
Limiter Removal Part 1

There were many things that she regretted, be it in her former life and this new life of her's.

There was of course the fact that she would never meet her former family again, the many forms of unfinished business that still gnawed on the darkest corner of her psyche, something that she hadn't brought to be at peace with even after over a decade in this new life.

They were the problems that she would never be able to solve, the wounds in her heart that can only be healed with time.

The second of her many regrets are of course the many mistakes that she made in the last few years in this new life, the mistakes that she made in this new life of her's as Yuuna.

There's of course the problem with Edo, the misunderstanding that she accidentally started and had eventually snowballed into what it was now, her self loathing for her inactiveness that had led to this whole mess that she masks and bury down under the mountain work that she needed to do, the need to farm DP, the need to sell staples for the people of the XYZ Dimension to at least strengthen the local duelists, the need to make a competent XYZ deck of her own, the lists goes on.

And then there's of course her apparent spiritual abilities, that in itself is a topic that she doesn't want to touch even with a ten foot pole, but she knows that something like that will surely pop up once more when she confronts that man and his followers.

Which, brought her to the current problem that she faced as shglanced to see the cherry haired girl that was currently talking with her little brother.

She was quite honestly relieved that Anna had taken her offer so easily, not that she hadn't intended to duel the cannon wielding girl, but she was just glad that she had managed to stop the girl before she made a scene.

Or, well, made more of a scene than she already had, God knows how many people had stared at them while they tried to stop the cherry haired girl from jumping off of the railings and just march forwards to demand a rematch against Yuto.

And honestly, she won't even be surprised if the cherry haired duelist would also challenge Kaito to a duel while she was at it, she can't really say that the girl wouldn't do it after all.

She shook her head to clear her thoughts. Focus, she'll face all those problems one by one, step by step.

Right now, she was facing a dilemma, one that was, as expected, one of her own creation.

Anna was a skilled duelist, that in itself was of course not something that she needed to say, though some of her choice of cards left quite to be desired, in her competitive eyes that is.

Just like the others, she had taught the girl quite a bit of metagaming, given her some staples and support cards for her to use, and the girl certainly doesn't disappoint in using them from what little she's seen her playing.

But if there was something that she thought the girl lacked, and perhaps being one of the reasons as to why she lost the matchup against Yuto, was something that arguably any if not all decks should have.

And that, being ample backrow removal.

Of course, she had spot removal in the form of Heavy Freight Train Derricrane, and the card was technically searchable with the arguably strong Field Spell that was Revolving switchyard, and that effect of the Field Spell doesn't have the caveat of not being able to deal battle damage for the rest of the turn, unlike its other effect to special a Level 4 Machine monster directly from the deck and Level modulate it into a Level 10.

Ah, she was getting off track again. Where was she? Right, backrow removal and Anna's lack thereof.

The fact that the girl ran only Derricrane as both her form of spot removal, and backrow removal, was quite worrying. Especially when you also see the fact that she doesn't have equalizers or board clearers and relied heavily on Gustav Max to simply punch through whatever kind of monster her opponent has.

Which, while a relatively effective game plan, especially with its ability to basically half the opponent's Life Points with its effect and her also having another finisher in the form of direct attacking with Heavy Armoured Train Ironwolf, her deck is basically made for heavy OTK pushes and going second, without the going second staples.

Not that she could sell the girl any going second staples. With her abrupt travel to this dimension having made all of her DP vanish into thin air and all that. And it was right as she was saving for buying the staple board clearers of Lightning Storm, Forbidden Droplets, and Dark Ruler No More.

Though even if she had those cards, she doubted that she would even give them to the wild cannon wielding girl if she doesn't already have more than three off of each card considering how expensive they are.

But if anything, the problem was that the girl was a known 'character', whether or not Anna appeared in the larger story of Arc-V or not, the wild unstoppable girl was someone that she was inverted with as a friend. And such, she was very much invested in her continued survival.

And with the Academia being a constant looming threat, she wanted, at the very least, for these new friends of her's to be prepared for the upcoming invasion.

And if possible, she also intended to approach Yuto and this dimension's own Bracelet Girl to warn them of that man's machinations, and possibly give them as many support cards as they wished.

She'll even give them free of charge if it helps to mess with that man's plans.

But right now, as her mind raced to choose which decks should she run to face Anna, a choice appeared in front of her.

She could, as she had planned the previous night, duel the cherry haired girl, and by proxy and further duel that she would be having with the others with Monarchs, even if, as she had found in her Duel World last night, the deck was still a brick fest even with a skill that basically sculpted a hand with of Monarch and Squire for every game.

Because, apparently, with her not running and of the normal Monarchs, barring Kuraz as the one Ehther target, and only running Ehther and Erebus as the official Monarch targets, opening Eidos and only Eidos leads to an extremely bricky hand.

