
Transmigrated and Became an..... Overlord.

Su Zeich is an orphan and a cripple. He lives his days in seclusion, reading and wondering if he will ever get a chance to lead a normal life. Unfortunately one day he dies in his sleep. Su Zeich wakes up and finds himself in a deep forest. Memories comes flooding in and he knows that he transmigrated to a fantasy world where power and strength reigns supreme. Ze feels happy because here he is no longer a cripple but feels sad because this world is unbelievebly dangerous. But Heavens were on his side as he got an overpowered system. And there begins his adventure to become strong in the entire Nine Heavens so that he lives a peaceful, adventurous and idle life. Warning 1 : Due to the nature of the novel, MC always keeps low-key and tries to live a idle, adventurous life. If anyone does not like Overpowered MC or idle MC, you might want to skip this one. Warning 2 : English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes please forgive me. Thank you.

Bored_Adventurer · Fantasie
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24 Chs

s at Fu Residence

After the meeting ended, Miss Xuan and another girl walked into a spacious courtyard and began to relax. If Ze was here he would know that this girl is the same one he saw in serpentine forest. Her name is Xuan Qing. She was looking from time to time at the other woman and began fidgeting. The other woman is Xuan Rou. She is the grand elder of Divine Heavens Sect.

Rou : "Why are you fidgeting? Do you have something to say?"

Qing : "Master, Why didn't you say that we will find those people in Death sea? You used your divine ability to confirm it right? Why this search in the yellow desolate?"

Rou : "My idiot disciple, do you think I did that with no valid reason? Even if we don't find them, by searching the other desolates we will find many demons and slaughter them. And for the Death Sea, even if they know, what can they do? No one that goes into those depths comes out alive.

Even the previous grand elder of our sect entered those depths using Saint-grade relics. He also died. There are simply too many beasts there. We cannot do anything.

Well, you do not need to worry about this. Most likely they will strike in ten years. You prepare for that time.

Now leave me alone. I would like to rest for a bit."

Qing : "Yes, master." She gave a deep bow and left.

Xuan Rou sighed at her disciple. This girl is a gentle person and also a budding genius. As they are from same clan, she took her under her wing. But this idiot disciple doesn't show much cautiousness. She do not know the cruelty of the world. She hopes that this trip will be helpful to her.

Actually, Rou is housing a secret that no one knows. Except for one person. She actually came from middle heavens. She is a Saint realm being. Because of the heavenly restrictions, her realm is at True Immortal.

She came here under the orders of a person. That person said that all she had to was search for a certain being and that he will be in the continent. She also said that there will be signs guiding her and the first sign will cause a huge commotion.

Its been three years since then. She finally got the sign. But there is no clue about the person. Even with her divine abilities, she could not find him. She did not know what to do, but she had a hunch she will find some clues in the yellow desolate. That is one of the reasons why she didn't oppose for the search.

She didn't know what that person wanted by finding this being, but she must definitely complete this mission. She sat and began to use the laws to find some clues.


Meanwhile in middle heavens.

In a luxurious palace, an astonishingly beautiful fairy was taking care of her pet. It is fiery red in color. Fires danced alongside its skin and there is ruby crown on its head. The bird looked divine and majestic. This is a ancient divine beast called phoenix.

After feeding the phoenix, the fairy looked at the stars in the sky and was silent for a moment.

She then spoke in a soft voice, "You finally appeared. I've waited for so many years. I hope we meet soon. I will be waiting for that day."

She then entered her room and began to cultivate.


Ze just had his meal and laid on the ground under the tree. He suddenly sneezed. What? Is someone thinking about me? No, that shouldn't be possible. I don't know anyone in this world. So it must be a natural one.

He has four opportunities for sign-in. He hoped to get some technique to use in battle.

Dawn came and he signed in at the tree.

[Ding! Congratulations, Master. You got "Primeval Void Firmament Cosmic Steps."]

[Primeval Void Firmament Cosmic Steps : A cosmic movement technique which when mastered will give the host unparalleled speeds.]

Yes! Finally! He got a movement technique. With this he would not have to use space law. He will keep it as trump card.

He then assimilated the technique. He saw a scene in his mind. A dark shadow is running at high speeds in grass fields. The shadow suddenly took a step and instantly disappeared from the stop. It reappeared at a very different place? No, no this is a different universe. It again took a step and disappeared. It again came at a different universe.

Like that an unbelievable scene is playing inside his head. A dark shadow is jumping form universe to universe like it is the most natural thing. Ze understood the technique, entered the void palace and began to train. He executed the technique, disappeared and appeared thousands of miles away from his previous spot.

Ze knows that there are nine stages in the technique. At first stage, he can displace himself for about a billion miles. If he reaches the ninth stage perfection, he also can jump around the universes.

What an unbelievable..... normal movement technique. He practiced until next day. He signed in again.

[Ding! Congratulations, Master. You got "Primeval Void Devouring Nightmare Descent."]

[Primeval Void Devouring Nightmare Descent : A technique which can be used with fists or foot. The technique was formed, keeping in mind the power of the most powerful void beast "Nightmare Descent." When practiced to perfection, you can shatter a universe with your fists/foot.]

Ze : "... What am I? Some God of Destruction?"

No, no.... I better keep my mouth shut.


[Ding! Congratulations, Master. You got "Primeval Void Grand Space Teleportation".]

[Primeval Void Grand Space Teleportation : A teleportation technique which allows to teleport anywhere the host wants. It can also be used by one's will. Spatial restrictions will not have any impact.]

Ze : "...."


[Ding! Congratulations, Master. You got "Void Celestial Shadow Mirror."]

[Void Celestial Shadow Mirror : This is a different space which allows the host to have battles. The host's consciousness enters the space and then the battles are ensured. After the battle, host will regain his consciousness and also the memories, the pain are transmitted to the host's body.]

Ze : "This..... It is simulation, right? And also I will have the pain and memories transferred. That's basically having a real fight. With this I can train my techniques and accumulate battle experience."

He entered the void palace to check out the mirror. He found it in the main hall. It is oval in shape and has a height of six feet. It has golden frame which has many figures of beasts, which looked divine. The mirror itself is abyss black. He cannot see any reflection but he had a feeling his consciousness can enter the mirror anytime he wanted. He checked it for a few minutes and got out.

After that Ze left the residence and began to walk out of the city. He planned to enter the Desolate Yellow Forest. He has to collect resources for his cultivation and there are plenty in the desolate.

Ze wanted to travel for the central region but since he have many techniques and things provided by the system, he wanted to increase his realm fast.

He executed the cosmic steps and began to run towards the desolate.