
Transmigrated and Became an..... Overlord.

Su Zeich is an orphan and a cripple. He lives his days in seclusion, reading and wondering if he will ever get a chance to lead a normal life. Unfortunately one day he dies in his sleep. Su Zeich wakes up and finds himself in a deep forest. Memories comes flooding in and he knows that he transmigrated to a fantasy world where power and strength reigns supreme. Ze feels happy because here he is no longer a cripple but feels sad because this world is unbelievebly dangerous. But Heavens were on his side as he got an overpowered system. And there begins his adventure to become strong in the entire Nine Heavens so that he lives a peaceful, adventurous and idle life. Warning 1 : Due to the nature of the novel, MC always keeps low-key and tries to live a idle, adventurous life. If anyone does not like Overpowered MC or idle MC, you might want to skip this one. Warning 2 : English is not my first language, so if you find any mistakes please forgive me. Thank you.

Bored_Adventurer · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Desolate Yellow Forest

Ze reached the desolate in six hours by using cosmic steps. It really saved him so much time. Normally it should have taken him about four days to get here without the movement technique. Ze now can basically cross a hundred thousand miles in an instant, but he is no way near achieving the first stage perfection.

Yellow Desolate is a place with thick trees. If one looked from above, One can observe that the whole desolate is like a round yellow plate with a diameter of countless miles, placed on the ground. It is as big as a galaxy. Ancient yellow cedar trees, which had a height of 300 meters filled the forest.

Standing at the entrance of the forest, Ze can hear beast roars constantly. After all, there are countless beasts in the forest.

Ze has three goals to achieve by entering this forest. First is to collect beast cores and increase his realm. Second is to find rare fruits and herbs. He already planted the fate bellowing fruit seeds, a small tree began to grow in his void palace.

The third reason is to collect food. The snake beast meat is no more. Ze didn't think he was a foodie or something and also he didn't have to eat anymore since he reached void formation realm. But it is like a habit to him and he couldn't help but feel uneasy without eating something.

And also eating meat for five days straight got him restless. He really want to find some fruits, most likely spirit fruits and herbs. The food in this world is also helpful in cultivation. By eating divine lord beast meat and spirit fruits, Ze already has a feeling that he had great progress in cultivation.

Thinking like that, he entered the forest. He began to move at high speeds, while being vigilant. He is constantly watching his surroundings with his divine eyes, while his shroud ability hid him from prying eyes. The shroud ability is a passive one and no one can see through him. He is invisible like air and space.

He already travelled in to depths of outer region. He didn't see any beast at higher realm and also not many valuable fruits and herbs. While he was travelling, he saw a battle few miles away from him.

A young looking girl at soul formation realm is in battle with a beast. She was on the verge of losing her life. The beast is also at soul formation, but beasts are more powerful than cultivators at the same realm.

Ze began to sort the information about the beast. It is three-eyed demonic ape. It had innate chaos law. It could have easily killed the girl, but it is just toying with her.

Ze narrowed his eyes and began to move towards the beast. It was about the strike the girl again. The girl was holding the sword and was trying to cut down the beast.

Ze closed the distance in an instant and punched the ape's head. It exploded beautifully like a watermelon.

The girl was stunned for a moment. She searched for some other beast or person but couldn't find any. She immediately bowed and said, "Thank you, elder." She then plucked a herb which is behind the ape's corpse, bowed again and left.

Ze knew the reason for the fight was the herb. It is called Three-colored Soul grass. It is useful for people who are attempting to breakthrough to soul formation. It also has a calming effect on the soul.

But the reason the girl fought for it despite being at soul formation, shows that she has another use for it. Although it is a tier-6 herb, it is one of the main ingredient in making a tier-8 Soul cleansing pill.

The pill will have a great effect on people who came in contact with Decay law and had accumulated soul damage. So, the girl probably got it for an acquaintance. Ze prayed in his heart for her safe return and began to move again. Given her strength, it is highly possible that she will be safe while travelling back.

He travelled for about an hour when he encountered a swamp. He took a step disappeared and appeared on the other side of the swamp. He began to move when an alligator caught his eye.

It is a Grey rock alligator, it is at void formation realm. The reason he stopped was he never had alligator meat. He heard its delicious. He killed the alligator stored it in the palace and began to move again.

He is already at the inner region of the desolate. He plan to move to the central region, improve his cultivation and then enter core region. There will be true immortal beasts present at the core region, so he had to be prepared.


Desolate Yellow Forest, Depths of Inner region.

It has been almost five days since Xuan Rou and others left the city to the forest. They travelled for three days and has been in the forest for two days.

For now this search was going smoothly. But it is getting more and more taxing on the people. They did not even enter the central region and yet they are encountering many beasts.

Xuan Rou began to think. If this continues, once they enter the central region lives will be lost. Her disciple is also getting restless. There are many poisonous snakes and bugs present here. They couldn't get much rest.

She thought she would encounter some clues about that person but there are none until now. She began to wonder if she was mistaken. Presently, all the people were resting after a long battle. She was about to ask her disciple, if she alright.

Suddenly she looked in a certain direction. A smile bloomed on face. Finally he's here.
