
Transcendent Senses

This novel starts with the journey of Nikolai, an assassin who decides to leave his deadly profession behind. Upon resigning, he discovers an ancient book that reveals a prophecy, hinting at an unimaginable destiny that awaits him. - This novel is set in an era similar to the victorian era but it is quite different. - The main character has undiagnosed depression so the start will be a bit slow.

baalnana · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Same Old, Same Old

Nikolai did not know where he was.

It was dark like a void. It seemed like something was wrapped around his eyes and mouth to keep him from killing himself.

He felt like his body was tied up upright. He didn't feel cold but that was just him being him.

He had awoken hours ago and ever since, he had been laying in silence, not even a peck of air could be heard.

He was alone. But he should be used to it by now.


The Haise was a secret organization where they cater orphans and train them to be assassins.

Xander Crowell had started from the lowest tier of life and had climbed up to his rank now. Once begging for money and now drowning in it.

Xander was in a dilemma now Nikolai had gone and left. Firstly, younger children had been nagging him nonstop on when Nikolai would be coming back. He had tried to explain that he likely would not but the children refuse to believe it.

Secondly, the Haise headquarters have six dormitories for the older kids. The third dormitory is filled with troublesome kids. They had been disciplined by Nikolai for years but now that he's gone, Xander is afraid they might act up again.

The Haise has a small group including Xander that take care of all internal problems and take intel. But lately they have slowed down due to the loss of Nikolai who had the ability of looking through memories.

Xander wasn't the only one in a dilemma. The whole of Haise was in one. Now, they have to make use of their money to buy information from suspicious men.


Kris was having tea in broad daylight in a cafe. She sat with a man with a white beard.

Kris sipped the tea, who held the teacup in a rather unsual way, and asked, "Mister Dean, you must need something from me as you have called me so urgently. May you tell me what it is?"

"Don't push me." He said seriously.

Kris sighed, playing with her lab coat, "Okay then."

Sitting in silence, Kris had started staring at the sun. "In mythology, Iesa, god of harvest created the sun, didn't he?"

Ikura doesn't reply. Instead, he stood up, stood in front of Kris, and kicked her seat.

"Mister Hawke?" Kris blurted, her bottom is on the ground now.

"What have you done?"

She blinked, "What the fuck are you saying?"

She had removed all kinds of respectful tone and harshly spoke.

"Don't bother fooling me, Miss Kris. I have witnesses." Ikura had pulled the collar of her coat, pulling her close.

"Witnesses to what?" She yelled as if asking someone to help but the passersby ignore her predicament as if it wasn't happening at all.

Ikura gazed harshly at her for a moment and his right eye changed from gray to a reddish color. His expression changing from anger to realization.

Then he let go of her collar, dropping her to the ground.

Kris coughed and glared at him profusely as he apologized.

"I was mistaken. You get a bonus this month."

"Can't even apologize, can you?" Kris scowled.

Ikura looked pissed but gave in, "I'm sorry."

"Not enough. A sorry is not enough. What will the people say when they hear that the highly acclaimed Ikura Hawke attempted to choke his employees?" She sneered.

He adjusted his necktie, "I will make sure you won't be alive to tell people that."

Kris smirked. 'He is still the same person who had recruited me back then. I had hoped he hasn't changed.' She stood up and dusted her clothes. 'Especially with how he is nowadays.'

Shorter chapter today. It's Eid so we're celebrating. Happy Eid to those celebrating

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