
Tower of God: The Enigmatic King's Story

An irregular will shake the tower with his different view of life. Evil? Kindness? None of that matters to him. All that matters is his pleasure and displeasure. Be his ally for you to be safe. Be his enemy for you to cease to exist. In the end, your life will only matter if... You are of use to him. Tower of god is not mine. Cover of the story is not mine. Words per chapter ranges from 2500 upto 3000+ except the prologue and side chapters so I can confidently say that the actual number of chapters is double its amount if you compare it to the majority of books that averages 1000-1500 words per chap. (I have to say this since I know that it will be unfair to me if y'all just assumed that it's your typical chapter quantity focused fanfic) This book is not for normies who doesn't like harem and treats shounen protagonist as if they are the only kind of protagonists that exists. This book contains huge spoilers (and I mean HUGE spoilers) from the manhwa so if you are an anime watcher only (yuck. sucks to be you) then you better not read this if you don't want to be spoiled.

Nattnatt · Anime und Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 11: What does hell look like?

(A/n: A long note. Guess what? I just failed senior high school (K-12). Never going back again. Not proud of it but definitely not sad about it. It's just a waste of time for me who wants to be an author since I'm not even gonna need a degree. I just need my phone, my vocabulary, a good grammar, and my imagination...probably a paypal account too...

Life indeed sucks if you are an introvert. The reason why my grades look sh#t is because I never participated in any projects done by groups. I barely even fking know my classmates (My country is still in online educ lol.). I only know one of them and we're not even close. I would rather grind my subway surfers account than get to know those mfkers. (spoken like a true introvert huh.)

I don't know about y'all but If I'm ever given another life again and retain my memories, I will only finish primary school and start pursuing my career. Just fking wasted all my time learning things I would never need. Like, am I gonna need the fking logarithm blah blah to create a story? Nah mother f#cking neín to the googolplex power.)

Ps: I'm asian...

(Don't look at me with pity. My parents are okay with it. I just said this to make this book's asian readers jealous...Heh. Anyways, onto the storyyyyyyyyy)


"I...feel betrayed."

Said Kai as he heard the test administrator's voice.

"Heard that for 419th time." Said Yu Hansung. He has always been mistaken for a girl due to his feminine features. And this line is always what those who hears his voice for the first time says.

Sometimes, he will even count it if the one who heard his voice just stared at him although those line is written all over their face. He always found it funny to see the disappointment in their faces once they found out that he is a he.

"Man, I was so close to greatness..."

"What?" All three looked at Kai wondering what he's saying.

"Nothing." Said Kai as he just whistled with his hands on the back of his head.

"Anyways, the steps for this test are very simple. Do you see the doors behind me? Within 10 minutes, out of all door, you have to find the true door and exit through it." He said as he gestured toward the doors behind him.

"Find the true door out of those huh..." Said Khun as he got into thinking position.

"Yes. Isn't it very simple? If you manage to open the right door, you will all pass the test. However..." He then looked at them as they had a bad premonition to what he will say next.

"If you do not find the door in 10 minutes and give up, you will fail the test. And if the door you opened within 10 minutes is not the true door...all of you...will die." Said Hansung as they are a little shocked. Even if they already had a guess that there's really a chance that they will die, it's still a little shocking that it will happen just because they picked a wrong door.

After getting shocked a little, Khun realized...

'So the screams we heard outside was this?' he thought before he asked. One question of his has finally been answered.

"Then to find that true door, what are the clues?" He asked as both Kai and Rak nodded. There's no way that they will just give a test that has a high death rate with no clue at all.

Hearing him, Hansung just smiled and spoke.

"There will be no more clues given" He said as Khun got confused by his words. How can there already be a clue if he literally just explained the test?

"What!? What do you mean that you won't give anymore!?" Complained Khun. Khun's words also triggered the two to complain to the test administrator.

"Yeah, you bit#h! Are you crazy!? We gotta find one with no clues!?" complained Rak. If there's no clues, then isn't this turtle just planning to kill them?

"Yeah~ yeah~ booooo~ you suck~" Kai just booed as he goes with the flow of his team mates. He is still currently a little sleepy for some reason.

Oh wait, that's not right. He should obviously be sleepy since he literally entered the tower in the middle of the night, fought some gigantic eel, slaughtered some regulars, and now he needs to think about this complicated(?) test.

Hansung just ignored them as he takes out a thermos, a box with instant coffees on it, and a cup.

"Now then, the test will now begin." He said as he started making coffee while the trio just kept on complaining.

"This is a scam! A fraud!"

"You crazy yellow turtle! I hope someone makes you small!"

"Yeah! Yeah! I also love instant coffee but I hope the one you're making tastes like sh#t!"

They stopped after a few seconds as they see him completely ignoring them like they didn't even exist.

Khun then started his thinking spree as Kai tries to stop Rak from attacking Hansung. He wants to attack this yellow turtle because he is basically killing them with this test.

'Let's think about this again. This is a test.' as Khun is thinking, some weird voices in his head tries to mess with his thoughts as he just ignore them.


'There's no way they would ask us to pick the correct door with absolutely no clues...'

'Cast out.'

'12 doors. Given time is 10 minutes.'


'Out of those doors, there's one that leads to the outside.'

'You are the reason why your sister didn't become a princess.'

'If we pick the wrong door in 10 minutes- we die.'

'Did you hear the rumors? Maria nim who is the one who became a princess this time...'

