
transmigrate into a merman in apocalypse world

a university student passed through into an apocalypse world packed with zombies, mutated creatures, aliens, and many more .but who would've thought that he not only has to deal with this world horrors but he also has to accept that his current body is useless. mc: what can I do when I'm a mermaid now ?!! the sea is full of mutated monsters, the land is also full of many more !!! thank goodness I had my golden finger or I'll die of hunger ...............huh?!! someone is falling from the bridge, let's go save him!!

alexDna · Urban
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123 Chs

the second unlocking

the ride wasn't bad we had long exceeded 190 meters still nothing disturbed us, the cave now really looked barren

'huh?', my nose caught a scent

"weird, I smell the sea"

"not any sea, this scent is too intense, how do I explain it? it's like salty smell from the sea, like the result of mixing something with water, like a flower into the water,.... let's just go check it!!" explaining is not my forte so why bother explaining just go directly and see.

following the scent, we arrived in a room like a cavern, the supposed underground acidic (sour) water surrounded with softer stones, such as limestone. was filled with salty water !! the Irish smell of the sea was even more intense than the sea itself.

"there's something underneath the lake, I'll go find it"

"I'll go too"

"you are overreacting, water especially seawater are kind to me if there's any danger I would've had sensed it, in contrast, I sense that something good is underneath"

"be sure sure to keep your tickets and talismans with you ", Li knows that he can't help when it comes to underwater but with all the items Erhha holds he can be assured that nothing will happen to him

"just in case, put this on your hair, there is a tracking device inside the hairpin, if anything happens I'll run to you."

"ok!!", I look behind me at Li Xiang before I jump, thinking how good it feels to have someone worry about you.

I dive down into the dark waters, I couldn't see anything as if I was swimming inside the abyss, my body just moved by itself.

my heart is pounding, the mind is empty. it's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into my carotid, I strain into the utter darkness after my heartbeats steadied I started hearing whispers, no it was a song

♬♩♪♩"I float through the deep rivers looking into an endless stretch of midnight

hoping to sink into these sweet slumbers

yet along separated roads, separation is bound

destiny is entwined

the story untold

fallen in vain

in this merciless prison

I need rest".♩♪♩♬

the ethereal voice really sounded like a siren singing alluring me in, for a moment I was scared, it is a fact known that when you hear a beautiful voice in a dark place, you run!! I then felt an unapprehended message, assuring me that it's ok.

of course, I was still creeped out, I had no choice from the start, my body is moving by itself, I also found it weird, why am I not scared? why am I calm?

finally, a light source, tiny but bought me salvation from the glum darkness

"an orb?", I have a good view of the lightning orb, the same shape as the bloody red orb we just took but blue.

I approach the orb then pock it with my finger, one I made contact with it

"detecting a lost fragment"Poseidon shop" from Poseidon system integrating"

"congratulations host, you now have a new function from the system 'Poseidon lucky spin wheel"

"you can now draw a random gift once every day for free, notice: the more you pay(EP) the more probability to get the high quality draws you can get"

There was an explosion in my brain, I got buzzed by excitement, this is good news; it means that I can still get other system functions, what is more, exciting is that this function is not necessary to use money!!

time to go back

I swim back to the surface, I sit by the shore then look around looking for Li Xiang

"huh? where did he go?"

"you got out", Li Xiang appears from behind a big crystal, "follow me, you need to see this"

he took me in front of a crystal wall, translucent and smooth, inside a nacked man was sleeping, not any man that looks frozen inside an iceberg, this guy looks exactly the same as Li Xiang!!!

I look at Li Xiang," when did you have a brother"

he shakes his head, "not a brother"

"an ancestor?

"originally when I found this wall, nothing was inside but I still felt like I was watched from inside, I touched the surface with my hand, blood oozed out and I couldn't take my hand out, few seconds passed when I could take my hand back, I used psychic powers to check inside, guess what I saw"


"no, I saw a womb, I watched a speed video of the entire process from pregnancy into childbirth to a man"

"let me ingest this , he's not your brother nor is he your ancestor but your son!!!", I exclaim

"shush!! don't talk bullshit , but it's true, I feel like we share some kind of connexion, and...", before he could finish his sentence the crystal cracked

"What is this ? is the egg cracking? the baby is coming out!!", I say excitedly

"Stay back", he stood in front of me

the cracking line expanded, and with a pang, the crystal shell finally broke.

author: I apologize for stopping here in this scene, I just got stuck on what identity I need to give for this entity, is it an enemy or an ally, if so is he a servant, pet, love rival, or a soulless weapon.

Share with me your opinion :




pet (that can change its body into a human)

love rival(a new entity with its own thinking and similar to Li Xiang)

soulless weapon( an ancient puppet weapon)

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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