

A villain transmigration story but with a main character that does not suddenly goes like, "Oh I am a villain nothing that I can do about it lets just randomly, out of nowhere turn evil and kill anything and anyone". Or a main character whose is too afraid to even look at the protagonist in the eye or someone who is secretly a simp, the list goes on. Though the MC will ruthless and decisive, he will be emotional and sentimental at the same time just like a normal person, not too evil not too pure.

Bliss_Writer · Urban
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11 Chs

Path to Success

After entering the company, Lin Biao was greeted by the employees. As the owner and CEO, his reputation preceded him, and his image within the company remained untarnished.

Though rumors about his relationship with Yan Wen had spread within the upper circle, the details remained relatively unknown to the majority of people. As a result, Biao's reputation remained unblemished.

Colleagues and employees held him in high regard, unaware of the intricacies of his personal life. This allowed him to maintain a favorable image, commanding respect and trust from those around him.

Once inside his office, Biao delved into the important documents awaiting his attention. After carefully reviewing them for half an hour, he looked up at Xue.

"Xue, go to the Su Group and arrange a meeting regarding the contract. Set it for this evening at the Royal Palace. And make sure you personally oversee the arrangements," he instructed.

"As you wish," Xue replied.

The Royal Palace was renowned as one of the city's most prestigious hotels, and it happened to be owned by the Lin family. Naturally, Biao chose this esteemed venue for the meeting.

With Xue on her way, Biao headed towards his private room within the office, where he could have a moment of solitude. Once inside, he called out to the system that resided within him.

'System, come out' Biao commanded.

[Yes host]

'Display my status' Biao requested.

The system complied, projecting his status before him.

[Name: Lin Biao

Race: Human

Age: 25

Cultivation: None (25 years' worth of qi)

Cultivation Roots: Earth Level

Cultivation Technique: Nine Turn True Yang, Grade - Immortal]

Curiosity piqued, Biao inquired about the lack of cultivation despite the accumulation of 25 years' worth of qi. He also sought clarification on the different levels of cultivation.

[The 25 years' worth of true qi within you has not increased your cultivation level because you haven't practiced the technique yet.

However, it has enhanced your strength, agility, and lifespan. Just one round of practicing the technique will integrate all the accumulated qi.

As for the cultivation levels, you will follow the progression outlined in the Nine Turn True Yang technique, which is considered one of the best.]

[The realms according to it are as follows:

Qi Refining: At this stage, cultivators focus on refining their inner energy, known as qi. They learn to circulate and control the flow of qi within their bodies, strengthening their foundation and laying the groundwork for further advancement.

Foundation Establishment: Cultivators at this stage solidify their foundation by refining and stabilizing their qi. They cultivate their internal organs, meridians, and dantian, enhancing their vitality and resilience. This stage marks a significant improvement in their overall physical and spiritual strength.

Golden Core Formation: In this stage, cultivators condense their refined qi into a core, which serves as a reservoir of immense power. The core, typically situated in the dantian, allows cultivators to tap into a deeper well of energy and execute more profound techniques.

Nascent Soul: At this stage, cultivators transcend the physical realm and cultivate a nascent soul. The nascent soul is a condensed essence of their spiritual energy, granting them a greater connection to the spiritual realm and heightened spiritual perception. Cultivators can project their consciousness beyond their physical bodies and explore higher realms.

Soul Transformation: Cultivators in this stage undergo a profound transformation, refining their nascent soul and transcending its limitations. They merge their refined spiritual energy with their physical bodies, achieving a state of harmonious balance between body and soul. This transformation unlocks immense power and grants cultivators extraordinary abilities.

Void Shattering: This stage represents a complete breakthrough of the mortal realm. Cultivators who reach this level have shattered the boundaries of their existence and achieved an unfathomable level of power. They can manipulate cosmic forces, control the elements, and tap into the deepest mysteries of the universe.

Each realm consists of nine levels, and the journey beyond Void Shattering delves into the profound understanding of the universe, multiverse, existence, and non-existence—realms that lie far beyond your current reach.

While you can follow the technique traditionally, it is common for true cultivators to forge their own path beyond this stage, using the technique merely as a point of reference.

The exploration of higher realms becomes a personal quest, seeking enlightenment and mastery through individualized cultivation methods.]

[Your Earth-level roots and the power of the Immortal-grade technique, the abundance of 25 years' worth of qi within you possesses the potential to elevate you to the third stage of the Foundation Establishment level.]