'He definitely said that he will not be giving anymore clues'

'With aguero nim...'

'That means all the necessary clues have already been given to us...'

'Listen, aguero.'

'Just what is that clue?'

'I, your mother, have lost the fight.'

'The only clue she told us is the test's length!'

'Remember the words that I now speak, aguero.'

'Then other than what he said...'

'In the path that now lies ahead of us, there is no room for mistake.'

'Are there supposed to be clues within this room?'

'One mistake we take...'

'But within this room, there's only...'

He then looks at the huge clock on the center of the room.

'A clock...' 'We'll die.'


Meanwhile, Hansung is drinking his instant coffee while looking at the regular who is looking at the clock intently.

'Seems that I've got a smart one this time...but...'

'It's too bad for him because...' he then sipped his coffee a little.

'This isn't a test that you can pass just by using your brain.'


Back to Khun who is looking at the clock.

'A clock...now that I think about it, why is there a clock here?'

'To measure time, a pocket is plenty.'

'Actually, within this room, beside the doors and his stuff, the only thing here is this clock.'

He then recalls what Neon dude said.

"All the teams that did not screamed passed the test within 4 to 5 minutes. However, those who took longer all screamed."

'Perhaps...just like he said, time is the clue?'

"That for whatever test might be in there, you have to finish it in 5 minutes."

He then shove away those thoughts.

'No. I shouldn't become misguided by his words. There's nothing here that says we should finish it within 5 minutes.'

'But...the existence of that clock bothers me...there's 7 minute remaining now...if that guy's theory is correct, then there's 2 minutes remaining- No I should stop thinking about his theory.'

'Do not trust anyone.'

'His theory is merely a hypothesis.'

'Think. Where is the clue? Where?'

'There definitely has to be one.'

The images of doors, clock, and the remaining time in his pocket entered his mind a he seems standing before them while he observes them.

'The best path. Don't trust anyone.' he thought as he looked at the doors.

'The moment you pick incorrectly, we die.' he thought as he looked at the clock.

'Think carefully. Where is the clue?' he thought as he looked at his pocket.

While Khun is in deep thoughts, Kai finally got bored of waiting and decides to end this test his way as he talks to Rak.

"Hey, Rak." Kai called as Rak also stopped trying to attack Hansung as he sensed that the turtle wants to say something important.

"What is it, red turtle?" He asked.

"You are already bored of waiting, right?"

"Yeah" he answered. He might have the patience when it comes to hunting but those definitely does not exist for tests like this.

"Then do it. Open a door. Looks like our little vampire there would actually kill us if he never made his decision. Such a simple test and he can't even find the answer with his IQ, I'm a little disappointed." Kai said as he looked at Khun who is in very deep thoughts to the point that he didn't even heard them talking.

'Simple test? Is he also a smart turtle? I never would have thought.' thought Rak. His image of Kai rising again.

"Then how do you want me to do it, red turtle?" Asked Rak. They may have only met each other for some hours but he already feels like he can trust this turtle a little. (A/n: not bs. Irregulars makes people act differently towards them)

Kai then grinned.

"You are a good hunter right?" Asked Kai with his signature grin. A grin of excitement when he is about to face the unknown.

"Of course." Answered Rak before he thought...

'This turtle...'

"Then do it with your instincts. A hunter should always have good instincts, right?"

'Might be a crazy one.'


Meanwhile, Khun is of course, still in his deep thoughts. He didn't even hear them talking about something that will completely disregard all of his efforts of thinking.

'What do I choose?'

While he is thinking, Kai is currently cheering Rak with pom poms in his hand that came out of nowhere.

"Go Rak! Go Rak! Go, go ,go- go Rak!" Cheered Kai as Rak snorted with pride. He can finally show off his instincts that he is very proud of.

He's even sure that he will beat that blue turtle who is still thinking about clues. Once he beats him, both of them will finally treat him as their leader. That position is the only position that he will consider if he's in a group.

'The remaining time...'

'There's just too few clues!'

'Where is it? Where's the best answer?'

'Don't trust.'

'Not his theories.'

"Found it! RAHAHAHA! This is the door, turtle!!"

"Yahoo! You are so cool! Open it for us, Rak-sama!"


'There are no clues.'

"Durururururu is door number 11 the real door? Let's find it out with the great Rak sama!"




'12 doors.'


'10 minutes.'




"Huh?" Khun was immediately cut off from his deep thoughts from hearing an opening of a door as he turned to look at where it come from.

He might ignore his team mates talking but he can never ignore a sound of a door opening. That's the main goal of of this test afterall.

When he saw Rak opening a door, his mind immediately stopped working for a second as it cannot process the idiocy of the scene that it is currently seeing.

The moment he regained his mind, all of his anger bursts fourth as he cannot help but curse at the stupid gator.

"Y-You f#cking gator!!! What did you do!! Why did you open that door, you moronic dumbass!?!?" He yelled at Rak with all of his voice.

He saw that the door is the 11th door. Is there a clue that says that it's the number 11? Is there any clue that he missed? Then how is the gator even able to find it out but not him!?

'No. That's impossible. Thinking about how this gator's way of doing things, it should be because...' He thought as he had a bad premonition. A really really bad one at that.

Hearing all of his yelling, Rak only said one word.



Khun's mind rebooted once again for a second before he thought with eyes dead as fish...

'What does hell look like?'


2k+ words.

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