There were exceptions of course, opening Domain or any cards that searches it instantly fixes that problem since the Field Spell could easily reduce the large Monarchs Level by 2, and essentially making it a one monster tribute.

Though of course, she did run one tribute monsters. Vanity's Fiend and Majesty's Fiend were both cards that she ran in her newest build of Monarchs, basically making the modern floodgate variant of the deck that most would know of back in her old world.

And though the idea of running those floodgate monsters would be an interesting matchup, it wouldn't support the exact point that she wanted to teach the girl.

Because though this is her first real duel against actual people after her short break, she also intended to use it as a way to teach Anna, and by proxy everyone else, the importance of backrow removal and the fear of one of the largest problems that she, and quite honestly everyone in the XYZ Dimension would face when that man and his followers come.

That problem, of course, being the introduction of a mechanic that that man would have undoubtedly been spreading with every passing minute to his loyal brainwashed followers.


And right now, she knows of two cards that can instantly kill most XYZ decks that were being run in this dimension, that of course being none other than Summon Limit and Anti-Spell Fragrance.

And she had especially made the former quite famous thanks to her expedition match way back when, to the point where almost everyone from Obelisk Blue, who were of course hard followers of that man, were running at least three copies of the floodgate.

And with that in mind, she placed her Monarch back into her Storage, and hidden from the eyes of the others, pulled out another control deck, one that was more in line to teach the importance of backrow removal and to instill the fear of floodgates.

And with a burning determination, she intended to teach them all that she can to prepare them for what's to come.



[Stop the Runaway Train!]

Defeat Anna Kozuki in a duel

Rewards: 15000DP, Dreadnought Advance Pack Unlocked, Superdreadnaught Rail Cannon Juggernaut Liebe x 1, Started Deck Selection (XYZ), Reputation Up (Anna Kozuki), Reputation Up (Allen Kozuki), Reputation Up (Sayaka Sasayama), Reputation Up (Myu Chiyoda), Reputation Down (???) 

Failure: Dreadnought Advance Pack Permanently Locked, Lose all DP


And if she makes some DP while she's at it, then it's a win win for her.


"Alright! Let's get this started!" His older sister declared aloud as she swung her right arm in circles as if in a warm up, while her opponent simply stood and nodded in a calm and collected manner.

"I'll say it at the start." The red hat wearing girl said as she played with the rim of said hat. "I won't be holding anything back. So give me your best." She said coolly, activating her duel disk, acting completely different to what he had known her over the past week.

It was as if he was looking at a completely different person, as if someone suddenly switched the dueling eccentric that would sell him and the others cards with a huge grin on her face with a cool headed pro duelist whose mere gaze sent chills down his spine.

No, wait, that isn't right, he's seen this side of her many times already. Whenever someone dueled, or rather, whenever she saw someone duels and she sat in the sidelines watching, she would always explain the cards that were played and what they do and show that library worth of knowledge that she has in her head.

But he's never seen her so… intense like this. Granted he, Sayaka, nee-san, and heck, even Myu had barely known the dueling eccentric for more than a week.

He still believed that she's a retired dueling pro though. Or if not, she may be one of those dueling pro's from outside Heartland that came for the World Duel Carnival under a disguise or something like that, because what else could she be?

"That's exactly what I want!" His sister roared back, that manic grin still on her face as she activated her own duel disk, posing it right in front of her as she took on the challenge. "Try and stop my Runaway Deck if you can!"


Yuuna: 4000LP

Anna Kozuki: 4000LP

"I'll let you go first!" His sister grinned as she allowed her opponent to go first, and with the lessons that he's been given by Yuuna, far more in depth and wordy than the ones that usually put him to sleep in the classes in Heartland Duel School, even more interesting than that of the new teacher and his fun theatrics, along with the girl's sheer enthusiasm as she gushed about strategy and tactics kept him interested in the topic, made him remember of how she had dubber his sister's, and by proxy his own deck as well, was a deck that was designed to go second.

Or, in his and his sister's own words after listening to the red hat wearing girl's long winded explanation, they just want to bulldoze straight through whatever their opponents do in the first turn and hit hard and fast.

"I see, then I will." The red haired girl muttered lowly before she took the first turn as she had offered, taking her time to check the five cards that she had drawn with at the start of the game.

"Umm, d-do you think that Anna-san can win?" He heard someone ask meekly from beside him, and he saw the silver haired girl looking nervously between Yuuna and his sister back and forth.

And quite honestly, he kind of understood where she was coming from. His sister was famous, or rather infamous, for being a strong duelist, she did manage to get into the finals in her bracket after all, and they were all Dimanon Branch or Spade Branch duelists.

And she was strong, that was no doubt. After all, in their normal learning sessions that they've all been having in the past week, none of them were able to beat her whenever they dueled against her.

