
Traceless: Angel or Demon?

"To hell with this system! I'm doing my wish" Ellen harrumphed and walked in the opposite direction. Thirty minutes later she is seen staggering back with smoke still emitting from her hair. Thunder had struck and it just happened to hit her... ******************************* [Child of Grace, you have invoked the blazing power of the word] "His word is fire, aaah! such power I could destroy...." [Destroy what?] The system chimes in "Destroy, destroy, uhh... yes! destroy Satan!" *********************************** [Keep him alive] "I can't he has to die don't you see? He'll only be a menace once more" ************************************ The first Demon of humanity, Ellen embarks on a mission to kill Redeemed shadow an enemy of the world's largest underworld organisation. Luck decides to play foul and for once, the Traceless Demon almost dies. Overcome by rage and anger, she vows to kill Redeemed shadow only to discover that she had been planted with a system. A system for angels. The Demon's process of conversion is slow and cruel as she must go against her ideals and worse, her father.

Jaystarbliss_2023 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Ellen Delfud

In as much as she was a demon, she was first a human and would forever be. Her mother's name was Claire Delfud and Ellen herself, beared that surname. Her father never gave out his surname apart from the one from his empire. Truthfully, she would have been named just Traceless at best but, since her father recognized her, Demon was added to her name.

As one of the most youngest and most renowned trackers in the underworld with so many people under her service, she could be considered successful.

Ellen Delfud was a young lady at the age of twenty but guess what?

She was more mature than any other lady out there due to her experiences. She was twenty already and she'd never had a boyfriend before. Never dated… Never been broken hearted by anything or anyone. That is…. Apart from the time her father threw away her toys, the only source of warmth to her after her mother's death.

Anyways, she had never kissed or been kissed…Never thrown tantrums apart from extreme anger.

All she does was kill! Track and keep killing.

She had spent most of her time with an instructor who thought her various forms of hand to hand combat, sneak attacks when she was younger and was soon proficient in their usages. Her gunnery skills were also quite good and she had an excellent memory. Her instructor had even praised her talents.

But this brought her back to her current situation. It looked like her intelligence quotient had been low all along. Redeemed Shadow said it would happen and it had happened. He was grossly outnumbered, encircled and even at the risk of death but he hhad escaped with ease.

'It turns out he wasn't bluffing' Ellen smiled bitterly as she adjusted her sitting position due to the different pains assaulting her.

Tiredly she picked out the damaged earplugs from her ears and mopped the bleeding with a wipe from her leg pocket. Then she brought her hand up and checked up on the comm device on it. There was a web of cracks on the smart watch, but overall, it's condition was still good.

'It still works!' she sighed in relief as the screen blinked into existence after two failed boot ups.

After fiddling with the device for a while, she discovered that the touch pad was damaged. With luck she was able to open her contacts and place a call through to the regional base

"Hello, Traceless speaking, the mission was a compromise and has been aborted, send emergency units" she spoke every word with strain evident in her voice.

"Requesting backup and rescue immediately" she repeated as she began to drop her hands in order to stop the communication. Even lifting her hands had become a luxury to her.

"Miss T" The head comms operator's voice of that region could be heard shaking in fear and joy from the other end. Ellen's father had threatened to kill them if his daughter couldn't be found within the next two hours and about 1 hour 45 minutes had passed since then with no information from their network.

"We need to access your precise location, your tracker has been damaged, and we couldn't contact the others too, we suddenly lost contact with you which was unusual, could you send me yyour co-ordinates? And info on how many survived?"

"Urrgh! I'm not sure who survived" Ellen spat. "I only remember an oil tanker ramming our vehicle at full speed" she replied as her body began to spasm in pain again.

Those moments of life and death she had faced all these years had helped her to understand some things but this particular one felt different somehow. She just couldn't lay a finger on it but, to be honest, It was actually quite good to be alive.

"Location confirmed Miss T, Please stay around where you are now. A nearby unit would be there in the next thirteen minutes" The comm operator informed before hanging up.

"Quick! Inform The Obsidian Lord that the Traceless Demon has been found! I repeat…"

"Got it Sir! The Obsidian Lord would be informed immediately" the person at the other end hurriedly said before rushing off to contact headquarters. Life was quite an irony. The most impossible person to locate in the world who could locate anyone had just been located.


Blazing city, Northwest continent, 3:05am.

In a large hall stood Ellen's father, The Obsidian Lord. He was a tall and huge man with broad shoulders and explosive muscles packed on his frame. He had a build of six feet three inches tall.

He was draped in a fiery red robe that screamed of money on every inch of it's embroiderery. But yet, his face was covered in a deep frown and anyone that could see him now knew to get out of his way or face unnecessary wrath.

"Those bastards! I should have castrated them by now. I shouldn't have tolerated their incessants stupid and futile attempts at assassination, even the smallest ant can still kill an Elephant"

As the man kept on brooding, and his face became uglier by the second, a call came in to the secretary by the side of the hall.

"Hello? Yes, any news about the Traceless Demon?"

The Obsidian Lord's eyes lit up and his mind became clear as he scrutinized his secretary's face from across the hall. His ears were also twitching slightly as he listened attentively to every word.

Then he captured that feeling of relief from the secretary's face and his frown disappeared like snow melting in the sun.

"Okay, okay that has been noted" The secretary spoke for a bit more before dropping the phone and standing up.

"Sir, Miss Traceless Demon has been located and a rescue team has set out to retrieve both her and the surviving members. The team would be there in at most ten minutes" The secretary corrected the information given to him by three minutes which showed her extensive knowledge of her boss' character.