
Trama bros

Sans went out to get groceries, and instead he got a lover.

Ellie_Spring · Videospiele
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Trama Bros

It was a nice day in Ebott City, The sun was covered by the clouds as the breeze moved leaves on the ground. Inside a cozy home were two skeleton brothers. Sans and Papyrus. Sans was the eldest brother as Papyrus was the younger. People tend to get them confused due to their heights because papyrus was taller than sans. Papyrus was in the kitchen and looked into the cabinet.

"Nyeh! We are all out of Spaghetti!" Papyrus exclaimed. Sans was in the living room on the couch when he heard this. He turned off the television and went into the kitchen to see no more pasta left.

"It's okay bro, I will just go to the store and fetch some more. We have been needing to get some groceries." Sans said with a shrug. He walked to the front door and grabbed his phone and wallet. Sans walked out the door telling Papyrus goodbye. He then snapped his fingers and teleported to the store. When he got there, he stepped back to catch his balance and tripped. He began falling down before he was caught by a mysterious person. Sans took a moment to get back to his senses and looked up at the mysterious person.

"Thanks buddy, if it weren't for you, I would've been dust." He said.

"Oh it's fine!" The mystery man replied.

"I'm Sans," Sans said as he held out his hand to shake.

"I'm Nagito." Nagito replied as he shook Sans's hand. A fart noise played.

"Heh heh, the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick, never gets old." Sans said, showing Nagito the whoopie cushion. Nagito let out a small laugh as Sans blushed. Sans enjoyed the sound of his laugh. But he shook his head.

"Well, I have to go get some groceries. Here's my number." Sans gave Nagito his phone number on a piece of paper. They said their goodbyes and Sans went into the store to get groceries.

When Sans was at home, he got a message from Nagito. They began texting each other for hours. Sans had to go attend an event with King Asgore so he told Nagito goodbye. Sans and papyrus got ready and walked over to where the meeting was said to be. Sans was the judge as The King and the President talked about important matters such as more monster accessible places. Sans only had one thing on his mind though. And it was Nagito. Sans's brother Papyrus had noticed his unusual behavior. And confronted him after the meeting was over.

"Brother, you seemed quite, distracted, during the meeting." Papyrus said. Sans didn't like telling his bro things and kept a lot of secrets from him. As he smiled and looked at him.

"It's nothing bro, I am just thinking about what we will have for dinner." Sans replied.

"Sans! You don't need to worry! For I, the GREAT Papyrus, will make you spaghetti for dinner." Papyrus responded as he began rushing home. Sans teleported home and they ate dinner together.

Months passed as Nagito and sans talked to each other daily. They had decided to go on an official date at a Denny's. Sans got ready in his nicest hoodie and snuck out of the house as he walked through the woods. He accidentally ran into temmies doing a ritual but continued on. He saw Nagito already. It had been a while since they last met. Nagito looked nice as well as he opened the door for sans. The waiter got the menus and guided them to a nice booth.

"What can I get started for you gentlemen?" The waiter asked.

"I'll have some water please." Nagito said

"I'm good." Sans replied to the waiter. The waiter left as they went to get Nagito's water. Sans then pulled out a bottle of ketchup from his jacket and set it on the table. It was silent as they both looked through the menu. Sans didn't know what to talk about nor did Nagito. The waiter came back with the water for Nagito as they glanced at the ketchup bottle in a strange way.

"Are you guys ready to order?" The waiter asked. Sans and Nagito looked at each other. They nodded before they talked.

"Can I get-" They both said together. Nagito blushed in embarrassment as he nudged his head to show sans can go. He ordered and so did Nagito and the Waiter left with the menus. It was quiet once again.

"Sooooo.. hows your day been?" Nagito asked awkwardly.

"Not bad. Had to go to take the kiddo to school today." Sans replied. Nagito looked shocked.

"You have a kid?!" Nagito exclaimed.

"No, No! I just call them that. I'm just their dunkle." Sans said. Nagito let out a sigh.

"So, how was your day?" Sans asked.

"Meh, one of my classmates died today." Nagito responded casually. Sans paid no attention to this as Nagito had already texted about it in the past. Sans took a sip of ketchup as the food came out. They ate as they talked about their careers and caught up with life. The dinner date was done and the bill came. Sans paid for half of it and Nagito paid the other half. Sans put his ketchup back into his jacket and they went outside.

"This was a great night for me. Thanks." Sans said.

"I should be thanking you. You requested the idea." Nagito replied lovely. Nagito then got down to Sans's level and kissed him on the cheek. Sans turned red as his pupils went out. He crashed like a computer.

"Well, I better get going before my brother notices I've been gone for too long. Bye Nagito" Sans said.

"Bye sans!" He replied. Sans walked back home as the night sky lit up. He got back and went in through the window. He fell onto his bed but ketchup spilled on his jacket. He looked in the mirror and he saw flashbacks of genocide runs. Nagito came back through the window. Sans had dropped his phone and Nagito came to return it to him. As he came in, sans saw him as the same human of the genocide runs. He saw the phone as a knife. He summoned bones as dodged.

"Sans! What are you doing!? It's me Nagito!" Nagito exclaimed. Sans didn't hear them as they summoned gaster blasters all around Nagito.

"You're not getting away this time kiddo." Sans said, his eyes emotionless as he blasted Nagito with the gaster blasters. Nagito jumped high and dodged the blasters only hurting his foot in the attack. The room was destroyed as Sans relentlessly attacked him, summoning bones and gaster blasters. Nagito ran towards Sans and grabbed his shoulders giving him a hug. Sans paused as he felt Nagito's arms around him. He saw him but his thoughts got ahead of him as he drove multiple bones into Nagito's chest. Nagito gasped.

"So this is how I go yea?" Nagito said. Sans finally got back to his senses as he saw Nagito hurt. Sans got down.

"Oh fuck! Nagito, I-I'm sorry-" Sans was cut off.

"It's alright sans" Nagito followed with a cough.

"At least I got to die looking at the person I love the most." Nagito said. Nagito, with his last bit of energy, grabbed Sans and kissed him on the mouth before dying right on Sans. Sans was covered in Nagito's blood as he held his boyfriend in his arms. He teared up and began sobbing. Sans had fucked up. He went over to the closet and grabbed a rope. He tied it into a noose and grabbed a chair as he hung it on the ceiling fan. Sans put his neck into the noose as he saw Nagito on the floor. He stepped off the chair as Sans hung himself. A while later, Papyrus, Sans's brother, came into the room.

"Sans, you have been in here for-" Papyrus saw the scene. His brother, hanging by a rope and a human on the floor. Papyrus took his brother only to be met with dust. Papyrus got to his knees holding the remains of his brother as he sobbed.

If you like it, thats cool. Other than that, thanks for reading!

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