And facing her was the girl that quite honestly all of them more or less had to thank for their recent growth in dueling capability, Myu probably being the one most affected, what with her managing to even make it to the finals and all, that being Yuuna. 

The girl certainly had the brain smarts, certainly more than he does, and probably more than Sayaka, and she doesn't doubt that the girl that can give out dueling advice to anyone, including his sister, knows how to hold herself in a duel.

Which then brings to the question, who would win in a match between the two of them? His sister, or Yuuna?

So he'll just answer the twin tailed girl as honestly as he can. "I don't know." He said bluntly before narrowing his eyes. "But we're about to find out."

And just as he said, that, Yuuna then activated the first card of her turn by playing a card. "I will start by activating the Spell, Upstart Goblin." She said calmly as she placed the card onto her duel disk, and the spell card in question appeared before her.

"This Spell card allows me to draw one card, and gives you 1000 Life Points." Yuuna said as without any resistance from his sister, the card resolves, giving the hat wearing girl a draw and giving a full 1000 Life Points to his older sister.

Anna Kozuki: 5000LP

"Why'd she do that?" He frowned as he saw the first card that she immediately activated was one that gave her opponent a whopping 1000 Life Points for goodness sake! And all just for a single draw?

"I'm sure that Yuuna-san has a good reason." Sayaka reasoned from his right as she corrected her glasses. "B-but if I had to guess… then it's maybe something that she said a few days before…  something about deck thinning?"

But before he could hear Sayaka go on about whatever topic it was that she remembered Yuuna talked about, the red haired girl in question continued her play. "I will set three cards." She said, as she set three cards, reducing the cards in her hand to two.

"And then I will tribute one of the set cards, the Continuous Spell, True Draco Heritage, to tribute summon Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster." And in an act of impossibility, she tributed a Continuous Spell card that she had set on the field to tribute summon a monster that he had never seen before in his life.

And the monster that appeared took on the form of a young maiden, wearing majestic regal clothing, almost like ceremonial robes if he was being honest, her golden blonde hair flowing with the wind as she swung her golden staff, the wings on her back flapping as she appeared on the field hovering ever so slight from above the ground.

Majesty Maiden, the True Dracocaster - Wind/Wyrm/Level 5/Effect: 2300/1500

"H-hu!? A tribute summon?!" His sister shouted aloud as she started to point at the monster. "No, wait! That's illegal! You can't just tribute summon a monster without actually tributing another one!" She said what was in all of their minds, and he also nodded silently in support.

And before she could rage any farther, Yuuna explained. "True Draco monsters have a clause that allows them to be tribute summoned face-up by tributing a Continuous Spell, or a Continuous Trap that i control instead of a monster." 

She then motioned to the three, now two, set cards that she had in her spell and trap zone. "And as I had said, I tributed the Continuous Spell, True Draco Heritage that I had set in my spell and trap zone to tribute summon Majesty Maiden."

He saw that his sister still had a frown on her face, but she then nodded as she accepted Yuuna's explanation, allowing her to continue with her turn.

"I'll end my turn" Which then abruptly ended, having only tribute summoned a monster using a Continuous Spell of all things, and setting two cards in her spell and trap zone, leaving only a single card in her hand as the turn passed back to his sister.

"Well it's my turn then! I'll draw!" And she started off strong by shouting so, drawing a card from her deck and starting off with six whole cards in her hand. And without a single moment to read the new card that she had drawn, she immediately played one of the cards that she had.

"From my hand, I'll activate the Spell, Terraforming!" The cherry haired girl said as she slammed the card onto her pink duel blade, the hologram projection of the card appearing briefly. 

"This card lets me add a Field Spell from my deck to my hand! I'll add-"

"On the activation of Terraforming, I will chain the effect of Majesty Maiden." And before she could finish, Yuuna cut her off as she activated the effect of her one and only monster that was on the field.

"Once per turn, when my opponent activates a card or effect while I control this tribute summoned monster, as a Quick Effect, I can add one 'True Draco' or 'True King' monster from my deck to my hand." The red haired girl explained the card's effects, and then the two card chain resolved.

Yuuna's monster having been the one to activate last, resolves first. "I will add from my deck to my hand Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter." The hat wearing girl said as she revealed the card, and he checked the monster on his duel disk, having actually logged into the dueling network that the two established, to see that it too was a tribute summon monster just like the one on the field.

The cherry haired girl frowned as she saw her opponent added a card that she doesn't know off, and resolved her own spell card. "Then I'll add the Field Spell Revolving Switchyard!" She said as she added the Field Spell with the effect of Terraforming.

"And I'll activate it!" And then his sister immediately activates it, changing the empty dueling allowed park that was filled with normal decorative tiles around them into one filled with machines and rail tracks, with large gigantic trains being seen in the background.

