
Transmigrated as a villain's older brother

Aiden, a boy destined for tragedy, dies in a meteor impact during a trip with his father on an airplane. However, his father clones him to bring him back. But when Aiden dies again, he finds himself transmigrated to a post-apocalyptic realm dominated by diverse species. As he grapples with fractured memories and searches for his place, he reunites with the mysterious artifact that was tied to cataclysmic events. Alongside his newfound family, he must confront his own inner self and protect their fragile future from further conflict. ============================================================================================= Any feedback is appreciated. What to expect. Complex relationships Worldbuilding Multiple lead characters. Fantasy as well as sci-fi elements Very Slow progression. There are a lot of subplots happening. The world will continue to function with or without the influence of the mc. Don't expect a harem or fulfillment story. Overpowered protagonist. he will be powerful but not like he will overshadow everyone. This is my first time writing. I am new so you may find some mistakes and grammar errors. please point them out and I will correct them.

ManwX · Fantasie
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42 Chs

Family dinner: A dark past and future

On a sunny day, Reyhein stood before the large window on the second floor of a grand villa. The sun's rays streamed through the glass, casting a warm glow over the room. Reyhein took a moment to admire the breathtaking scenery outside, the lush greenery and the distant mountains. As he looked out, he couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for adventure and freedom.

With a sigh, Reyhein turned away from the window and walked towards his bed. The bed was a grand, king-sized mattress, adorned with plush pillows and a soft, silken duvet. Reyhein ran his fingers over the smooth sheets, tracing the intricate patterns on the coverlet. As he examined the bed, he felt something small and stone-like under his fingers, and he picked it up.

"What the hell is this?" Reyhein muttered, staring at the invisible object in his hand.

"It's like grasping nothing, but I can feel something there. It's completely invisible to the naked eye. Fascinating and terrifying."

Reyhein, who had recently adopted the name Aiden, was on edge about his current situation. Most people would believe that they had been transported to another world, one full of impossibilities. But Reyhein refused to leave everything to fate and go on adventures like an idiot. He was in a world that was completely different, a landscape that was mystical and otherworldly. The sky was unlike anything he had ever seen, a canvas painted with hues of pink, orange, and purple, as the sunset. The creatures here were like nothing he could have imagined, some of them were like giant beasts that walked on two legs, and others were flying creatures that were as big as a house.

[There was a Saturn-like planet with rings visible in the sky. He had just seen a titan-like shadow reaching the skies, at least 10km in height. It had no physical form, just glowing eyes and clouds. Reyhein couldn't even begin to imagine what this world might hold.]

Reyhein was worried about what was to come. He knew that someone or something had manipulated the scene, some godly entity. He had learned much from his father, who had traveled the world.

"One thing he always said is there is no coincidence. Everything can be explained in due time. Seek the truth always, Aiden, whatever it may lead to," Reyhein remembered his father's words.

As he looked at his hand, where the stone should have been, Reyhein knew that he had to take control of his fate. He was tired of being used and abused, and he was determined to create his own destiny.

"What is this stone? And why do I have it? I need to find out," Reyhein thought to himself, determination and curiosity burning in his eyes.

Aiden is very worried about what is to come. Someone has pulled strings in manipulating the scene. he thought

[Was it fate? It is so meticulously crafted. I might be paranoid but if someone wants to use me I will not be used. I have been abused and used for far too long I am sick of the very thought of it. I will create my fate by my own hands]

Putting the stone in his drawer, Rayhein starts thinking about what to do next. This world is truly something that he can't survive. Remembering the head of the household, he recalls a name:

"Ivan Tepish Draule. My father. I'm the oldest one of his sons. Dracule. Draculeeeee. WIAATTTTT."

Rayhein sat in deep contemplation, his mind racing with thoughts of this strange world he had found himself in. He remembered the name of the head of the household - Ivan Tepish Draule - and realized that he was the oldest son of the Draule family. The word "Dracule" kept repeating in his mind, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it held some significance.

With determination in his eyes, Rayhein jumped to his feet and began frantically searching his room. He pulled books from the shelves, tossed aside furniture, and looked in every conceivable nook and cranny. He was convinced that there was something in this room that would help him make sense of this strange new world.

But despite his best efforts, he couldn't find anything that seemed relevant. He muttered to himself in frustration, "It should be here. I know the word 'Dracule'... that stone and this book must be related somehow. But where is it? Why can't I find it?"

