
Transforming Beauty

Beauty Smith, an ordinary and directionless college girl with a poor fashion sense, often found herself targeted by school bullies. However, her life took a significant turn when she befriended the campus heartthrobs, Nicholas Johnson and Thomas Anderson. Initially paired with Nicholas, their differences became apparent — Nicholas prioritized his grades while Beauty lacked concern for her academic performance. Determined to help her improve for the sake of his grades too, Nicholas helped unleash Beauty's inner potential. But as Beauty became closer to Nicholas and Thomas, malicious rumors began circulating, turning her college life into a living hell. Will these rumors ruin the friendship she built with Nicholas and Thomas?

roseescribbles · Teenager
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34 Chs

Chapter Twenty Five

I was used to being bullied and being a lonesome wallflower in our school. That's why at the moment, I am feeling a bit awkward as I stand still beside the swimming pool under the moonlight of the night while exploring the area using my gaze. I could hear everyone laughing, chatting and playing at the swimming pool, making the water splash on my skin that gave me chills. In addition, people here are too nice to me which was totally unexpected. I may have judged them when I was still a lonesome wallflower with two real friends.

You might be wondering what I keep on blabbering about.

I've been invited to a pool party by Quila and her cheerleading team. She said that it's her birthday and she'd also like to make it a welcome party for me because I just joined their cheerleading group. I was feeling shy at what she said because I've never encountered someone who'd be willing to share her party with someone else, if you get what I mean.

Yes, you heard it right! I finally came to a decision to join their cheerleading because I'd like to distract myself from everything I found out.

It's been 2 weeks since my last interaction with NJ and since then, he really stopped barging inside our house. At school, he never talked to me and looked at me. Shouldn't I feel relieved and happy because he finally left me alone and no one's invading my privacy? But why am I feeling lonely? Probably because I got used to his presence that's why.

I shook my head sideways to clear my thoughts of NJ. As much as possible, I'd like to chill and forget what's bugging me even for a while. It's really sad that neither NJ nor Tom are with me. That's why even though everyone's very friendly to me, it felt different.

I guess my world's not the same without those two.

The good news is they don't get to see me in a swimsuit.

Honestly, I'd like to wear sleeveless and shorts but Quila said that wearing such attire is against the swimming pool policy. It's their private pool! I would understand if we were having a party in a luxurious resort. After all, luxurious resorts were a bit strict with swimwears and all.

No, I haven't been to a luxurious resort. I'd rather swim in public pools and pay less than swim in a luxurious resort and make myself broke.

Okay, maybe that's a bit exaggerated but it's possible. I only found out about the rules and everything because of NJ. He's richer than I, remember? And heck, my family's far from rich!

So now, here I am, wearing my swimsuit. I had to buy one because my elder sister won't allow me to wear hers. Ugh, that selfish girl! But at least I got it at a cheaper price. And listening to this, I found a swimsuit to buy. One swimsuit! I'm planning on selling the other swimsuit to have extra income. I'm not gonna wear that again, anyway.

I've already expected that everyone's going to wear bikinis or any type of swimwear that looks so sexy so I've decided not to buy the one piece swimsuit. I'd make myself fool out of that because it looks like I'm wearing a student's swimsuit. But I didn't wear a bikini either. I'm not used to revealing a lot of skin to people I barely know.

So I've decided to wear a brown a-shape swimsuit with tiger prints, much to my liking.

It was night so I'm freezing out here. It made me hug myself and rubbed my skin a bit to warm myself up even just a little.

Lost in thoughts, Quila approached me with her wine in her hand. "Want a drink?"

"No thanks, I'm good," I answered.

"If you want some wine, just let me know, okay?" She said, "If you're feeling cold, why don't you jump in the pool and swim?"

I looked at the pool and saw some unfamiliar faces. Their pool has lights underwater with different colors. It looked like some kind of a disco ball but when you're out of the pool and look at it, it looks very pretty. Who doesn't like lights in different colors?