"And now I'll normal summon Ruffian Railcar!" And then Anna played her first monster of the game, that being none other than the red small train with golden buffers, the train appeared as rail tracks manifested under it and stopped right in front of its summoner.

Ruffian Railcar - Earth/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 1800/1000

But she didn't end there as she then revealed another card in her hand. "And from my hand, I'll activate the effect of Heavy Freight Train Derricrane!" She said with a grin. "If an Earth Machine monster is normal or special summoned, I can special summon this card from my hand!"

"Then I will chain the Continuous Trap, True King's Return." And in the response to the activation of the monster in his older sister's hand, Yuuna flipped up one of the two set cards that she had on the field.

And as the card that featured monsters that he did not know activates, Yuuna started to explain what exactly the card does. "During the opponent's Main Phase, I can immediately after this effect resolves, tribute summon one 'True Draco' or 'Trie King' monster face-up."

And she then revealed the card that they had all known she had added just a few moments ago with the affect of Majesty Maiden. "I will tribute the Continuous Trap, True King's Return, to tribute summon Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter."

And just like the monster before, she tributed the Continuous Trap, sending it from the field to the graveyard, and summoned another of the monster that could apparently be tributed using a Continuous Trap card.

The monster this time was a muscular dirty blonde wearing hard green full armour, with the exception of the upper part of his face, four small pile drivers could be seen at the knuckles of his fingers, and his green wings and tail flailed as he appeared.

Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter - Water/Wyrm/Level 6/Effect: 2500/1200

And with the chain resolving backwards, his sister then summoned her own monster from the hand. The grey and yellow gigantic train based on the JNR Class DD51 then appeared on the field, summoned in defence position right next to the Ruffian Railcar.

Heavy Freight Train Derricrane - Earth/Machine/Level 10/Effect: 2800/2000

"If summoned this way, Derricrane's original attack and defence becomes halved." His sister noted out, and a earthly brown light enveloped the giant train monster as its attack and defence was halved as it was summoned.

Heavy Freight Train Derricrane - Earth/Machine/Level 10/Effect: 1400/1000

"And now I'll activate Revolving Switchyard's effect!" The cherry haired girl continued on, activating the effect of her Field Spell, the lights on the 'ceiling' around them taking spotlight on one of the many aisles of trains, with the rail tracks below them started to move.

"If a Level 10 Earth Machine monster is normal or special summoned to my field, I can activate this effect, for the rest of the turn you won't get any battle damage, but I can special summon a Level 4 Earth Machine monster with 1800 or more attack from my deck as a Level 10!" She said as she activated the Field Spell's first effect.

"Then in response, I will activate the effect of True King's Return in my graveyard. And I will chain my other set card," And saying so, the red haired girl flipped up her second face-down set card.

"The Continuous Trap, Summon Limit." She said as the holographic projection of the card was flipped face-up, the card in question shining. "While Summon Limit is face-up, neither player can summon more than two times per turn." She simply explained the card's effect. 

And then she continued and explained the card that she had previously activated in the chain. "Now True King's Retun's effect. If True King's Return is sent from the spell and trap zone to the graveyard, I can target one monster on the field and destroy it."

Done with the explanation of the card's graveyard effect, the hat wearing girl then pointed towards the large train monster that her opponent has on the field. "I will destroy Heavy Freight Train Derricrane'.'

And the monster was then destroyed, being reduced to mere motes of light as it was then destroyed, being sent to the graveyard. "Che!" Anna clicked her tongue as her monster was destroyed.

"But I'll still activate the effect of Revolving Switchyard!" The cherry haired girl declared so, intending to special summon a monster directly from the deck and modulate its Level to 10 with the effect of her Field Spell.

"You will not." Yuuna soundly declared as she pointed towards the last card that was activated in the chain. "As you have already summoned twice this turn, the effect of Revolving Switchyard resolves without effect as you are under Summon Limit."

"Wha-!" And with that explanation of how the Continuous Trap card exactly worked in this situation, his sister's eyes went as wide as dinner plates, along with everyone else who heard the card's effects.

"Wha-wait seriously?!" He shouted with a look of utter shock in his face. "That's-that's just stupid! How are you supposed to XYZ Summon if you can't summon more than twice in one turn!"

"I-I didn't think that there was a card like that…" Sayaka said lowly as she eyed the card that apparently she herself had never seen.

"D-does that mean that card's super rare? Is that why no one's ever seen that card?" Commented Myu as she looked at the card as well, having never seen the card herself.

And as the three bickered with one another about the card that Yuuna had just used, Anna growled as she furrowed her eyebrows in anger. "Grr! Then Ruffian Railcar effect!" She declared aloud as she swung her arm outward.

"Once per turn, I can inflict 500 damage! But Ruffian Railcar can't attack for the rest of the turn! Train Rain!" She explained the card's effect, and the two lights atop of the red train then started to shine.

