
Traits Of A Witch

Mac_Donald_Ebem · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 2

"Sir, I would like to know why you think I'm a witch"

Each word left her parted lips the same way she had thought it, with confidence and unwavering assertiveness. For the mountain in front of her would crush her for anything but

" I do not quite understand Ms. Maxwell " The Dean of GOC 'Mr' or as they called him - 'High master' Darelle Bishop asked with a questioning look

Although he was a man in his late forties, one could very much argue that, as his flawless dark skin and thick base vocals did little to unveil his true age

He had black hair trimmed to a round cut and his beard also brought down, or rather up to size, he wore a white suit, red neck tie and a gold watch. By all means he looked ready to attend a wedding if no wed himself

"How am i a witch?" I inquired this time with a firmer hold on the floor boards on which I stood

The composure with which I had started the conversation was now lost to me as I took in his person

I knew that it was somewhat obvious that my posture was lacking but I clung to the vanity of naieviity get me through

" I don't how you are a witch rather I know that you are a witch" he unbuttoned his blazer and eased into his chair with a gesture inviting her to do the same

Once seated, he continued

" I know that you are a witch because I can feel the essence of witchctaft in you"

The office now laid quite, with only the floor boards creaking away in an naxuois attempt to while away the seconds before he resumed talking whereas he betrayed he anxiety as that was all he had to say

Finally realizing the awkwardnees of the situation she nervously cleared her throat

" excuse me, you mean to say that I was removed-"


"-removed! From my home and kept here for a whole month"

"- 3 weeks and 4 days"

"- a whole month! Because you feel that my essence holds traits of witchctaft!?"

Finally she was upstanding seeing as the banter had taken her voice far beyond the vocal range of light conversation.

Starjng at her impetuous face he simply chuvkeled lightly. Then putting his hand through one of the drawers to his side, .... Not opening, putting through. He removed a spherical orb which was entirely transparent with a blue sheen.

The palm of my hand began writhing in pain, no not writhing, rather siering in pain. Part of me thought this was punishment for me shouting at him and the other part thought he was trying to shut me up... For good

I clenched my fist so hard to null the pain but all to no avail, the pain surpassed that which my fist could produce

After a while it died now. Now staring at her palm, she saw a circular ring whose hollow was parted by the reddish tint of her partly burnt flesh

" upon awakening, every witch is branded with a special sigil, this serves as their power source as well as their identity"

"what does mine mean" I asked still transfixed by the shape in front of me

"let me see" he said

Then taking my hands in his he squinted as though trying to draw the image closer to his eyes with magic... Maybe he was maybe he wasn't, maybe, he was even seeing my hands with microscopic eyes, in all honesty my mind was as wild as ever when things of magic surfaced in my thoughts

" Your a void witch, your ancestors as well as you control time and space...very impressive if I do say so myself" he beamed a smile my way and for a while I was dumbstruck at his ability to change facial expressions as well as emotion.

Maybe that was magic too...

✨. ✨. ✨

" I'd encourage you to pay more attention to Mr Pontif's classes"

Before I could inquire to as to how he knew my case with MrPontiff, he simply said

" He left shortly before you ccame and he was very ...uh.. vocal about your behaviours" he stopped then cleared his throat "as a void witch, your magicks would prosper greatly under the apprehension of sigils and symbols as those are a void witches' forte"

Looking at him now and hearing him talk made me see that he was more of a teacher himself, surely he must have kids, as one couldn't be this multi natured without experience.

✨. ✨ ✨

Now, to the library, what the heck is a void witch

Back to the oh so busy hallway I made my way to the map section in order to navigate the building, moreso my life

" Hey! black girl "

I know I shouldn't have turned around, but the accent with which I was called piqued my interest, it was British... I think and although it would sounded trashy if it were ever to be heard back home, i wasn't currently back home....so?... I can like a boy's accent freely.

"Black girl where are you going "

His person came to view, a tall muscular teen, probably 18 of age with wavy hair and royal blue eyes, a well defined chest but oddly enough, no beard

Perhaps he was a late bloomer

He had on a dark brown sweat shirt and black jeans with a sneaker to match

I stood there rooted to the floor as I stared back into his eyes

" "How are you ?" he asked with a smug look

After a few seconds of me simply staring, I turned away and headed for yeh door.

What angered me wasn't the racial disparity in the way he called me... Oh I cannot lie, it did bother me a bit....but not so much as to walk away....what ate at my core rather was his lacklustre composure when talking to me, as though I wasn't good enough for him to talk to

Not that I was as beautiful as Cinderella or anything, but I myself know that I am stunning. So, to see someone so free to talk to me.....for all intents and purposes....a stranger, with not much as a nervous smile was truly annoying

So, without a second glance I marched on

✨ ✨. ✨

After going through the maze which was my school, I finally reached the library and although I haven't been to one in my entire life, I was sure that this one was special.

It had long shelves, ceiling high decorated in a swirling pattern, tables as well as chairs, placed randomly around its interior, with the whole room almost glistening from the snowy white tiles...or was it marble..... I didn't know, and frankly I didn't care. Right now I truly believed that they had copied heaven in their decor.