Because of the lights underneath, I'm pretty sure that the water isn't that cold. So I've decided to jump in the pool but not without letting Quila know. It's rude to leave her when she approaches me.

"Sounds good to me," I answered. "How about you?"

"No or maybe later," Quila responded. "I kinda want to be wasted."

I raised a brow and said, "With wine?"

"No,silly," she answered. "We have stronger drinks inside if someone would like to get wasted."

"Uhm, well...okay," I simply answered and with that, she went back to her house as I slowly dipped my feet in the water to feel the temperature first, before sinking down into the water. And of course, I did not forget about wearing my goggles.

When I was finally in the water, I smiled because it felt warm and felt good. I swam a bit 'til I reached the edge of the pool. Have I mentioned that the pool is quadrangle in shape which made it harder for me to swim?

I'd rather swim in a normal pool with the shape of a rectangle. That way, I will be able to swim freely.

But I personally don't like having a pool.

Imagine cleaning it everyday.

Imagine the expenses because of the water and chlorine.

Not that I need to stress over that kind of situation. And to avoid stress, I am not going to have a swimming pool in my own house someday.

Or maybe I could have and when I get to have my own swimming pool in my own house, I'll have it rented privately.

Isn't that a nice idea?

I scanned the area while I was staying still at the edge of the pool in the water when I noticed some couple making out.


Can't they be in a private place?

So I turned my gaze away and convinced myself that I did not see a few couples chewing each other's mouth.

Okay, I'm changing my mind about having my imaginary swimming pool rented because if I do, I might see couples making out like a few couples I just spotted here.

Later on, I went out of the pool, grabbed my towel and wiped myself. After wiping myself, I wrapped the towel around me because as time passed, it got even colder.

Worried that I might get sick, I went inside Quila's house to take a bath and change into my PJ's because I'll be staying overnight.

As I went past the people I barely knew, I could smell the alcohol reeking. Laughters and chatters filled the whole house. It was hard to walk when you could barely see, not because of my poor eyesight but because the lights were off.

This is the first time I've experienced this and it made me uncomfortable. I could not believe that I am experiencing the things that I only watch on TV.

What made me uncomfortable was the couple making out and grinding each other. I was beyond disgusted! I know, I was being harsh but I am just saying what I feel, is that wrong?

I changed my mind.

I'm not staying overnight.

I'm going home.

I appreciate the welcome party, I really did. But if I'd rather go home and hang out with NJ and Tom. Party peepz call that boring, but personally, it's fun especially when you're with your good friends.

I wasn't even sure if I enjoyed my time with Quila or not.

Well, I guess not really.

But of course, I'm still going for the cheerleading dance group.

Anyway, as soon as I was able to reach the guest room where I was supposed to be staying overnight, I immediately went to the bathroom, washed myself and dressed up.

Just in time, my phone rang.

I answered it and heard Tom's voice from the other line.

"Hey, babe! Where are you?" He said.

"Shut up Tom," I answered. "Your family is already gone. We're done pretending, okay?"

I heard him chuckle and said, "Grumpy? Don't be like that, come on!"

"Whatever. Why are you calling?" I asked. "It's already 11PM!"

"Your sister told me that you left your house to go partying," he said. "Glad that you picked up. I'm worried."

"Yeah, that's true. And honestly, it wasn't fun," I said. "I'd rather go back home than stay overnight so I will."

"Where are you exactly? I'm picking you up."

"Don't bother. I'm fine. I'll take a cab" I said as I hung the strap of my bag over my shoulder. "I'll be safe."

"Cab? At this time of the night?" He said. "I doubt that you'll eventually find a cab."

"That's true," I answered. "I'm gonna book Grab instead. Happy?"

"Well, I'll be happier if you choose to let me pick up that book Grab" he said.

"I'm telling you, I'll be fine," I assured him. "I'll share with you the profile of my rider once booked. Sounds good?"