"Then I will chain the effect of Dinomight Knight." And in response to the activation of Ruffian Railcar's effect, Yuuna activated the effect of her newly tribute summoned monster, and the green armoured Wyrm, roared as he swung both of his arms.

"Just like Majesty Maiden, once per turn, when my opponent activates a card or effect while I control this tribute summoned monster, as a Quick Effect, I can take one 'True Draco' or 'True King' Continuous Trap card from my deck, and either activate it or add it to my hand."

Finished with explaining the monster's effect, the red haired girl then took out a card from her deck and revealed the Continuous Trap that she would take with the monster's effect. "I will activate from my deck the Continuous Trap, True Draco Apocalypse."

And right behind the green armoured monster, the Continuous Trap was instantly activated directly from the deck, and as the chain resolved backwards, the lights from Ruffian Railcar shot out and hit the red haired girl, earning a small grunt from her. "Kh!"

Yuuna: 3500LP

Having already summoned twice this turn, and was then locked under the effect of Summon Limit, his older sister browsed the three cards that remained in her hand, and he saw her eyes twitch. "Che! I'll set one card face-down! And I'll end my turn."

And after setting a card face-down on her spell and trap zone, Anna ended her turn. Passing the turn player back to Yuuna with two monsters on her field, having her Field Spell on the board, a single set card, and two cards in her hand.

"Then it is my turn, I will draw." And Yuuna started her turn once more, drawing a card for her Draw Phase and getting the second card into her hand, briefly perusing the cards that she has before choosing for a play.

And she did, taking out a card from her hand and placing it onto her purple duel blade. "I will activate the Spell, Pot of Duality." She said as the spell card was then played, and the holographic image of the sided pot appeared onto her side of the field.

"This card allows me to excavate the top 3 cards of my deck, and add one of them to my hand while shuffling the rest back into the deck." She said as the lid of the pot then opened, and from it three cards were then revealed for all of them to see.

One was another copy of the Continuous Trap card that the red haired girl had just activated in the previous turn with the effect of Dinomight Knight, that being True Draco Apocalypse, a monster that he's never heard of named Inspector Boarder, and a Continuous Spell called Disciples of the True Dracophoenix.

The hat wearing girl contemplated which of the three cards she wanted to add, and chose one of them after a short few seconds. "I will add to my hand the Continuous Spell, Disciples of the True Dracophoenix. And I will activate it"

And right behind Yuuna's first monster the Continuous Spell was then activated. "Battle." The red haired girl then declared as she pointed her right hand forward.

"I will attack your Ruffian Railcar with Majesty Maiden." She started with her monster, the staff wielding maiden spinning the weapon in her hand before flying off with her wings towards the red train monster.

"Gah!" And the attack hit, the red train being ripped to shreds by blades of wind that the blonde maiden sent out with a wave of her golden staff, sending out a wave of wind that also dealt damage to the cherry haired girl.

Anna Kozuki: 4500LP

"Now I'll attack you directly with Dinomight Knight." And the red hat wearing girl then continued to attack directly, and the green armoured Wyrm then dashed forwards to attack the cherry haired duelist.

"As if I'll let that happen! I'll activate the Quick-Play Spell, Urgent Schedule!" The cannon carrying duelist then flipped the card that she had set in her previous turn, and flipping it up to reveal the Quick-Play Spell, the card in question shining as it was activated.

"If you control more monsters than me, this card lets me special summon one Level 4 or lower and one Level 5 or higher Earth Machine monsters from my deck in defence position, but their effects are negated!" Anna explained the card's effects.

He then heard the red hat wearing girl humm at the activation of the card that his older sister activated. "Then I will chain Dinomight Knight." She said, chaining the effect of Dinomight Knight to the Quick-Play Spell that Anna activated.

And just like before, she took out a card from her deck and directly played it onto her side of the field. "I will activate another copy of True King's Return directly from my deck." She said as she immediately activated the Continuous Trap card at one of the two unused zones of her spell and trap zone.

And continuing the chain of two cards, his older sister then took out two monster cards from her deck and immediately summoned both of them in defence position. "I'll summon both Lionhearted Locomotive and Machina Citadel in defence position!"

And she then summoned two monster immediately onto the field, summoning a large green and grey steam locomotive, and one of the newer cards that Yuuna had sold to his sister for quite a good amount of DP, being a large robot with four spider-like track legs, a cannon and and a large chainsaw.

It was, by his own admission, one of the coolest looking monsters that he's ever seen in the game.

Lionhearted Locomotive - Earth/Machine/Level 4/Effect: 2400/2100

Machina Citadel - Earth/Machine/Level 10/Effect: 3000/2500

The red haired girl placed a hand on her chin as she saw Anna summon two monsters at attack declaration. "A replay then, I'll attack Lionhearted Locomotive with Dinomight Knight." She said, declaring a replay.

