
Transform the World

Zenon was expelled from the magic school that he had been studying for two years. He was deemed as "Talentless" by his peers and professor alike. However, Zenon's life changed when he came across a fortunate accident that changed his life for better or worse. He obtained an Ancient Magic so unique that it required the combination of two different, yet at the same time suitable entities. Magic and Science! An Ancient Magic that could Transform all things into an entirely different entity. But of course, Time was needed to master such power, could this "Talentless Mage" reach the peak of his power, or would he succumb first to the cruelty of the world?

Numero · Fantasie
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3 Chs


Zenon eyes wide opened to the number of things that surprised him in a short span of time.

"Sorry, you want me to join the Wings of Freedom?" Zenon said disbelieve painted on his face. "Do you know what I experience because of you guys?"

"What do you mean?" Clyde looked at him with confusion in his eyes. "Can you please elaborate, I don't believe we know you or any of our members?"

"Yes, you probably don't know me, yet you still manage to harm me unknowingly." The memory of his dark days inside the dungeon cell started to flood Zenon's mind and he couldn't help but be mad at these people.  "I was accused of being part of the rebel group and tortured for days. Do you know how much suffering I undergo in those days? Luckily, I managed to escape if not I was probably dead by now."

"Is that why you're in the dark alley covered in blood?" Clyde asked, his eyebrows were raised a bit, but not just him. Nerissa and even the silent Grunt produced a little gasp as they didn't seem to expect the words that came out of his mouth. "If that's the case I must apologize. Although we're not the ones who did it, we unintentionally harm you. Please forget about the invitation I just offered, I understand that you don't want to join a group that brings harm to you."

Zenon felt a bit guilty after witnessing the heartfelt apology of Clyde.

"No, I'm sorry." Zenon lowered his head and bit his lower lips, frustration could be seen on his face. "Yes, your group is indeed one of the reasons why I was captured, but in truth, the real problem is Baron Christoff Ironbash," Zenon said the full name of the person who tortured him for days with intense anger in his voice. "But still, I have no intention of joining you guys."

"I see that's a shame." Clyde dropped his shoulder and exhaled a heavy sigh. "I understand your decision. But if I can ask for a favor. If I'm not mistaken you can use a healing magic am I right?"

"Yes, but how do you know that?" Zenon furrowed his eyebrows.

"Don't get us wrong," Nerissa interjected, it appeared that she didn't want to cause any more misunderstanding. "When one of our members found you in the alley, you were covered in blood and bruises. However, when you got here and were examined there's not even a single cut on your body. So, yeah, I conclude that you can use healing magic."

"Ahh, that's indeed a possibility." Zenon accepted the reasoning. "However, may I know where exactly this place is?"

"We're in the Curse Forest," Clyde answered with a calm tone.

"Curse Forest? You mean The Curse Forest?" Another thing that surprised Zenon. "Why did you set up camp here in all places? Do you know how dangerous the Curse Forest is? It's one of the Seven Dangers of the World!"

"Please calm down." Clyde smiled at his overreaction. "Of course, we know how dangerous one of the Seven Dangers of the World is. Don't worry we're just in the periphery of the Forest. Also, we have an Artifact to counter the Curse of the Forest, although it only works on its periphery."

"Still, isn't it too dangerous to bring normal people here?"

"Yes, it is indeed. Regardless, this place is the best place to hide, because the Baron will never think we're here."

"So, there's some truth in the rumors, that you guys are crazy. Anyway, how did I get here?"  Zenon Changed the topic. "If I'm not wrong, you need at least a day to get here from Siradela. Don't tell me you also have a teleportation Artifact?"

"No, how can something precious fall in our hands." Clyde shook his head and denied the assumption. "Yes, it takes one day to get here from Siradela. Maybe you don't know this, but you have been sleeping for two days… No, if we include the day it takes to get you here, three days. You have been asleep for three days."

"What?" Once again, another surprising thing hit him. "I guess that's possible if I think about the things that my body went through."

"May I ask, what do you plan in mind?" Clyde asked about his next move with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "After all, if you escape from the Baron you can't go back to Siradela anymore. You will probably become a wanted man."

"I have no clue, that's why if it's okay for you can I stay here for a bit longer? Just until I have recovered fully."

"Please do, in fact, we welcome your stay. The only thing I want from you is to use your magic to heal those wounded."

"I understand, I will do that as a contribution and to repay the favor of saving my life." Zenon stood up. "Then if that's all can I go now? I am a bit tired and my body still aching."

"Ahh, yes, of course, I'm sorry for our poor hospitality." Clyde instantly accepted Zenon's request to leave.

Zenon walked towards the exit. However, before he went out Nerissa stopped him. "Wait." 

"Do you need something else, Lady Nerissa?" Zenon politely asked.

"I wanted to ask. Do you not want revenge towards the noble that tortured you?" Nerissa asked curiously.