I heard him sigh from the other side of my phone and didn't let him speak a word. As I dropped my phone, I opened my GrabApp and booked a car.

When a rider confirmed, I smiled and went out to wait for the rider.

It wasn't so long when I saw the rider's car coming through. I stood still and waited for the rider to finally arrive.

And when the rider pulled over, I felt someone grab my arm together with the mysterious man.

"HE-" I tried to scream but a hand covered my mouth tight that made my scream sound like whimpers. I struggled, trying to escape from the mysterious' person grasp. I felt terrified that I would tear up.

When I felt that the person's grasp loosened, I took it as an opportunity to hit him using my elbow, crouched then jump so I could hit smack his chin upwards using my head and when I felt that he stumbled backwards, I buried my pointy nails very deep on the culprit's arm and now, he's the one who made a sound.

I was about to run away when I heard the culprit's voice. "Hey!"

It sounded familiar so I looked back to see who that guy was.

It's our library boy, Brent.

"Brent?" I confirmed.

"Yeah, it's me" he responded while rubbing his hand, where I dug in my pointy nails. "You don't need to hurt me!"

"Every woman would react like I did if someone grabbed them all of a sudden!" I yelled at him. "In the dark! IN. THE. FREAKING. DARK!"

"Oops, sorry about that," he said. "What are you doing here anyway?"

"No, what are YOU doing grabbing someone just like that?!" I yelled at him then I heard my notification just to see that the rider who was supposed to be my ride back home canceled the booking due to a long wait. I looked back at him and shot him a deadly glare. "It's your fault! IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!"

"What did I do wrong?" He asked.

"If only you didn't drag me, my rider won't be canceling my booking and I am probably going home by now!" I yelled. "WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!"

"This is an overnight pool party, why are you going home?" He asked. "Come on, let's go back inside and dance."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I yelled in frustration. "Go and party with yourself. I wanna go home!"

He dragged me again with him, pulling inside. "Come on, just go with me inside" he insisted. He's strong, that's why I've been struggling with trying to escape from our library boy who turned out to be a freak!

Then suddenly, I felt that he finally let go of me. Not because he wanted to, but because he went flying towards the bushes which made my eyes widened.

My first instinct was to get the cover of the trash bin so I did.

And when I was about to use that cover to slap the next guy who came, Tom's face appeared from the dark.

"Tom?" I said.

"This is exactly why I want to be the one to pick you up," he said and walked towards me. I dropped down the trash bin's cover and ran towards him.

"Thank you for saving me from that creep!" I said, tears still streaming down my face.

Library boy was lucky that I still have a kind soul that I chose to leave rather than to hit him with the trash bin's cover over and over and over again.

"How did you find me?" I asked while walking next to him.

"It's a secret," he answered and I frowned. "Let's just go home. I know you're tired."

"And sleepy," I added then yawned. I looked at the time and saw that it's past midnight. I'd like to go home but I don't want to wake my sister and mother up.

So I did the most unexpected thing that I'd do. "Tom, will you let me sleep in your place?"

Tom looked surprised at first and I can't blame him for that. I trust Tom and he's my friend. Also, I once went to his dorm so I knew that I'd feel comfortable.

"Sure, no prob," he answered. "But are you really sure? Your mom and sister might be waiting."

"No they don't," I said. "I told them that I'm staying overnight at my co-cheerleader's place."

"Co-cheerleader?" Tom repeated in surprise. "You mean, you finally decided to join their club?"

"Yep," I confirmed, then rode on his motorcycle after him. "I'm tired, I'll tell you about everything once I regained my energy." I said then wrapped my arms around his waist. I wanted to sleep so badly but if I sleep, there will be a high risk of death. I might fall if I let myself go to sleep.

He chuckled and said, "If you say so, sweetie"

"Stop with the endearments," I said sleepily. "We were just pretending, remember?"

"Sorry about that," he said. "You ready?"

"Ready when you are" I responded and with that, he started the engine of his motorcycle and drove to his dorm.