Rayhein took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. He picked up the stone from his drawer once more and held it tightly in his hand, focusing all of his attention on it. He closed his eyes and tried to remember anything else he had read about this world, but the only thing that came to mind was the fictional stories he had read while visiting Japan. They had been amusing to read, but he realized now that they held little relevance to his current situation.

Feeling defeated, Rayhein surveyed the mess he had made in his room. Books and other items were scattered everywhere, and he knew that he would have to clean them up before the butler came to check on him. As he began to gather the items, he couldn't help but think, "I thought it would work. I'm starting to feel like this god or whoever it is is playing a game with me. It's not going to give me an easy time in this world."

Just as he finished tidying up, the butler knocked on his door. "Sir Rayhein, dinner is ready. Please come into the dining room."

Opening the door, Hans the butler was met with a chaotic scene. The room was in disarray, as if a tornado had torn through it. As he approached Raylein, the butler's expression was serious and terrifying, catching Raylein off guard and causing him to jump back in alarm.

"What the fuck? Is he mad? Did I do something stupid or something?" Raylein thought, confused and a little frightened.

The butler grabbed his hand tightly and said, "Calm down. Please give me a moment. This won't take long."

Getting very close, he opened Raylein's eyelids to inspect his eyes and then checked his pulse and took one of his fingers.

"I'm sorry but I need to verify something, please bear the pain," he said, as he pulled out a small dagger from his pocket sleeves and made a small cut on Raylein's finger. As he examined the blood closely, he let go of Raylein's hand gently.

"I'm very sorry, master, about the pain. I just had to confirm my suspicions. It seems you are alright."

He suspected something had happened before he took over the original Rayhein body. Something very serious. Reyhein was very interested in asking him but he put it off as he was about to meet his family. Having an expression of concern and doubt. Something like this was important.

"What happened? Can you tell me, Hans? Why did you act like this?" Rayhein asked, his voice shaking with emotion.

The butler, after hearing, denied speaking and tilted his head sideways to show that he wouldn't speak. Wondering how to break the news. Struggling with a sorrowful and regretful expression.

"I'm sorry to startle you, master Rayhein. Just know that now please do not act suspiciously. I will inform the maid to clean your place. Just tell me if anything happens. For a month just don't do anything out of the norm. You were attacked by a dark rift walker. The symptoms have not shown. I think you resisted it, but I am not sure," the butler said, his voice heavy with concern.

Flabbergasted by the news, Rayhein felt his stomach drop. He just now put the pieces together.

[So this is how the original Rayhein died. Something like this dark walker virus or something killed Rayhein. But how did the body survive and how do I not have the symptoms? Does this stone cure things? So many mysteries]. His mind raced with thoughts, fear and uncertainty creeping in as he struggled to process the revelation.

Standing up, the butler, Hans, grabbed Rayhein's hand to give him support as he stood. "Let's go to the dinner, Master Reyhein, everyone is waiting for you at the table," Hans said, trying to sound cheerful, but the worry was clear in his voice.

Rayhein had too much on his mind to process. The recent events had been overwhelming, and he was filled with paranoia about the situation. Everything was a mess in his head. In a moment of impulse, Rayhein did something that made sense to him in that moment.

"SLAP!" The sound echoed through the room as Rayhein slapped his own cheeks, trying to snap himself out of his thoughts.

Hans heard the sound and immediately turned around, heading towards the door. "Huh!" He exclaimed in surprise, as he had never seen the master act in such a way before. It was both off-putting and concerning for him.

Looking a little calmer after slapping his cheeks, Rayhein just walked forward towards the door, with Hans following closely behind. "You're coming, Hans?" Rayhein asked, his voice still shaking with emotion.

A little stunned by the remark, Hans responded, "Ahh, yes, yes, Master. Let's go."

Hans was worried that the recent events may have had a negative impact on Rayhein and had a dark taint on him. He could see the master's behavior was not normal, it was kind of refreshing but concerning at the same time. He made a mental note to keep a close watch on Rayhein in the coming months, just to be safe.

Rayhein was relieved and thinking as he walked from the stairways from the 1st floor to the ground and then to the hallways leading to the dining hall.

[I can think of the complicated things later. Let's just focus on one thing at a time. This world its origin is very mysterious. I can only do so much but slowly and surely I will get to the bottom of this. The book with the history of this world. That stone with such a mystery. This family and this fantasy world. Something tells me this is not as simple as some random history of heroes and villains. Something has big plans. On earth, I had been drilled to my core everything about tactics, history, martial arts, critical thinking, technology, and science. It has given me some insights to think out of the box in dire situations. Hopefully, these hellish experiences and scars on my psyche will help me survive whatever is coming.]

