
Transmigrated and Became an..... Overlord.

Su Zeich is an orphan and a cripple. He lives his days in seclusion, reading and wondering if he will ever get a chance to lead a normal life. Unfortunately one day he dies in his sleep. Su Zeich wakes up and finds himself in a deep forest. Memories comes flooding in and he knows that he transmigrated to a fantasy world where power and strength reigns supreme. Ze feels happy because here he is no longer a cripple but feels sad because this world is unbelievebly dangerous. But Heavens were on his side as he got an overpowered system. And there begins his adventure to become strong in the entire Nine Heavens so that he lives a peaceful, adventurous and idle life. Warning 1 : Due to the nature of the novel, MC always keeps low-key and tries to live a idle, adventurous life. If anyone does not like Overpowered MC or idle MC, you might want to skip this one. Warning 2 : English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes please forgive me. Thank you.

Bored_Adventurer · Fantasie
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24 Chs


In a courtyard which is approximately ten miles from where Ze is, many elders were gathered. The atmosphere looks tense and no one is speaking. A group of youths arrived at that time and seated around the place.

"Since the brats are here, lets get this meeting started," said a burly man. He is an elder from Purple Firmament Sect.

"Yeah, let's wrap this up quickly and get to work. We can't afford to give those people any additional time," said another elder.

"Okay then, let's start from the beginning and review what everyone knows," said a mature woman. She is dressed in white and looked aloof from the world. She seems to be from Divine Heavens Sect. This sect has many members dealing with fate and karma laws. So she seems to be leading the meeting.

"Approximately three days ago, Zuhan city in eastern region encountered a weird incident. Clouds gathered from 1000 miles and looked like a tribulation is about to occur.

But the tribulation never came and after that the eyes of heavenly dao appeared over the whole continent. They soon disappeared again."

She took a breather and the continued.

"We can infer from this incident that it is not tribulation that took place, but it is heavenly punishment. I think everyone knows here that eyes of heavenly dao do not appear so casually. So we can say that the heavens wanted to punish some people, but they used some means to escape.

After this incident, sects and clans agreed to meet here at this place with each sending two elders.

Now, before everyone decide what to do, let me tell what news I have. Everyone believe that this incident stirred up trouble in continent and probably lower heavens.

I'm sure many already requested aid from your side. But its much more than that. A Celestial of my sect contacted me from upper heavens that day. He said major changes are about to happen in the continent. He asked me to capture the person responsible and investigate the whole thing thoroughly.

So, I request if you encounter the person, try to capture him first instead of killing. Well, that is all from me."

As soon as she finished the room remained silent. The news was much more serious than they expected. A celestial from upper heavens gave specific instructions? This is getting way out of hand.

No one asked any questions regarding this matter. Although the Divine Heavens Sect is not the most powerful sect, it is most reliable when reading the signs of changes in heavens and earth. So, they understood the situation well.

After some time, an old looking elder began to speak, "Fu clan, tell us the result of your investigation."

The elder from Fu clan was name Fu Tian. He was powerful and an arrogant person. He was respected everywhere he went. But now no one batted an eye at him. He was frustrated but did not show it.

He began to speak in a low voice, "After the incident, We mobilized our forces all over the city and also searched the surroundings. We couldn't find any clues. All that is left is to search in Desolate Yellow Forest. But we do not have many men at higher realms so we only searched the outer parts of the forest."

An elderly woman snorted and said, "As expected, this is basically no news. You not only allowed such persons to enter your region, but you don't even have any clues? Do you guys even know how to search for people? This is just a waste of time. I suggest we charge into The Desolate and find those filthy beings."

"Alright, alright, calm down. We can't put the blame on the Fu clan. But I agree that we search in the desolate as soon as possible," said another elder.

Everyone also agreed. But the woman from Divine Heavens Sect said, "I have a feeling we wouldn't find anything in the desolate."

"Do you think that they might have escaped elsewhere, Miss Xuan?"

"That is possible. After all, its already been three days. We are not the only people with plans."

"That's right."

"So what? We will search the other desolates too. We must definitely find those people, Otherwise I feel we will not any chance again, if we delay more."

"I think so too. Since help from lower heavens will come from all our sects and clans, I suggest searching the other desolates."

The woman then spoke again, "I think everyone is forgetting about a desolate we cannot search. Even if we have help and proceed with extreme caution, I think we cannot enter the depths of Boundless Death Sea."

"I agree with what you say, Miss Xuan. But even those demons cannot enter those places without having heavy losses. I think they will most likely hole up in 10,000 lonely mountains. There are many places to hide in there. Although its dangerous too, here they will have less casualties."

"That may be true, but the demons are staying in the desolates for millennia. They will have their ways to live there. So, I think they will leave for the Desolate Sea."

The room then became silent again. Although they are prepared to search the desolates, they are somewhat reluctant to enter the depths. There are true immortal and divine realm beasts in those depths and the number is too high. And the Boundless Death Sea is truly a nightmare. No person who ventured into the depths there never came out alive.

The desolates are divided into four regions. Outer, Inner, Central and Core regions. The sects and clans only enter up to inner region. The outer and inner region only cover about 30% of the whole desolate. The central region is the place where demons live. But the core region is truly dangerous. Hundreds and thousands of wild beasts at higher realms stay there. Even demons don't enter that place. This mainly true for the Death Sea.

After that silence, someone asked, "Who do you think are those people?"

"We have no way to know who they are. But I bet they are those evil cultivators from Asura Clan. Only they would do such vile things."

"That is not entirely true. Although they cultivate in a different way and have weird tendencies, I do not they are responsible."

"Yeah, they may be weird, but it has to do with their innate laws. We cannot blame them. We also should not forget that they contributed very well during the great wars."

"That is true. Although once in a while, someone goes berserk in their clan. They clean up their own mess and offer compensation for the trouble too."

"We cannot treat them differently. I agree with that. Also if they are really responsible, do you think they will drag things such that they reach to this point?"

"I do hope that they are not responsible. We cannot have a fight with those 'Rulers of Night.' We will have many casualties."

"Let's leave it at that. We should not speak about them in this manner," said Miss Xuan.

She continued, "So I believe we should first search the yellow desolate. After help from lower heavens arrive, we will search the other desolates. As for the death sea, we will decide later. Any objections?"

No one objected.

"Then lets prepare to leave tomorrow at dawn. The elders from the respective sects and clans are responsible for the safety of their younger generation in the forest. If you think it is dangerous, I suggest you leave them here. Alright, lets meet at dawn then." said Miss Xuan. Then she got up and left. Everyone also began to leave.


Meanwhile Ze was pondering about the conversation happened at the meeting. Three days ago, he was in the void palace assimilating the body so he missed these events.

Also these things happened at the same city he stayed. Ze was a little disappointed. He never saw tribulation, so he was curious about it and also the eyes of heavenly dao was even rare among other things. He missed that too. He was a little annoyed that he missed these things.

But he also heard something which interested him. Something about Asura clan? What got his attention was they seem to be called "Rulers of Night?" What was that about?

Ze got a crazy idea, but he did not whether it was true or not. He never showed any interest in the clans and sects, but he wanted to check out this Asura clan. But it will have to wait till he get stronger.

He didn't think much about other things discussed in the meeting. He entered the void palace and began to cook the snake to eat. He will sign-in here a few days and leave for central region. He then began to think about what other 'normal' things the system will give.