
Tower of God: Gamer System

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

Ch. 52 Izanagi

( Ashborn Pov )

" Fuck!!" I cursed as I felt a parasite managed to peirce my side and I place my hand at the wound to freeze the parasite to kill it and to stop the bleeding.

My susanoo couldn't be sustained by the sheer number of Parasites. I saw Elgin rushing at me with his needle, and I tried to block it with my hand covered in ice, but it managed to peirce through my defense.

' How...?!' I felt the needle stabbing my neck as I felt something warm dripping down my neck, and before I knew it, I felt forces peircing into my body from different angles.

I watched as my teammates pushed their needles into my body, and I noticed their needles wiggling like the parasites in their bodies.

I could feel the parasites invading my body as I quickly pushed them away with my telekinesis along with their parasites, and I froze my body from the inside to kill the parasites.

" Fuck it!" I shouted as I manipulated my mana and shinsu along with my life force into my left eye. But just as I finished the skill, their needles peirced my body once more as I fell to the ground.

I could feel my body weakening and the blood flowing across the floor as inlaid in a puddle of my blood.

' Izanagi...' This gave me a brief control of reality, and I chose to switch my death with my killers.

I watched as they fell to the floor along with the parasites that stopped moving.

I chuckled as I pushed myself off the floor, and I couldn't see out of my left eye.

" Hehehe... this nothing..." I stabbed my fingers into my left eye and pulled it out and manipulated my mana into my left eye along with my hand to heal and regenerate the eye.

I could feel the heat coming from my eye before I opened them again to see out of it once more.

In a 150-meter radius, I used telekinesis to push everything down, including the trees, benches, and other stuff to the ground.

Without using mana to continuously activate sharing, I felt my body stronger and more durable. It's as if I'm back to my peak form again.

" Now thisnis better." I cracked my neck and stretched my arms all the while I kept using telekinesis to hold everything down, including the puppeteer.

I calmly walked to the hooded figure as I felt a little bit of fear coming off of him. I slowly placed my foot on his neck as I transferred the ice onto his body as he froze to the ground.

" You saw it, didn't you." I said.

The man couldn't speak, but I could already tell what he's thinking.

" You saw that I could revive myself from death and for that. I can't let you live. Fucking idiot. Shouldn't have gotten curious." I broke his neck before letting the ice cover his body before ebreking it into small pieces and storing it into a container.

' I'm not taking any risk.' I thought as I put the jar into my space ring, a secret inventory for me that no one else knows about, not even my current teammates.

I did the same thing to the others, including the small parasites, as I didn't want to risk a connection for FUG to use.

' Tsk! I got too excited... I almost got killed because of that and didn't even think of using my items. It's as if I'm getting more stupid.'

Stopped walking as I stared at the floor.

" I'm getting too comfortable, relaying on sharingan and mana as well as telekinesis to overpower my enemies." I spoke to myself as I noted to take my training more seriously.

" Everyone is growing, I guess I should as well if I'm going to stay ahead of them and protect when needed."

' I should also take these parasites more serious from now on. I could handle two or three but five? I guess I got too arrogant.'

But the most important thing on my mind currently is the skill, Izanagi. I managed to receive a scroll on how to use and manage to memorize it, but I thought i wouldn't need it.

I arrived at our room and stood outside for a few seconds as I glanced at the system panel.

[ Receive rewards? Y/N]

' Yes.' I replied.

[ Rewards: Parasite repellent and parasite needle ]

[ Bonus: 1,250xp and one Charm ]

[ Paraiste Repellent: A spray that repels parasites] ( Must use once for one person )

[ Parasite needle: +100% armor peircing and 75% poison damage for 15 seconds]

[ +1,250 xp ]

[ Parasite Charm: Grant's the wearer a 200% boost to all parasites. ]

I looked at the parasite Charm in disgust as well as the parasite needle as I could feel them wiggling in my hand. I immediately put them in my space ring.

I wiped my hands and entered the room to see everyone doing their own thing as I walked up to Seung with the Parasite repellent spray.


" Ack!" Seung coughed as he tried to escape, but I kept spraying before going towards Arie as she tried to escape bit I held her in my arms, and she tried to struggle.

" D..dad..." Yui cried as she held her nose from disgusting smell. I kept a stoic expression as I sprayed her in the corner of the room.

I then sprayed myself, which almost made me hurl my lunch onto the floor.