
Tower of Heaven In Hell (TOWER OF ILLUMINANCE)

Ever since childhood, the protagonist has been burdened with a unique gift—the ability to see spirits and otherworldly beings that remain hidden to ordinary eyes. However, this extraordinary sight comes at the cost of perpetual sickness, leaving the young individual weakened and isolated from their peers. Seeking a solution, the protagonist's parents turn to a magtatawas, hoping to close their so-called "third eye" and provide them with a normal life. The ritual succeeds, sealing off the protagonist's vision of the spirit realm, and they believe they are finally free from the haunting specters that once filled their world. As years pass, the protagonist grows to accept their "ordinary" life, believing the mysterious chapter of spirits to be behind them. But on their twenty-fifth birthday, the world changes dramatically. Mysterious towers, like ancient sentinels, emerge without warning in major cities worldwide. These towers unleash beams of illuminating light into the heavens, touching the clouds and granting special abilities to anyone caught in their luminescent embrace. Amidst the global excitement and chaos, the protagonist discovers that even though their sight of spirits had been closed, the connection to the enigmatic forces remains. They can still feel the presence of spirits and sense the immense power emanating from the towers. Though they don't gain the same extraordinary abilities as others, their unique bond with the spirit world sets them apart. As the world adapts to this new era of gifted individuals, the protagonist realizes that the towers and their connection to the spirits are linked. Driven by curiosity and a sense of destiny, they embark on a journey with others who share their newfound gifts. Together, they seek to explore the mysteries of the towers, unearthing secrets that hold the key to their purpose and existence. Throughout their adventures, the group will face challenges that test their bonds, confront shadows of the past, and encounter others who may see the towers as a means to achieve personal ambitions. As the enigmatic brilliance of the towers illuminates the path before them, they must navigate a world teetering on the edge of transformation, aware that their destinies are forever entwined with the ethereal forces that have reshaped humanity. In "Tower of Illuminance," the protagonist's journey will not only be a quest for answers but also a profound exploration of self-discovery, friendship, and the boundless potential that lies within every individual. As they strive to unravel the enigma of the mysterious towers, they will come to understand that the true power lies not in the abilities granted by the light, but in the strength of their hearts and the choices they make in the face of the unknown.

SAJA_Fox · sci-fi
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6 Chs


Lost and adrift, I ventured into the ominous dungeon, unaware that my phone and bag had vanished without a trace. The moment of triumph, after defeating the dungeon, was cruelly shattered when my belongings suddenly reappeared. It was a bizarre and haunting occurrence, a chilling reminder of my profound isolation from the world around me. It felt as if an invisible barrier had firmly separated me from everyone else, leaving me in a perpetual state of detachment. I tried to look around to check if there was a reward for defeating the dungeon boss, but to my surprise, nothing could be found in the area. The more I thought about it, the more anxious I became.

My heart sank even further when I discovered that the Hunter evaluation had already concluded, and I had missed it by a devastating two agonizing days. The desperation and frustration relentlessly clawed at my soul, for I had risked my life in the treacherous dungeon, driven by an ardent desire to prove myself as a Hunter. But now, my efforts were rendered utterly futile, and the opportunity to showcase my worth had vanished into the unfathomable depths of time.

The weight of my disappointment became an unbearable burden, crushing me under its relentless pressure. I spiraled into a deep and profound depression, withdrawing from the outside world, confining myself to the suffocating solace of my room for months on end.

In my family, I stood as the odd one out – unable to become a Hunter like my brother, nor wielding my mother's botanical manipulation skills or sharing my father's curse-less heritage. Their infrequent visits only exacerbated my loneliness, and I masked my inner turmoil with feigned happiness during their short stays.

As if destiny were mocking me, the government's machinery to evaluate skills was incompatible with my unique abilities. The frustration grew as my SSS-ranked "anja" and other subskills remained unrecognized and dismissed as irrelevant. My skills were a mystery to the world, deemed inconsequential despite their true potential.

The painful blow to my self-worth came when one of the evaluators disparagingly referred to me as a "useless shaman." The cruel taunts and laughter from those around me felt like barbs piercing my soul. It seemed that no one truly understood the depth of my power or the anguish of being unable to harness it for the greater good.

Even my transformations into a fox through "inari okami" were seen as mere sideshow tricks rather than a unique and potent ability. And though I could summon spirits through "Conjuror of spirits," the government saw it as nothing more than a historical remnant from ancient times.

In the face of such rejection and ridicule, I felt devastated and broken. It was as if the world had turned its back on me, refusing to acknowledge my existence, let alone my potential. The overwhelming sense of not belonging deepened, and I yearned for a place where my skills would be understood and celebrated.

Alas, I remained adrift, an enigma in a world that had no room for me. The journey to find my place and purpose felt like an endless odyssey, but I held onto a glimmer of hope that someday, somewhere, my true worth would be recognized. Until then, I braved the torment of solitude, clutching tightly to the essence of my being that didn't fit into the mold of this world. I attempted to find work and decided to return to my previous position as an Accounting Supervisor in a large logistic distribution company. However, my hopes were mercilessly crushed as the company rejected me due to the deep-seated fear some employees still harbored towards individuals cursed by the tower. Undeterred, I persisted and applied to numerous other companies, despite my impressive qualifications. Regrettably, not a single one accepted me, as if I were deemed unworthy of being a normal human. The relentless rejections and the crushing weight of societal prejudice left me feeling utterly frustrated and despondent. It seemed like life itself had conspired against me, pushing me relentlessly to the brink of despair. The taunts and derision from our own relatives, who considered me nothing more than useless and a burden, further compounded the excruciating pain. In this world that despised and rejected me, there was one solitary sanctuary – my family. Despite the world's relentless rejection, they continued to love and care for me. Their unwavering support and affection acted as a flickering beacon of light, preventing me from surrendering to the suffocating darkness that consumed my every thought.

