

The dormitory was located directly behind the chapel, and one could reach it by walking through a tree-lined path from the back door of the chapel. Although it was called a dormitory, the building in front of the two was much larger than the previous chapel. After asking Melissa, Cross learned that it was called the "back hall", a place for church staff to rest. In addition to Cross's dormitory, there were also rooms for nuns and orphans, as well as a huge bathhouse.

At this point, Cross noticed a path on the right side of the back hall leading to a small hill, with an obvious warning sign next to it. "Where does that path lead?" he asked, sensing a chilling aura from that direction.

"Oh, that leads to the Hall of Comfort. It's where the graves of the dead are located, so the sign is to prevent the children from causing trouble there."

So it was a cemetery. If he had some free time, he thought he might visit and pray for Leo. Cross's room was on the second floor of the back hall, and as he walked up the circular corridor, he felt uneasy about the layout's similarity to the temple. It was sacrilegious to be in such a religious atmosphere if you weren't a devout believer.

But when he thought about the nature of the church, he understood. After all, faith was just a delusion, and there was no "God" in this world. If there was one, it would be a cruel and ruthless god.

Thinking about this, Cross couldn't help but marvel. No matter how much he prayed, miracles wouldn't happen. Otherwise, Leo wouldn't be in that kind of place...

As he arrived in front of his room, he opened the door with a unique emblem and saw a relatively barren room. There weren't many decorations or even furniture, just a very ordinary wooden bed and a few chairs.

"It's a very barren room. I'm looking forward to seeing how it will change once you move in, Cross."

It seemed that the previous old priest had a strict style of self-discipline.

"Well, you might be disappointed."

Cross wasn't the type to decorate his room. Although he didn't like this kind of empty room, he wouldn't make any major changes to it.

In one corner of the room, there was a pile of items that had been sent to Cross by the church staff. There were many things wrapped in holy shrouds, as well as many pieces of marble. If it weren't for the person involved, one would never have guessed the use of these items.

These were all the "luggage" that he had obtained from Harlan. Since Cross didn't have many personal belongings, he quickly finished arranging the room without paying much attention to the items sent by the church.

Cross took off the vestments and breastplate of the judge and sat on the bed, asking Melissa who was standing beside him, "As the administrator here, what should I do?"

"Well... my lord Cross, I'll tell you everything without holding back! The church administrator is responsible for refugee relief, area management, financial approval, personnel registration, as well as weddings, funerals, and..."

As if already rehearsed in advance, Melissa listed a large number of job types, all of which seemed to have little to do with the priest but were somehow related to too many other jobs.


Although he thought it would be troublesome, Cross really didn't anticipate that there would be so many jobs. He originally thought he was just a figurehead administrator.

"Did the acting priest who was here a few days ago also handle all these things?"

Looking at Melissa's mischievous smile, Cross felt that something was not right and decided to test her.

"That idiot priest just confiscated my things... he didn't do anything useful!"

The nun with pink hair found a sympathetic listener and spoke ill of the acting priest, and her wording was very rude, without any resemblance to a nun.

However, the point is not this, but that Cross heard the key word from this sentence.

"So, during that month, this church did not perform any regular work?"

"No, no, no, Clarissa was doing everything... She is very capable... Aaaah! My lord Cross, you are so cunning! Hmm..."

At this point, Melissa slowed down and realized that Cross was not asking about normal matters, but was trying to catch her in a lie.

Originally, she wanted to trick Cross into taking over the troublesome tasks for them, but she messed it up... Why does this black-haired judge always have such a serious expression? Even when she lies, she can't tell, it's so annoying!

A drop of cold sweat dripped from the girl's cheek, and she swallowed her saliva and looked at Cross, with a look of obedience to whatever he said.

"Well, I will help you share the burden as much as I can, but I am only a part-time administrator here."

Cross, of course, would not punish her for joking with him. Since he abandoned his name, he also discarded useless things like vanity and self-esteem.

"Well... my lord Cross is so smart, it's a pity. As for what you should do... just focus on your main tasks, protecting us from the disasters and beasts, and leave these tedious matters to us! It's always been like this... Don't be fooled by my appearance, I am very capable!"

After Melissa let go of Cross's joke without holding a grudge, her expression quickly changed as she patted her ample chest, boasting about herself.

"Really? Then we'll trouble you."

Protecting others... Does he, with hands stained in blood, have the qualifications to protect others? Cross looked at his gloved hands, as if they were really stained with red.

This is a cruel world where most of the land is occupied by calamities, and humans can only live in areas protected by the Holy Stones. This is also why the Telvis Empire has formed such a distorted rule of domination - only strength can keep the clans alive.

After all, anything other than strength is useless in front of calamities. Without power, there is only destruction.

"Oh, by the way, when will Cross execute the mission this time?"

Melissa seemed a bit tired of standing, looking at Cross with her eyes asking for permission to sit down. But before Cross could respond, she hopped and ran a few steps to sit beside him.

"There are chairs over there, isn't it impolite to sit next to the lord so casually?"

"Anyway, Cross, you don't mind, do you? I understand. Although you look very cold, you're actually a very gentle person, aren't you?"

For some reason, Melissa proudly spoke of others while puffing out her chest.

However... Cross did not directly answer her question. Cross had not given up on his current goal of becoming a priest and compromising with Harlan was also for that goal. Anything is possible if it is for the "resurrection of Leo".

Therefore, Cross cannot accept the kindness of others, because he himself will not forgive himself, but... he will never regret it either.


Cross spoke his true intentions to Melissa, but immediately changed his mind.

"Sorry, I suddenly feel it's necessary to sort out the things sent by the Vatican. Can you help me?"

"No problem!"

The two of them spent a long time sorting through the pile of books that Harlan had sent.


In the evening, after placing the books on the marble shelves made of crushed stones with Melissa, they returned to the chapel.

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."

At this moment, the group of young men and women were singing "The Word" with Clarissa for dinner prayer. "The Word" was very long, and it was foolish to recite meaningless things before every meal.

Cross then saw Eve, wearing a short nun's dress, among the group of people.

"Are there still nun's dresses of this size? And a short skirt?"

The two who had not disturbed them because of their lateness were standing at the door.

"That was just modified by Clarissa herself! She prepared it in advance when she heard that Lady Eve was coming."

"Oh? I didn't expect her to do this kind of thing."

Cross was a little surprised.

"Of course, Sister Clarissa basically makes all the children's clothes here by hand. Not only that, almost everything in this church is under her charge!"

The pink-haired nun looked proudly at Clarissa.

"Then I'll ask her to make me some clothes too. I have almost nothing to wear except for this priest's robe."

Cross joked.

"The style must be very cute, and a lace border on the neckline would be perfect for Cross-sama!"

Melissa covered her mouth and laughed.

"Ah... spare me, will you?"

Looking at the atmosphere in the entire chapel and the happy faces of the group of young men and women enjoying their meal, Cross had to rethink this place. Perhaps, faith is also necessary. Even if there is no real god, at least they will offer sincere blessings and prayers for their loved ones, and repent for their own mistakes. Maybe... people with faith are much happier than those without faith.