personal paths.

A bit longer but anyways thanks for reading, do share and keep supporting.

See you in the next one.

Bliss_Writercreators' thoughts