And the green armoured True Draco monster spun on the balls of his feet, turning mid dash as he then positioned himself and slammed his fist onto the green locomotive, cracks appearing on the part of the machine that he had pierced with his weapon of choice, before the monster was then eventually destroyed and turned into motes of lights.

Glances at the one card left in hand, Yuuna then continued. "I will end my turn" And simply ended her turn from there, ending now with four cards in her spell and trap zone, and two tribute summoned monster on her field.

"Then on the End Phase, I'll activate Ruffian Railcar's effect!" His older sister declared as she activated the effect of one of the monsters that was destroyed this turn and was sent to the graveyard.

"During the End Phase, if this card is in the graveyard because it was sent there this turn, I can add one Level 10 Earth Machine monster from my deck to my hand!" The cherry haired duelist explained the monster's effect.

"Then I will chain Majesty Maiden effect." The red hat wearing girl chained, and having already used the effect of Dinomight Knight earlier this turn, she now chained the effect of the still unused Majesty Maiden. 

"With Majesty Maiden's effect, I will add Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior." She said, as she then added another of the True Draco monster that he had never seen and revealed it before shuffling the now two cards that she has in her hand. 

"Another one… fine! I'll add Night Express Knight!" And though she was quite rightfully very much annoyed at the amount of cards that Yuuna had been activated onto her field directly or adding onto her hand with her monster's effect, Anna continued on as she then added the Level 10 monster.

"And now it's my turn again! I'll draw!" Declaring so, his sister then drew her card for the turn, and now with three cards in her hand, she briefly looked at the cards that she had before deciding on a play.

"I'll normal summon Night Express Knight!" And her first play was to use up her normal summon for the turn, summoning a large white and golden train with an equally large knight at the head of the locomotive.

Night Express Knight - Earth/Machine/Level 10/Effect: 3000/3000

"But if Night Express Knight is summoned this way, then his attack and defence becomes 0." The cherry haired girl grumbled out, and a earthy brown glow surrounded the monster, and both its attack and defence were then reduced to zero. 

Night Express Knight - Earth/Machine/Level 10/Effect: 0/0

"Alright! Now we have two Level 10 monsters!" He excitedly declared with a huge grin as he saw his older sister managing to assemble two level 10 monsters after much trouble thanks to the Continuous Trap that Yuuna had on board.

"Yes! Now all that Anna-san needs to do is to just overlay them and XYZ Summon a monster!" Myu excitedly said, sharing his enthusiasm at seeing their senior at the Heartland Dueling School manage to gather two monsters of the same Level.

He saw his older sister take on a contemplative look. And by that he meant that she furrowed her brow and frowned hard. She could activate the effect of Revolving Switchyard here, but she doesn't. Because doing so would take her second summon, and with Summon Limit being on the field, she wouldn't even be able to XYZ Summon, or just summon in general.

And as she decided to not activate the effect of her Field Spell in the response of her normal summoning a Level 10 monster, Yuuna then took the initiative. "On and open game state, I will activate True Draco Apocalypse." The red haired girl said.

"I will be activating its second effect, which, just like True King's Return, allows me to immediately tribute summon one 'True Draco' or 'True King' monster face-up" She explained once more, explaining how the card has the same effect as the other Continuous Trap that she had already used earlier in the game.

And once more, she revealed a card from her hand that she would be tribute summoning. "I will tribute True Draco Apocalypse itself to tribute summon Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior."

And sending the face-up Continuous Trap card from her field to the graveyard as tribute fodder, the tribute summoned monster then appeared onto the field, garbed in gold, black, and red armour, in his right hand a large greatsword, his golden wings and tail swinging as he was summoned. 

Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior - Fire/Wyrm/Level 5/Effect: 2400/1000

"Two Level 5 monsters!" Myu exclaimed as she saw Yuuna tribute summoned another monster during Anna's turn. "I-is she going to XYZ Summon them when its back on her turn?!"

"And now I will trigger the effect of True Draco Apocalypse in my graveyard." Yuuna stated, triggering the effect of the card that she had sent to the graveyard. "If this card is sent from the spell and trap zone to the graveyard, I can target one monster on the field, and destroy it."

"The same effect as the other one!" Anna gritted her teeth as she heard the effect that True Draco Apocalypse had, one that it apparently shared with True King's Return she noted.

The red hat wearing girl then pointed towards the target that she would destroy with the Continuous Trap card's effect. "I will destroy your Night Express Knight." She said, before the monster that her opponent had normal summoned was then destroyed and turned to motes of light, making its summoned click her tongue as she saw it.

"I'll activate the other effect of my Revolving Switchyard!" Anna shouted aloud, activating the second effect that the Field Spell possessed. "It lets me send one card from my hand to the graveyard to add a Level 10 Earth Machine monster from my deck to my hand!"

