
Traceless: Angel or Demon?

"To hell with this system! I'm doing my wish" Ellen harrumphed and walked in the opposite direction. Thirty minutes later she is seen staggering back with smoke still emitting from her hair. Thunder had struck and it just happened to hit her... ******************************* [Child of Grace, you have invoked the blazing power of the word] "His word is fire, aaah! such power I could destroy...." [Destroy what?] The system chimes in "Destroy, destroy, uhh... yes! destroy Satan!" *********************************** [Keep him alive] "I can't he has to die don't you see? He'll only be a menace once more" ************************************ The first Demon of humanity, Ellen embarks on a mission to kill Redeemed shadow an enemy of the world's largest underworld organisation. Luck decides to play foul and for once, the Traceless Demon almost dies. Overcome by rage and anger, she vows to kill Redeemed shadow only to discover that she had been planted with a system. A system for angels. The Demon's process of conversion is slow and cruel as she must go against her ideals and worse, her father.

Jaystarbliss_2023 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Redeemed Shadow

This was just pure pain! What had happened?

No way, the accident….Ellen thhought as she felt luck to be alive. She struggled to roll over and sit up but the pain came again, this time from her ribs. It seemed that some of them had been broken during the crash but she couldn't assess the state of her injuries right now. The pain also came with a double dose of backpain and tooth ache.

'Wait tooth ache?' Ellen thought in alarm as she quickly used her tongue to poke her teeth round about and the result was that…. Three freaking teeth were loose!

Grunting in frustration, with her eyes towards the sky and her back on the uneven ground, she struggled to spit out the loose teeth even as pounding pains came from her jaws.

Closing and opening her bleary eyes a single drop of tears rolled down her cheek which was very strange since Ellen had never cried for the past ten years now. If tears came out, then it must have been on their own.

Ellen looked down and discovered that she was still wearing her dark assassin's clothing which looked a bit tattered at her legs. Turning her head slightly, the scene of destruction and carnage left her in a daze as to what might have gone wrong during their previous operation.

At the thought of that, her eyes regained their focus before her mind went down memory lane.


Redeemed Shadow..…..

She shuddered visibly at the vivid recollection of that name and what happened the night before.

She and her team had gone for a normally easy and successful mission of raiding some unsubmissive gaangs but, this time around, their plans were foiled by a single man and a series of impossibly lucky accidents that helped him and finally stopped them from reaching their original goal.

First, it was the weird old lady, then the sausage that broke their bulletproof window at the weakest point. Even the electric pole that flash blinded them and the oil tanker that rammed into them at last.

She only remembered a few of thhose things but her dead men surely experienced more.

There was only one thing that she was sure of, and it was that after last night's fiasco, she was done and dusted with tracing and tracking Redeemed Shadow. She was going to kill him even if he proved to the world that he was the luckiest man in the world.

She was going to report this guy to her father first and warn him on how dangerous that guy could be with luck. He was literally, a one man army.

Because of her highly developed skill, she successfully traced and tracked the trajectories of all attacks that appeared out of nowhere. That was how she found out that this Redeemed Shadow guy was terrifying.

Every attack they received were random strikes to even experts but somehow, a turning point would appear and they would lose that round of confrontation. It may be something as random as a soldiers grenade popping by itself, or the floor deciding to give way, it could even be slippery tiles! During their last confrontation, they took guns, grenades, homing missiles, RPG's and so many other gadgets.

But guess what? They ended up using seventy percent of it against themselves. It even felt like they were working against the whole world. It almost felt like the will of thee world was rejecting their very existence.

"The whole world…The whole world…..The whole…" Ellen muttered repeatedly. As she repeated that word, her pupils dilated in suspicion and confirmation.

No wonder! She had felt it. It was obvious from the start of the raid. She had been about to walk into a building when the sign board almost fell on her head.

Could it have been Redeemed Shadow?

No! Ellen shook her head in denial.

He always claimed to have power but had not shown any signs of consciously controlling objects. It definitely couldn't be him as they moved on their own. Were supernatural powers real? Yes, but a local guy like Redeemed Shadow couldn't have something so sophisticated except his backer.

He had previously claimed that his backer actually had 'All the power in this world'. Such a ridiculous satement from a brainwashed idiot. How could anyone have such power. That person was literally a god which she believed was not in any way possible. There was only one lead she had here, and that was to get to this mysterious Elohim. It seemed that this person, Elohim had a son that had the guts to support Redeemed Shadow against her father.

What she was going to do was to find this guy, and kill him as a warning to Elohim. If he cared about his son's life, he should have never let him trouble the Traceless Demon. She was going to find the Organization headed by Elohim's son and demolish it to the ground. Scatter it's members and even maybe torture some of them for fun. As she thought of all these she frowned slightly, an enemy in the dark when you were right in the light was one of the worst situations to face especially, when there was no information about such an enemy.

But that was why she was the Traceless Demon. This wasn't her first time doing tracking and tracing. As long as such a person had once walked the face of the earth or left some information from their family, she could get to them. That's why the underworld gave her the nickname 'Traceless'. They only added the Demon to it when they realized that she was more brutal than others.

That only served to make anyone think twice before crossing her. Bt it seems some fools were unable to understand power even after witnessing it. Just because of some petty supernatural power called luck he dared to attack her?

Redeemed Shadow was going to regret it, Elohim was goinng to watch his son die and she was going to use them as examples to the world that no matter how powerful you were, you had to bow down in the face of a real demon.

Thinking of such, Ellen felt a bit better and sat up albeit with excruciating pain. The deep recesses of her eyes reflecting the light of the dancing flames and drawn shadows. The smell of burnt bodies assaulted her nose as she moved a dismembered hand from her legs..

Sighing, she thought, 'What a waste of good talents!'