The love of my family was a lifeline that kept me holding on, even when the rest of the world saw me as worthless. Their belief in my worthiness when the world saw nothing but flaws gave me the strength to endure. I knew that leaving them behind would only lead to greater heartache for those who cherished me despite the world's hatred.

So, though my soul felt heavy with the burden of the world's loathing, I chose to persevere for the sake of those who loved me unconditionally. In the face of every rejection and every scornful remark, their love was the balm that soothed my wounded spirit.

Though the world may have deemed me an outcast, my family's love became my refuge. In their embrace, I found solace and a glimmer of hope that someday, the world might see me for who I truly was – not a cursed being to be feared and rejected, but a person with dreams and aspirations, deserving of compassion and acceptance.

And so, I trudged on through the darkness, guided by the light of my family's love, clinging to the belief that, one day, the world might change its perception and recognize the worth that my family saw in me. Until then, their love provided the strength to endure the hostility, the courage to face each day, and the determination to prove that even in a world that despised me, I had value and purpose.

Thanks to my family's influence, my thought process underwent a profound transformation, and clarity returned to my mind. In that moment of regained lucidity, a mysterious revelation dawned upon me – there were no mentions or records of the dungeon I had entered. Curiosity consumed me, and I delved into exhaustive internet searches, but to no avail. It was as if the dungeon I conquered had left no trace, concealing its existence from the world.

Analyzing my experience, I came to realize that the dungeon I had faced was categorized as an F rank – a seemingly easy challenge with only two floors. Yet, I had struggled immensely during my solitary journey, lacking the support of comrades. Intriguingly, my avid readings of Manhua and Manga revealed that dungeon bosses were often two ranks higher than the dungeons themselves, indicating that the foe I vanquished was, in fact, a formidable D-rank entity. Such an astonishing discovery heightened my awareness of the elusive mysteries lurking in the world.

The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning – the Tower wasn't the sole enigma weaving through our existence. Concealed within the shadows were hidden dungeons, shrouded from the knowledge of mankind. Moreover, mythical creatures from ages past, which I had believed to be mere folklore, now materialized before my eyes, defying the constraints of time and history.

With each puzzle piece I assembled, a deeper understanding began to take shape. It dawned on me that the Tower's purpose extended beyond mere mystery; it was a catalyst for a grander scheme. The Tower seemingly beckoned humanity to embark on thrilling adventures, yet its actions also wrought disasters upon the world.

As I pieced together these fragments of wisdom, a shiver ran down my spine, for the world around me felt more enigmatic and treacherous than ever before. The boundaries between reality and fantasy blurred, and I couldn't help but wonder if there were unseen forces at play, manipulating the course of events for inscrutable purposes.

A newfound sense of responsibility stirred within me – the weight of this knowledge was both a burden and a blessing. While the mysteries beckoned me towards the unknown, I couldn't help but wonder if some secrets were meant to remain veiled. Yet, a yearning for truth propelled me forward, driven to explore the enigmatic depths that lurked beyond ordinary perception.

As the moon bathed the world in an ethereal glow, I stood at the crossroads of destiny, my heart entwined with the mysteries that now governed my existence. The journey ahead was veiled in shadow, and I knew that unraveling the secrets of the Tower and its hidden dungeons would forever change the course of my life – a life that had once been deemed worthless and burdened, now imbued with a purpose that defied the disdainful eyes of the world.

As the wisdom of possibility flooded my mind, I found myself immersed in researching haunted places – a likely location for hidden dungeons. My understanding of dungeons, however, remained hazy, and doubt crept in as to whether I would be capable of conquering them. Nevertheless, I knew this path was essential and couldn't ignore the opportunity.

Eventually, I stumbled upon a treasure trove of information, discovering around 2,340 verified haunted places scattered across the globe. What's more, the locals identified a staggering 6,000 additional places as haunted, hinting at the existence of approximately 8,340 potential hidden dungeons.

Yet, a daunting challenge loomed before me – the cost of traveling to these haunted locations. That's when I remembered my precious "clairvoyance" skill, which held the potential to help me win the lottery. Though uncertain about its effectiveness, I decided to try my luck with online casinos, a trend in the modern world. With determination and perseverance, I played diligently for nine days, and fortune finally favored me, granting a grand total of 100 million pesos! Now, the world was my oyster, and while I had the means, I still questioned if I had the ability to face the mysteries that lay ahead in those dungeons.

As the dinner hour arrived, my heart brimmed with joy. I found my mother and brother at home, and true to my upbringing, I couldn't be selfish with my newfound wealth. I gladly shared 20 percent of my fortune with them. Their surprise and happiness were palpable, and I couldn't help but explain how the lottery win had made this journey possible. To my delight, they believed me and were thrilled by the adventure that lay ahead, which momentarily alleviated some of my self-doubt.