'Well, since I have some time until the meeting, I might as well get started,' Biao mused.

[I recommend using the Meridian Cleansing Pill before proceding. It will purify your meridians bring them to perfet condition and enhance your cultivation, elevating your root level as well.]

Grateful for the guidance, Biao considered the suggestion, because he almost forgot about it. Taking the Meridian Cleansing Pill would not only perfect his meridians but also boost his cultivation by strengthening his foundation. It was a step toward unlocking his true potential.

He realized that he had some time before the meeting at the Royal Palace, so he proceeded to his private bathroom.

Within the tranquil space of the bathroom, Biao consumed the Meridian Cleansing Pill. Its effects were immediate. As he immersed himself in a soothing bath, the pill worked its magic, cleansing his meridians and eliminating any impurities.

The water turned black as the impurities were expelled from his body, a visual representation of the purification taking place. The experience was both invigorating and enlightening.

After the bath, Biao emerged from the bathroom, feeling refreshed and energized. He glanced at the system's display once again and noticed a significant change in his cultivation status. His root level had increased from earth to sky level.

With his meridians cleansed, and his root level elevated, Biao felt a surge of confidence and determination. He was ready to delve into the practice of the Nine Turn True Yang technique.

Seating himself comfortably in his private room, he immersed himself in the study of the technique. Hours passed as he absorbed the profound knowledge contained within it.

Gradually, he began to grasp the intricacies and principles behind the first turn of the technique. Getting familiar with basics of cultivation, he stopped this and started accumulating the dormant qi within him.

With every passing minute, his cultivation advanced at an astonishing pace. Thanks to the surge in his root level and the perfect condition of his meridians, Biao swiftly ascended to the eighth level of the Foundation Establishment stage.

Engrossed in his cultivation, Biao was interrupted by a call from Xue. She informed him that everything was ready for the meeting at the Royal Palace.

Knowing that he still had some time before the meeting, Biao decided to make use of it.

Realizing that he needed to complete at least one turn of the Nine Turn True Yang technique, he focused his attention on the profound knowledge before him.

Determination glimmered in his eyes as he delved deeper into the secrets of the technique, determined to complete this vital milestone.

As he studied fervently, time seemed to fly by. Each passing moment brought him closer to his goal, and he could feel the power of cultivation coursing through his veins. With each revelation, his understanding deepened, and his progress accelerated.

Knowing that time was of the essence, Biao absorbed the knowledge with unwavering focus. His mind became a vessel for the ancient wisdom contained within the technique, and he harnessed it with utmost dedication.

With minutes to spare before the meeting, Biao stopped the cultivation and took a deep breath. He had made significant progress, reaching the culmination of the eighth level of the Foundation Establishment stage.

Feeling a sense of accomplishment, Biao prepared himself for the upcoming meeting. Knowing that his driving skills would allow him to reach the venue in a mere 20 minutes, he was not in a hurry.

Once properly dressed for the occasion and equipped with the necessary documents, Biao made his way to the sleek black car waiting for him. This time, he decided not to be accompanied by a bodyguard, as the rest of his team would follow in their own vehicles.

As he settled into the driver's seat, a surge of excitement coursed through him. With a powerful roar, the car sprang to life, its engine vibrating with raw energy. In an instant, they shot forward, leaving behind a trail of envy and admiration from onlookers.

The car's sleek form sliced through the air, seamlessly blending with the urban landscape. Pedestrians and bystanders turned their heads, captivated by the sight of the magnificent machine in motion. Whispers of awe and admiration filled the air as the car accelerated, disappearing into the distance.

Jealous gazes followed the Lamborghini's swift departure, accompanied by the curious stares of those who had witnessed its incredible speed. The onlookers couldn't help but marvel at the captivating display of power and elegance.

As the car disappeared into the distance, leaving a trail of envious glances behind, Biao relished in the momentary thrill.

With a heart full of excitement and a mind focused on the upcoming meeting, Biao continued his high-speed journey, the Lamborghini serving as a symbol of his extraordinary abilities and indomitable spirit.

I think there were too many unnecessary details in today's chapter, but at the same time, many things were missing. I think this is the problems with short chapters, I will look into it to see how to imprive this.

Overall, I think it's average.

As always, thank you for taking the time to read and support the story. Your feedback and reviews are always welcome and help me improve. Stay tuned!!

Bliss_Writercreators' thoughts