"Ah! So that's why she didn't activate the effect to special summon from deck!" He said a loud as he placed his fist into his palm in a moment of realisation. "Since the card can only activate one effect per turn, she's totally going to get a card that she can summon or something!"

"That certainly makes sense." Sayaka mused as she placed a hand under her chin in thought. "But is there even a monster that she can summon that can help with this situation? Even if she does get another Level 10 monster, since she's already summoned twice this turn…"

"She won't even be able to XYZ Summon with them." Myu nodded grimly, and the grin that was in his face faltered.

He then saw his sister revealing a card from her hand, a card that she would discard as the cost to pay for her own Field Spell. "I'll discard the Quick-Play Spell, Limiter Removal, and add Super Express Bullet Train from my deck to my hand!" 

And havinga added the card from her deck to the hand, she then immediately used it. "And then I'll activate the effect of Super Express Bullet Train!" She declared so, revealing the monster in her hand to activate its effect to special summon, if he remembered correctly.

And she explained so. "If all the monsters that I control are Earth Machine monsters, I can special summon this card from my hand!" She said.

"Then I will Trigger the effect of Dinomight Knight." And just like every single turn that had passed before, Yuuna chained the effect of Dinomight Knight, not even bothering to once more explain the card's long winded effect and immediately showing a card that she would immediately activate from her deck.

"I will activate another copy of the Continuous Trap, True Draco Apocalypse." And she then activated another copy of the card that she had sent to the graveyard for the tribute summon of Ignis Heat, the card being activated at the zone right behind said monster.

And as the chain continued to resolve backwards, Anna then summoned her second monster of the turn onto the field. The large dynamic jet powered train appearing in a flash of blinding speed.

Super Express Bullet Train - Earth/Machine/Level 10/Effect: 3000/0

"I'll set a card face-down, and I'll change Machina Citadel to attack position!" The cherry haired girl sets her last card, and changed the battle position of her other monster, the mechanical robot seemingly coming to life as it then poised to attack.

"Battle!" The wild cannon carrying girl declared as she went on towards the Battle Phase. "I'll attack your Dinomight Knight with Super Express Bullet Train!" She declared as the jet powered train set its sights onto the green armoured True Draco who tensed up at the attack declaration.

"Super Express Bullet Train can't declare an attack unless I send two other cards that I control to the grave!" Anna explained before she took out two cards from her duel blade and revealed it for all to see. "So I'll send both Machina Citadel and the card I just set, Special Schedule, to attack your Dinomight Knight!"

And having sent the required cost, the dark blue train seemed to come alive, its engines roaring as rail tracks manifested in front of the gigantic jet powered train, with Dinomight Knight locked in the suddenly manifested rail tracks, unable to escape.

"And Special Schedule's effect also triggers!" Anna grinned. "If thai set card is sent from the field to the graveyard, I can target one Level 10 Machine monster in my grave and add it to my hand!"

"Then I will chain the effect of Majesty Maiden." Yuuna said as she activated the effects of one of her own monsters in response, and revealed another monster from her deck that she would add to her hand. "I will add another copy of Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter from my deck to my hand."

"Che, so there's more than one. Then I'll add back Heavy Freight Train Derricrane back to my hand." The train duelist clicked her tongue as she saw what monster the red hat wearing girl added to her hand, before adding back the Level 10 Earth Machine that was destroyed many turns ago back into her hand.

But the attack still went on, the large dark blue train rushed with its jet engines towards the green armoured Wyrm who tensed and held out both of its arm in a cross arm guard, and for the slightest of moments, he saw a contemplating look on Yuuna's face, hidden by her cap.

And the attack hits, the gigantic train easily mowing over the True Draco's ace fighter, and with her monster destroyed, Yuuna received battle damage for the first time in the game. The girl however, stayed calm, even as her monster was destroyed and she took a tiny bit of battle damage.

Yuuna: 3000LP

And having done what she could with the cards that she had, Anna grimaced as she saw that she hadn't even managed to do much in the grand scheme of the game. With Yuuna having another copy of the monster that she had just destroyed in hand, and the red haired girl still having almost a full backrow of cards in her spell and trap zone.

"Well then, in an open game state once more, I will activate the other effect of True King's Return." And their heads snapped back to the red haired duelist as she activated the card in question.

"I will tribute the Continuous Trap itself, to tribute summon a second copy of Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter." And placing the card onto her duel blade, another copy of the green armoured combatant appeared onto her side of the field.

Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter - Water/Wyrm/Level 6/Effect: 2500/1200

"Che, another one!" Anna growled as she saw another of the monster appeared, but glanced down at the place where the Continuous Trap card that her opponent had sent to the grave for the summon. 

