

Gaggle goen an extraordinary scientist of late 1980s came up with a marvelous invention which was considered as one of the greatest contributions for the new Era of technology. He named it after the name of his most loving daughter inquish. The "inque", he began with experimenting galvon meteor rocks as he wanted to test whether the gravity formed between the rock and oxidane is intense enough to support life, through the process he observed a bright light emittion with blue and red rays striking out the path between galvon and oxidane.

He tried to study that light for years and today is that day something new has been discovered from this. According tho the quantum mechanics there is a physical bond between two similar particals apart from each other..many things were common in these both elements as a result there was a physical bond formed which transferred information in the form of signals which was faster than the speed of light. Gaggle felt if information could be passed then why not objects. He tried with small particals, placing them near the circle of light of one element and surprisingly it ..It disappeared. Where did it go. Next day he found the same partical at the same place where it was disappeared..how come that be and from where did it come?..

_Is That Time Travel?_