
Eclipse 4

Skylar sat on the bed in one of the doctor's office with Bella. She had an appointment with the neurologist and oncologist later that afternoon. Natalia was busy, so she asked Bella to come with her to the appointment.

As they waited for the two doctors, Skylar kept to her thoughts. What if Carlisle came in to review notes or get a second opinion. She knew Carlisle had a shift that evening, so she tried to avoid getting seen by him.

Bella noticed her friend going off into space, "Hey, it's going to be okay,"

"I'm not worried about what the doctors are going to say. I'm worried about Carlisle seeing me here," Skylar said rubbing her hand up and down her arm.

"You still haven't told him," Bella asked.

"No, I just...I can't. He's already got enough to worry about, I don't want to burden him with this," Skylar sighed.

Bella shook her head, "But what if one day you just drop dead and he doesn't know why. That'll be worse, at least if he knows then he'll be expecting it and he'll be by your side,"

Bella proved a point, which was a surprise. Skylar had never really thought about it like that. She was so nervous to tell him, but she knew she would have to, just not now. The doctors walked in snapping Skylar out of her thoughts.

"Hello, Skylar," The doctors greeted her, "so, I'm just going to get to the point because this isn't an easy topic. So as you know the tumour is a Glioblastoma tumour which is particularly aggressive. And you've decided to not do treatment and I have to respect your wishes,"

Skylar looked at the floor as the doctor spoke, "This isn't an easy topic to talk about and I see you've brought a friend for support. The tumour has grown more since I last saw you which was about a week ago. You are about stage 4 with your cancer which means the tumour could spread around your brain. Have your symptoms gotten worse,"

Skylar was shaking by this point, "Um, yes, I've had few more seizures than usual this week. I find sometimes if I get up my legs just collapse as well as all the other symptoms,"

The doctor hummed and took some notes, "I understand that you're going to be graduating in a few weeks. At least you get to complete high school,"

The other doctor gave a the neurologist a look and turned to Skylar, "I'm so sorry you only have a few months left. You must be making these months special. But we need to know if you want to be in the hospital the last week. Though you might not have a choice,"

"Wait the last week? Do you guys have an exact date?" Bella suddenly spoke up.

"20th of September,"

Bella looked over at Skylar who was looking at the ground. It was before her birthday but Bella was going to be changed after graduation so it didn't need to be a birthday. Maybe Alice could change it to a going-away party, no that sounds awful.

Bella's thoughts then went to Carlisle changing her. What if Carlisle changed her then there would be no reason to worry. But Bella didn't know what Skylar's wishes were and she certainly didn't know if Skylar would ever tell Carlisle.

"I want to go at home, in my bed. But if that week is too much then I'll come to the hospital. Ideally, I would like it to be peaceful, but things don't always work out the way you want them to," Skylar said.

"Alright, we'll have a bed on stand by that week," the doctor said.


"Do you need me to take you home?" Bella asked once they had finished in the hospital. They had successfully managed to steer clear of Carlisle. The two had seen him on the ground floor in ED with some patients but he hadn't seen them.

"No, I can drive," she said walking over to her car.

"Are you sure because that was pretty intense in there. You like you're about to pass out," Bella said looking at her friend.

"I'm sure, Bella," the girl went to open her car door when she turned around to Bella. "You do know why Edward's freaking out all the time right?"

"What do you mean?" Bella asked.

"Jacob's in love with you. He thinks that there's a chance that you would leave Edward for him," Skylar explained.

"Oh, oh," Bella suddenly realized.

Skylar stared at Bella with a sad expression, before she got in her car and closed the door. Bella was so blind that she hadn't realized Jacob was in love with her.

Skylar sighed and tilted her head as she drove. She was glad that she told Bella about Jacob's feelings.

Skylar pushed the thoughts of the love triangle as she pulled into her driveway. She parked the car and walked up to the steps to the front. As usual, the house was quiet so Skylar made her way up to her bedroom.

When Skylar enter, Carlisle was sitting on her bed looking over her notes. He looked up at the sound of the door opening and smiled. Skylar smiled and walked over to him, collapsing onto the bed.

Carlisle raised an eyebrow at his mate, "What have you been up to?"

Her voice was mumbled since her face was in the pillow.


She lifted her head and sighed. She thought about telling him now but then chickened out. "I was hanging out with Bella,"

"So why do you look so upset?" he looked concerned.

"I told Bella that Jacob was in love with her. I probably should've, but it's kinda hard to ignore Jacobs thoughts and heated feelings for Bella," she complained.

Carlisle laughed, "Edward said the same thing minus the feelings. I don't think you should tell him about that," He reached forward and grabbed her hand, pulling her into him.

"I'm just going to stay out it," Skylar said as she settled into him.

"I think it's good that you told her. At least now she knows why the boys are always fighting," Carlisle kissed her forehead, "maybe it was for the best,"

"I doubt it but we'll see,"


Skylar walked out into the parking lot with Jessica. The school day was finally over and she could finally rest.

Just as she was about to hang out with Jessica and Angela to make graduation cards when her phone dinged. She looked down at the message which was from Alice and looked up at the girl.

"Which Cullen is that?" Jessica asked.

"Alice," Skylar said, "she wants me to come over, but if you want me to help you with graduation cards then I can say no,"

Jessica was silent for a moment before shaking her head, "It's alright Skye. You can go, besides we really don't need three people anyway,"

"Okay...um, see ya then," Skylar said. Jessica's tone was slightly annoyed which made Skye want to smack her but she resisted the urge.

She gave Jessica one last smile before walking to Alice. She saw Bella in the passenger seat so she took the backseat. Alice then turned to Skylar.

"The boys left early for a hunting trip, so I thought it would be fun to have a sleepover. I doubt Rose or Esme will join but it can just be the three of us,"

"Okay Alice we get it," Skylar stopped the vampire.

Alice drove the car to the house. No one spoke, Skylar could feel the tension between Alice and Bella, it came in waves. The thought of why Alice decided to have a sleepover all of a sudden pondered Skylar's mind.

The house seemed quieter than usual without the boys. She was happy she was going to spend time with Alice, but she was disappointed Carlisle wouldn't be around.

When they got inside Bella stormed up stairs and Skylar linked arms with Alice, "So what gave you the idea to have a sleepover?"

"Edward's out of town this week, as you know. He wanted me to keep a close eye on Bella and make sure she wouldn't go to the Rez. They had a big fight last night,"

"He stilled doesn't trust her around him?" Skylar rolled her eyes.

"Apparently Jacob showed up at Bella's house last night as well," Alice explained, "Bella told them she was team Switzerland,"

"Really? Jeez this is getting out of hand," Skylar scoffed, "come on let's go inside,"