And said card was then activated. "Now True King's Retun's effect. If True King's Return is sent from the spell and trap zone to the graveyard, I can target one monster on the field and destroy it. I will target Super Express Bullet Train and destroy it."

With that declaration of target and as the Continuous Trap card's effect resolving without anything in response, the gigantic jet engine powered train was then destroyed. 

"Kuh! Nee-san could have activated Machina Citadel's effect if only that darn Trap wasn't on the field." He groaned. "That card is just stupid!"

"It's certainly quite the card." Sayaka nodded with a solemn look of her own. "But still, it's not just a card that affects just Anna-san."

"Huh?" Allen turned to look at his glasses wearing friend with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 

"Yuuna-san's also under the effect of Summon Limit herself right?" Myu said as she caught what it was that Sayaka was pointing out. "She herself can't summon more than two times a turn just like Anna-san. But it doesn't really stop her since her deck doesn't seem to need that…"

"Yes. But if that card was used against any other XYZ decks…" Sayaka trailed off, knowing that most, if not all, XYZ decks would easily lose against the card that the red hat girl had used.

"I'll end my turn." And as the three stayed silent, Anna then declared so, moving on towards her End Phase. "And at the End Phase the effect of Super Express Bullet Train in my graveyard activates!" She declared.

"During the End Phase, if this card is in the grave because it was sent there this turn, I can target one Machine monster in my grave except 'Super Express Bullet Train' and add it to my hand!" She explained the card's graveyard effect.

"Ah, it certainly has one of those effects doesn't it?" Yuuna hummed as she saw her opponent activating the effect of a card in her graveyard. "Then I will activate the effect of Dinomight Knight that I had just summoned."

"Bwhat?!" Anna sputtered. "Isn't that card a once per turn?! How are you activating its effect again!?" She shouted loudly as she angrily points towards the newly tribute summoned green armoured Wyrm.

"Oh? I see. I guess now's a good time to teach that kind of card." The girl whose whole colour theme was red muttered to herself, nodding to herself before she then turned to catch the lot of them in her eye. 

"The effect of Dinomight Knight, the True Dracofighter, is what one would personally call a soft once per turn." The red hat wearing girl started her explanation, apparently pausing the duel briefly for one of her ruling explanation sessions.

"Soft once per turn?" He muttered the term aloud, having never heard the term ever being said by anyone that he's ever known, nor has he ever heard any pro duelists said something like that.

"Soft once per turn means that it is a 'once per turn' effect that can be activated multiple times, as long as each activation are activated by different cards, or can only be used once per turn per card while said card is face-up." The red haired girl casually explained.

"The case that you're arguing are hard once per turn cards, or only once per turn in some cases." Yuuna continued as she turned to focus on Anna, who kept silent and listened closely with a frown on her face.

"Which restricts the use of the card or effect to only one copt per turn or per duel, such as the card that you just activated." The red haired girl pointed out. "Each of the effect of 'Super Express Bullet Train' can only be activated once per turn, thus even if you do have two copy of the card sent to the graveyard this turn, it would only activate once."

And at that, Anna grimaced. "And the effect of Dinomight Knight is a 'soft once per turn' as you called it." And the hat wearing girl smiled a small smile as she nodded her head.

With the short explanation done, the chain of cards then resolved backwards. "Though I would have preferred to set another True King's Return, I sadly only run two copies in my deck. Thus I will instead activate the third and last copy of True Draco Apocalypse directly from my deck."

Saying so, Yuuna then instantly activated the third and final copy of True Draco Apocalypse, now having two of the Continuous Trap cards activated on her field, and placed where the True King's Return was once placed on the spell and trap zone.

"I'll add Ruffian Railcar back to my hand." And then his older sister's turn truly did end, ending with an empty board without monsters nor set cards in her spell and trap zone, except the Field Spell that belonged to her, and two cards that they know to be both Heavy Freight Train Derricrane and Ruffian Railcar in her hand.

"It's my turn then, I will draw." And starting off with saying so, Yuuna drew her card for the turn, getting the second card into her hand, as if she hadn't already gotten more than enough advantage already.

"Battle." And she went immediately into the Battle Phase, not wasting any time and having already have lethal on board, and having full knowledge on what the cards that her opponent has on hand, and none of them were Battle Fader-like cards.

"Now I will-!" The red hat wearing girl froze for a second, and though all their hearts beat quickly in anticipation at what was most likely the end of the game, she took some time to take a breath as if to calm herself.

"I will attack you with my monsters to end the game." The red haired girl declared so calmly, and her monster attacked.

"KYAA!" His older sister screeched out as the three monsters that were under Yuuna's control struck, dealing far more than whatever Life Points that the cannon carrying girl had with but a single Battle Phase, falling onto her butt from the blow of the attacks, and lay sprawled on the concrete walkway.

Anna Kozuki: 0LP

And with that, the duel ended.

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