Opening the door hans lets rayhein in and closes it after he passes. A fantastic view of a dining hall is presented before him. It is decorated beautifully with lights and dining props like candles and very uniquely shaped dish trays and tablecloth that seems to be made out of animal skin. It's not a very big table and only a 12 seater. Many kinds of foods are present on the table. 4 figures are present on the table the head and rayheins father sitting on the front corner of the table watching rayhein very carefully

As soon as Rayhein sat on the chair, he felt a sudden pressure in the room. It was as if he was not welcome there, and he knew he had made a mistake by sitting on the wrong chair. He quickly realized

that the chair was off-limits to everyone unless his father, Ivan Tepish Dracule, approved it.

Rayhein's heart skipped a beat as he recalled the consequences of his mistake. He braced himself for the inevitable onslaught that was to come.

The family members, except for Rayhein's mother Ullie Tepish Dracule, looked at him with disdain. Ullie was the only person in the room who might not hate Rayhein completely, although she did not like him either. That's what rayhein thought.

"WHO PERMITTED YOU TO SIT THERE, RAYHEIN?" Ivan's voice boomed through the room, sending shivers down Rayhein's spine.

Rayhein knew he had to choose his words carefully, if he spoke at all. He didn't want to make things worse for himself.

With an apologetic expression on his face, Rayhein calmly stood up and took another seat next to his little brother, who was flabbergasted and angry at the same time.

"How dare such a coward as you sit there? You are just a pathetic good-for-nothing. Know your place," Avan spoke with pure animosity, his eyes glaring at Rayhein.

Rayhein was at a loss for words, but he could sense that there was some history between Avan and his little brother.

As the family sat around the table, Rayhein noticed a cute doll-like thing sitting on the table. It was his little sister, Lilly Tepish Dracule. Their eyes met briefly, but she quickly averted her gaze with a scornful expression.

Rayhein realized that he needed to do a thorough revision of his memories, as the situation was not looking good for him. He felt embarrassed for being caught lacking like this.

"Enough, let's proceed with the prayers and eat this dinner," Ivan finally said, ending the awkward silence.

The family began to eat, and Rayhein noticed some strange-looking dishes on the table. There was a big flying insect, a weird-looking fish with a glowing antenna, and a meat dish that looked like a hybrid of a dog and a hippo. Rayhein was not even bothered by the strange dishes, as he had spent some time in China and had tried some similar things.

As I sat down to eat, I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The food was okay, but the atmosphere was stuffy. Despite this, I continued to try different dishes until suddenly, a conversation started.

"How is your training going, Avan?" asked his father.

"It's going well, father. I'm still learning, but I've already mastered the fire manipulation magic series," replied Avan, with a hint of pride in his voice.

His father was amused by this news and couldn't help but smile with pride. "Well done, Avan. You may be one of the youngest to master a series of magic so early, but don't let it get to your head. You're not as special as you think," he added.

Avan's little brother looked disappointed at their father's comment, but kept his head down. I sat and listened quietly, observing the interaction between the family members. It was an interesting dynamic to experience, considering that I grew up as an only child on Earth. I wondered if I would ever fully understand the complexities of family relationships in this world.

As the conversation continued, a sudden coughing fit interrupted us. The doll-like little girl sitting next to me was coughing uncontrollably, and blood started to come out of her mouth. Everyone was shocked and stunned. The mother instinctively held her daughter and comforted her.

"Shh, it's okay, Lilly. Please don't worry," said the mother, as she rubbed her back with near-teary eyes. The father immediately ran to get their resident doctor, while Avan's little brother looked worriedly at his sister. He gave me a glare, perhaps thinking that I was somehow responsible for this sudden turn of events.

"I hate you so much. If only that day you stood your ground, you coward. Now you're a failure, a leech using our family name,"

Avan's little brother shouted as he stormed out of the dining room and ran towards his mother and little sister. Rayhein was left speechless, unable to comprehend what had just happened. He quietly left the table, feeling overwhelmed by the situation. He wanted to approach his little sister so badly, but seeing her with red eyes and coughing uncontrollably broke his heart. He just stood there, with a sorrowful expression and a glimpse of seeing his sister looking at him with pure hate. Rayhein eventually left the dining hall without looking back.

As the night took over and the skies became darker, many creatures, including animals and things that glow in the dark, appeared. Rayhein lay in bed, thinking about the events of the evening.

"Reyhein, poor guy. I understand why you said those words," he thought to himself.

"I'm a burden, huh?" he continued.

