
Transmigrated and Became an..... Overlord.

Su Zeich is an orphan and a cripple. He lives his days in seclusion, reading and wondering if he will ever get a chance to lead a normal life. Unfortunately one day he dies in his sleep. Su Zeich wakes up and finds himself in a deep forest. Memories comes flooding in and he knows that he transmigrated to a fantasy world where power and strength reigns supreme. Ze feels happy because here he is no longer a cripple but feels sad because this world is unbelievebly dangerous. But Heavens were on his side as he got an overpowered system. And there begins his adventure to become strong in the entire Nine Heavens so that he lives a peaceful, adventurous and idle life. Warning 1 : Due to the nature of the novel, MC always keeps low-key and tries to live a idle, adventurous life. If anyone does not like Overpowered MC or idle MC, you might want to skip this one. Warning 2 : English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes please forgive me. Thank you.

Bored_Adventurer · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Nightmare Descent & Training

After entering the inner region of the forest. Ze slowed down a bit. Up to now, all the beasts he encountered were below transcendent realm. So, he had no problem dealing with those beasts, but in the inner region, higher realm beasts exists.

He planned to find a place here. Something like a cave. He wants to train in his void palace by using the shadow mirror. He will try to gain combat experience before venturing too deep.

He found a suitable place. It was currently occupied by a void formation beast, Green-scale dried scorpion. He killed the beast and naturally sealed the entrance with a big rock. He hoped when he came back, there will no beasts. He did not want to get ambushed.

Ze then entered the palace and began thinking about what to do. Since one day in the real world is equivalent to hundred days here, he wanted to make use of this time in full.

Ze : "I will train my techniques during the day and enter the mirror at night. When I reach enough proficiency in techniques, I will try to have more battles."

Although Ze was able to travel fast and cross thousands of miles with his cosmic steps. It is far too inferior considering the size of the forest. Actually to travel this place so fast, Ze already used his divine ability void teleportation many times. Otherwise, he would've taken much more time.

And he also never practiced the fist technique the system gave him. He tried to familiarize with cosmic steps first, so he neglected it.

Ze then sat down on the ground and began to assimilate the technique. After assimilation a scene was played in his mind.

He was levitating in the endless void and he couldn't see any planets or life forms near him. He can only see distant stars.

Out of nowhere, all the void dimmed. Ze had shivers up his spine. A domineering and tyrannical aura began to spread in the void. Ze saw a behemoth which is so big, that it covered his entire vision.

The behemoth then stretched its paw and was slowly moving towards him. The paw was so slow that one could wait for eternity and never come in contact with it, but was also unbelievably fast. It arrived before him in an instant. The surrounding void cracked, unable to hold the pressure. The scene ended there.

Ze then opened his eyes and couldn't properly breath for a long time. He was drenched in sweat. The last feeling he had from that scene was he felt endless pressure, fear and despair. He never felt such fear.

He quickly regained his emotions. Although he was afraid by the technique, he was overjoyed at how domineering it was. Not only will it bring force to destroy your opponent but it has also innate effect "Fear" combined with it. In the face of the technique, everyone will feel the tyranny of the Nightmare Descent beast. He was curious about this beast now.

Ze : "System, What kind of beast is this Nightmare Descent?"

[As I already said before Master, It is the strongest void beast. For now, it is also the strongest existence in the cosmos. It is the guardian of the cosmos and also stops cultivators from reaching the outside mortal universes. Only Primordial Gods are its match. But even they will have a tough time dealing with the beast.]

Strongest existence in the entire cosmos? Wow... And the system managed to give him a technique derived from this beast. What a...... really normal system!

Ze then began to train vigorously in the both fist and movement techniques. Since the foot can also be used for the technique, he began to train in that too.

He practiced all day and entered the mirror at night.

Ze came to a secluded place. It was like the void and he is currently standing in the void.

Opposite to him a shadow of a human began to form and after a few breaths of time. It was completely formed.

Ze became vigilant and began to use his eyes. But to his surprise he didn't get any information. He thought since it is system's arrangement, he didn't get any clues. When the battle started, he can then look for information like flaws, techniques and such.

While he was thinking, the shadow did not make any move. After that Ze too stood vigilant, but didn't move.

Maybe the shadow got impatient or something, it suddenly laid authority on Ze. The shadow arrived before him in an instant and attempted to punch his throat.

Ze laid out space authority to cancel the shadow's authority and used cosmic steps to retreat.

To his surprise, Ze saw that the authority laid by the shadow is Gravity Authority and movement technique is same as his, cosmic steps.

While he was still gasping in surprise, his legs felt weak and he almost knelt down. He then felt a pain in his chest and he was back in the palace.

Before he could guess what happened, he felt a piercing pain in his chest. All the pain and memories are transmitted to the real body.

After that he began to sort out his memories. The shadow used a formation disk without Ze noticing and trapped him for a fourth of a second. One can guess what happened next.

Formation disks are like instant formations. As long as energy is provided, they will be laid in an instant.

Ze was surprised for just a moment about the fact that opponent has universal law too. But it spelled death to him in the end.

Well, that aside, The system never told him it was death battle. He thought it was some regular duel. But the system's reply was much firmer this time.

[When have I said its a friendly duel, master? It is your own assumption. Also keep this in mind master. You have to prepare for anything that comes your way. The world of cultivation is not forgiving and ruthless. Everyone has to depend on themselves to survive and get strong.

True Friends are as rare as ancient relic in this world. Since you have found no one to truly trust and share your burden, I suggest you train well and be strong fast, Master. Otherwise, you will get bullied or worse killed.]

Ze was in disbelief with system's response.

Yes, you're right, its my own assumption. What you've said is also completely true. I totally agree. But do you have to be so stern? I just asked a question. Ze felt that he was wronged.

He calmed down and entered the mirror again.

Like this, Ze trained for a whole week in the palace. His techniques and battle instincts had a huge leap. His only regret is that he still couldn't kill the shadow. No matter what he did, the shadow still emerged victorious. So, he decided to get outside and hunt to vent his frustration.

Ze reappeared in the cave and found that no beast entered the place. He removed the rock and began to run into the forest again. His face showed a rare smile and he was excited to fight with strong beasts.