"Oh, believe me, Lady Nerissa. I do want revenge, no… in truth my craving towards it, is so strong that I don't know if I can't stop myself if I see his face." Zenon's aura was emanating with hatred, that even the trio sitting frowned as if it was directed at them. "However, I'm not stupid. Revenge is… a treacherous path, and with my current strength I will only serve myself on the silver plating."

"Understandable." Nerissa nodded her head.

After saying that, Zenon left, not looking back anymore.


A week had passed since the meeting with Clyde and the others. Zenon was staying at the same tent where he first woke up, and he learned that it was designated as a place to care for individuals with injuries.

The revelation came with the news that a conflict had erupted the exact day of him being saved, involving the rebels and the Baron. It dawned on him that the absence of guards in the dungeon cell might have been due to the turmoil resulting from this battle, shedding some light on his unexpected escape.

He fulfilled his promise and cured those who had injuries recovering them in their previous state, except for those who lost a limb or two as he didn't have the ability to produce more molecules only change their state and shape. Because of this, he became instantly popular around the rebel group treating him as one of their own.

He also tried healing Grunt for his minor injuries, but he learned that his magic couldn't affect those who had purer or the same Mana purity as him. The Mana of the target would interfere with his Mana Control making it fail.

Zenon also received the news that the building his grandfather left for him was burned down by the soldiers of Baron Christoff, painting him as a dangerous man who killed a lot of people. Because of this, his anger toward the man achieved a new height.

For the first time in his life, he wanted to kill a man, no… not just kill, he imagined different kinds of torture that he wanted to do with him. Every night before he slept, he imagined Christoff screaming and begging for his life.

Finally, the day had come when he decided what he wanted to do. Early in the morning, he went to Clyde's tent to inform him about his decision. Inside he saw Nerissa and Clyde having some kind of discussion.

"Oh, you're here Zenon." Clyde smiled after seeing him walking inside the tent. "Do you need something?"

"Yes, I'm sorry to interrupt your meeting," Zenon said looking at Nerissa and Clyde. "I wanted to inform you that, I'm going to leave the camp today."

"I see, it's sad that you're going to leave but that is your decision to make." The smile on Clyde's face was replaced by regret in his eyes. "But I hope before you go, we can give you a warm goodbye. Of course, only if it's okay with you."

"Of course, I will love that," Zenon smiled hearing Clyde's suggestion.

"But may I know what's your plan?" Clyde curiously asked.

"I plan to go to the Big Town called Baar, it will take around 10-11 days for me to get there, but I want to go there and become an adventurer."

"Ahh, Adventurer huh, I guess that's not a bad plan. I wish you luck then."

"I know this day will come." Nerissa joined the conversation. "That's why I already prepared a farewell gift. Here take this," Nerissa used the spell "Levitate" and controlled the book towards him. "I know that your knowledge about being a mage is very limited, and that book will help you a little bit with that."

"Thank you." He bowed his body towards Nerissa, showing that he loved the gift.


After an hour, the 50 or so people inside the camp gathered together, for the single purpose of saying goodbye to him. A lot of them were saddened by the news of him leaving, but the one who was really hit by this news was Celine.

Celine had become closer to Zenon in the past few days. She seemed to like him as a role model and a big brother, due to him helping a lot of injured people. Resulting in her always visiting him in his free time.

Therefore, she cried and tried to convince him not to go. But his decision was final. He wanted to hone his skills, learn how to fight, and expand his knowledge. Staying here would not help him achieve that.

"Please big brother Zenon don't go," Celine said with her pitiful tone. "What about those people who will get injured again, who's going to heal them if you're gone?"

"Celine, don't make things hard for Zenon." Clyde held Celine's shoulder stopping her.

"But brother Clyde, what if I never see him again like mommy and daddy?" Celine looked up to his brother with his crying eyes. "They also said they would come back but they never did."

Zenon felt his heart was getting stabbed when he saw Celine crying and almost begging for him not to go. "I'm sorry Celine, but I need to go." He crouched and patted her head. "It's not like we're not going to meet again, I'm sure in the future you and I will see each other, and if that day comes, I want to see how much you've grown and improved."

"Promise?" Celine reached out her small hand while her pinky was sticking out.

Zenon smiled and held the little pinky of the girl with his own pinky. "I promise."

With that, he stood up and looked at Clyde once again.

"I will go now, it's a shame that Grunt was not here. I hope you can relay my goodbye to him." He said while smiling.

"Don't worry I will." Clyde smiled back. "Remember, walk straight and don't stay too long in the forest. After you leave the effect of the Artifact you will feel that your Mana is getting absorbed. It is normal around here as long you don't stay too long in the Curse Forest you will be okay."

Zenon nodded his head, remembering everything. After that, he looked at the people who gathered just to say their goodbye. He smiled at them, remembering all their faces.

"I will go now, thank you for all the help you give me!" Zenon bowed his head and shouted so all the people could hear his gratitude towards them.

Then, he turned his back and walked straight. He didn't want to look back, afraid that if he saw their face again, he might lose his determination to leave. He could even hear Celine's voice screaming. "BIG BROTHER, PLEASE TAKE CARE, I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU!"