
Transmigrated and Became an..... Overlord.

Su Zeich is an orphan and a cripple. He lives his days in seclusion, reading and wondering if he will ever get a chance to lead a normal life. Unfortunately one day he dies in his sleep. Su Zeich wakes up and finds himself in a deep forest. Memories comes flooding in and he knows that he transmigrated to a fantasy world where power and strength reigns supreme. Ze feels happy because here he is no longer a cripple but feels sad because this world is unbelievebly dangerous. But Heavens were on his side as he got an overpowered system. And there begins his adventure to become strong in the entire Nine Heavens so that he lives a peaceful, adventurous and idle life. Warning 1 : Due to the nature of the novel, MC always keeps low-key and tries to live a idle, adventurous life. If anyone does not like Overpowered MC or idle MC, you might want to skip this one. Warning 2 : English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes please forgive me. Thank you.

Bored_Adventurer · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Test? 2

Ze found himself in a dark place. The surroundings are barren and was overflowing with air of decay. Ze found that he was not alone. Beside him was a man in his thirties, he was wearing a white dress, looking aloof from the world. That man was his friend.

They both massacred their way into some ancient ruins, which is said to host some ancient treasure. And sure enough there is. A dark red sword was levitating in mid air in front of them. The sword looks ethereal and a faint ancient sword qi was flowing from it. Ze's friend gave him the first chance to try his hand. Ze touched the sword to try making a contact with the spirit of sword but to no avail. He tried for sometime but nothing happened.

He got back and Ze's friend try his hand and as soon as made contact the spirit gave a response and soon his made contract with the sword. Ze felt it was unfair and he too wanted the sword. But it is impossible because contract has already been made. Ze already has many treasures but the feeling that something rejected him and choose another got to him.

He envied the sword and hated his friend. He wanted to kill his friend and the spirit in the sword too. It would take a some hundred million years to nurture such powerful sword spirit but it was alright, Time is nothing to him now.

He was about to act when again he stopped. This is different from how he would act, he would be happy that at least his friend got the chance and as for the sword, it rejected him, why would he want that. Soon the scenery changed again.

[Primeval Sin of Envy - Cleared....]

Ze found himself in a forest and there are divine fruits and Wild beasts all around him. These fruits are all Celestial grade and the beasts are all ancient and if one cooks and eat them, they would be delicious and a premium nutrient for qi gathering. Ze soon immersed himself in the delicacies and ate so much of them, soon he found that he could not eat and drink anymore. He soon remembered that he is not a glutton and he enjoys eating but that is not his entirety. Soon he found himself in another place.

[Primeval Sin of Gluttony - Cleared....]

Ze laid in a comfortable bed and is sleeping. He did not know how much time did he sleep but he felt that he did not want to wake up. He slept some more. A war is waging some distance away from his place and demons are slaying people and the people are on losing side and soon there will be complete bloodbath. Ze felt like he wanted to help, but he still like to sleep, he felt that it was their fate and began to sleep. Ze then woke up and saw that demons are winning, he snapped his fingers and all the demons turned to bloodmist. Ze felt that he is a lazy person and would not casually mess with others business, but not so lazy enough that he wouldn't lend some helping hand in secret as long as the enemy is not stronger than him. Soon the scenery changed yet again.

[Primeval Sin of Sloth - Cleared....]

Ze came to a Jade Palace. It looks stunning from outside, but that doesn't matter because there will be a bloodbath here soon. This is the palace of his enemy. When he was still weak, Ze found a treasure which will give him a divine beast's bloodline but his enemy snatched it from him and also ruptured his dantain while at it. Ze then swore vengeance in his heart. He is powerful now, so he came back.

He went inside the palace and soon found his enemy, he is playing with his grandchildren. Ze got near and fought to kill him but he found that his enemy is not so strong but was also pleading him to let his descendants go. His children and grandchildren were all pleading him on their knees. When he was just about to kill them all, he stopped yet again. He broke his enemy's dantain and left the place. Ze found that he was not a person who lives for revenge. He repaid the favor to his enemy and maybe he did not exterminate the root of problem and they may come back for revenge but he did not think they would. Because they know they can't beat him and also he found that they were sincere in pleading as if they just want to live. And Also no one can beat him, because he is the strongest. Soon Ze left that place too.

[Primeval Sin of Wrath - Cleared....]

Ze woke up and found that he was asleep in his room and the sun is setting outside, it was evening. He remembered that he was waiting for system's response but fainted in the end. He also remembered seven dreams where he did not act like he was supposed to. While he was thinking about this, system voice rang once again.

[Ding! Host passed the system's test. Found that the host matches the requirements of the system, So permanent binding commencing....]

[Ding! Success! Primeval Sign-in and Pick-up system is eternally bound. Nice to meet you, Master]

Ze heard the messages from the system and for a moment was stunned. Test? What Test? So the dreams are tests? What is this? There seems to be some wrong script going on here. I have never heard of a system testing its host. What is going on here?