Rayhein wasn't disappointed or concerned. He was simply overwhelmed by the sad events that this poor guy had gone through. As he revised the memories he had obtained from Rayhein, he slowly began to understand him. It was unfortunate that he had to endure such pain. It was no wonder why his family hated him. He had lost all self-esteem and had shut himself down from the world, ridiculed and shunned by everyone for being selfish in his life. Rayhein could understand his pain and the mistakes and choices he had made. He had acted like a brat, but deep down, he had lost all motivation and was barely hanging on to life.

Rayhein closed the door to his room and the maid who accompanied him handed him a blanket and a glowing light. He collapsed onto the bed, closed his eyes and tried to recall everything he had experienced. After an hour passed, he opened his eyes with a sad expression on his face.

He clenched his fist and gazed at it with determination. Rayhein was now determined to do everything in his power to change the circumstances that he had just witnessed. With the knowledge he had recalled, he knew that this family was doomed to be torn apart. His sister and father would perish, and his brother would join the dark Eclipsa faction, leading to a devastating war in the kingdom. In just seven years, everyone in the household, including Rayhein, would die one by one.

"I can't even begin to imagine how events will play out, but if what I read in that book is true, I have only seven years to save myself and my family," Rayhein thought to himself.

The book he had read on Earth contained some general information about the history of the kingdom, including a possible future where the hero and the villain were his brother and the Eclipsa faction, respectively. There was much more to the story, and Rayhein knew that these events would set off a domino effect that could not be stopped.

Rayhein stood up slowly from his bed, his eyes transfixed on the glittering stars outside his window. His heart felt heavy as he remembered his father, wishing he could have him by his side in this moment of uncertainty.

"Dad, this is such a mess," Rayhein whispered, his voice barely audible. "I wonder what you're doing now. But I'm going to let you go now. I have a family here just like how I had you on Earth. If I don't do anything, then many more people will die. This world is harsh, but I will survive. I owe this life to both Reyhein and you, Dad."

He took a deep breath and turned to face the room. The maid who had accompanied him handed him a blanket and a glowing light source. Rayhein sank onto his bed and closed his eyes, his mind wandering to the events he had witnessed. The memories played like a movie in his head, vivid and haunting.

After an hour had passed, he slowly opened his eyes. His face was etched with sadness as he stared at his clenched fists.

"I can't imagine how events will play out, but if that book has factual information, I have only 7 years to save myself and my family."

The thought of losing his sister and father and watching his brother join the dark Eclipsa faction to wage war in the kingdom was not a good one. Rayhein knew he had to do something.

"At twelve years old, I'm expected to join a school soon with avan, who's only nine," Rayhein mused

"My first goal is to prove myself and enter the prestigious Rumira School of Magic Arts and Combat. But I have only six months, and I have already failed twice before. This is my last chance."

"I have to get close to my little brother during these school years. Plus, I need to qualify, not in magic, but in something else," Rayhein thought to himself, staring at his reflection in the dimly lit mirror.

He stared at himself in the mirror with a dim light, a smile appearing on his face despite the turmoil within him.

"Ha! This is so unfair. Poor Rayhein was born a null."

"not that i have a problem with. I always had the odds against me. I still remember those Asian kids. I spent days and nights studying, without sleep, for many months before the exams. And yet, I was still not the regional topper in both academics and sports on my first try. Those Asians are something else. But one thing I never did was give up. Watching my dad do his utmost for the world, he cured his mother's incurable disease. Watching him work diligently without rest motivated me to do the same. After a while of continuously working hard, I did indeed rise to the top. Sadly he did not acknowledge my efforts"

As he looked up at the night sky, Rayhein felt a mix of fear and determination. The road ahead would be full of hurdles, and he knew it would be challenging to keep up in a world where magic was the standard of might. But he refused to give up. He owed it to himself, his family, and his father's memory to fight and survive.


In the heart of a dense forest, a creature unlike any other stood ominously in the darkness. Its twisted form appeared to be that of a corpse, its flesh pale and mottled with rot. Its eyes were sunken and lifeless, and its hair hung in matted tangles around its face. The creature's hand glowed with an eerie white light, swirling and pulsing with otherworldly energy. As it moved, the light grew brighter and more intense, illuminating the surrounding forest with an unearthly glow. The air around it crackled with an electric energy, sending shivers down the spines of any who dared to approach. The creature seemed to be conjuring something, its form twisting and contorting as it worked its dark magic. The sight of the creature was both horrifying and mesmerizing, like staring into the abyss and seeing something unspeakably ancient and evil staring back.