
Tower of God: Chaos Bringer

Warning! Google Translate, Don't read this novel if you hate bad Grammar Kira is a Genius Magician, but his existence was considered threatening after he found a Magic Item that was equivalent to the weapons of the gods. He was hunted by government soldiers to be killed. At the end of his pursuit, Kira who was really cornered at that time could not do anything. However, suddenly a mysterious big Gate appeared and Kira entered it. With determination and revenge in his heart, Kira who knows the truth about the gate decides his path. Update : 1 chapter / 1,5 day

Phantominium · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

「 Submarine 」

Name Changed : Mei = Mai


{ You must always remember Mai, a blacksmith can be said to be great when he has been able to create a weapon that has a soul in it. }

{A true weapon is like a life, it is no different from living things, they have a soul in it, they live and choose their users, our job as a Blacksmith is to create that life. }

{That's the truth that The Workshop always believes}

@ & # & ### & # & @ & # &&

{You call trash like this a weapon? What teachings have I taught you in vain? Answer me, Mai !!! }

{You are my failed creation, begone! I don't want to see you here again, don't ever appear before me again before you can create a true weapon. }

{The truth that is believed in by the Workshop, you do not believe it and stick to it, the Workshop does not need you, Get lost! }


"* pant * * pant *"

Mai was seen waking up from her sleep, she was holding her head with a flat expression, since when she was driven out by her father, there was no expression on her face.

'Why do I fall asleep at times like this, these are the most crucial moments of my life, I must focus. '

Mai then stood up and took a cup of black coffee on the table, she pestered towards Oliver who was in front of the monitor.

"How's it going, Oliver?"

Oliver turned to Mai and smiled at her.

"You're awake, apparently Lady Mai, you looked very tired before, are you alright?"

"I'm fine, quickly explain the current situation," said Mai and Oliver only nodded.

"Well ... as planned, the Regular have begun to fight and head towards the entrance to the Submarine ... because of the structure of the wall lining the hallway, a fight between Regular should not be able to damage it."

Mai then looked at one of the monitors.

"So who were the High-Rankers sent to arrest me?"

"T-that's only one person, Lady Mai, First Division Commander, Kallavan's Fourth Division, Ari Bright Sharon," Oliver replied, showing Ha Jinsung and Sharon facing each other.

"What, one person !? Besides that it's not the top 100? Does that fake king underestimate my threat?" Mai doesn't like the current situation, this doesn't match her expectations.

She deliberately made this suspicious auction just as a cover, as bait for the Jahad's army to come to the 12th Floor.

Actually she could have used 'that thing' and destroyed the entire 12th floor but what for? It can still be rebuilt as long as the Guardian from the floor hasn't been killed.

So she plans to kill as many Jahad's High-Ranker as her declaration of war against Jahad's Empire. But only one person?

"Did she bring troops or something? Are you sure she was the only one sent here?" Said Mai.

"That's right, Lady Mai, she came to this floor by herself. I checked the data of people entering from the Middle Tower, but no High-Ranker or Ranker from Jahad's Army came besides her," Oliver replied.

"Damn! How did this happen ..."

Mai cursed as she felt her plans were a mess, she then looked at the monitor briefly before saying to Oliver.

"You keep an eye on the current situation, I will go to inspect it."

"Roger that" Oliver answered with a smile.

Then Mai came out of the monitor room leaving Oliver who was alone there. After Mai's footsteps could no longer be heard, the smile on Oliver's face disappeared, replaced by a cold face.

He was then seen talking to someone through his pocket.

"She has left the monitor room, you can do it now."

* beep *


"Hey, Kira ~, are you sure we're on the right way? Why did you just stay quiet from earlier?"

Ehwa is seen following Kira from behind while looking around the dark hallway. While Kira just kept walking while seen reading something in his pocket.

"Hey, Kira!"

"Shut up fire girl, if you don't want to follow me, you can go alone, if you want to follow me then shut up." Said Kira.

Hearing that Ehwa frowned and grumbled, but she just kept quiet and followed Kira from behind.

Before finally a light welcomed the two of them from the front. Kira and Ehwa then walked close to the light.

And when they came out of the dark hallway, they entered a very large square room and was illuminated by dozens of Lighthouse.

Dozens of regulars also seemed to have arrived at that place and waited while standing, and with that the Second Examination was over.

But Ehwa still could not understand why they had gotten here.

"T-this, how can you find the right way to this place? No, why do so many regulars pass in this second game? Isn't the underground tunnel structure of this place very complicated?" Ehwa asked Kira beside him.

Kira who heard that just put on a flat face and said.

"That's why you have to use your ears when you hear people talking."

"Huh?" Ehwa just tilted her head because she didn't understand what Kira meant.

"The game this time is very simple, we just need to keep going until we find the door to the Submarine."

"Eh? I know that, But with so many aisles branching before, how can we know that it's the right way?" Ehwa asked.

"That's easy, the previous organizer had said that participants had to find the entrance to the Submarine. Which means, there was only one right way. And that was the main channel. And all the big aisles where we were previously connected to the main channel, which means, inside this test we just need to keep going without entering small channels. That's how simple the game is. "

Kira explained while leaning back, he and Ehwa were currently the center of attention mainly because of the number of points they had. Ehwa didn't realize that and still thought of Kira's words.

Until a man wearing a tuxedo arrives in front of the regulars.

"Hello, all regulars ~ I am Udor, the organizer of this auction, nice to meet you all."

Kira glanced at the man and observing him carefully, before he became disinterested.

' Not him... '

"Then I will immediately tell you all, congratulations on completing the previous two games. Next, you will immediately enter Submarine. Congrats!!!" Said that man with a smile.

After that, the door of the Submarine starts to open and the regulars start to enter it, it seems that the registration is done automatically when the regulars enter the Submarine.

Seeing that, Kira also started walking in, followed by Ehwa who was behind him.

When the Regular enters the Submarine, they are immediately greeted by a very large and very large Lobby, the roof is very high and uses a kind of transparent glass, so that the view of Shinsu in the form of Liquid on the outside can be seen clearly.

"As you can see, you are currently in the Submarine, one of the Workshop's branch offices on the 12th floor."

"In this place there are thousands of rooms that you can use according to the registration number printed in your pocket, facilities such as swimming pools, video games, restaurants and the like you can find here ... and payment using the Auction Point that you have got. "

"Your points will also be hidden so as to avoid chaos, and you can prepare yourself for the auction tomorrow ... then, enjoy your time !!!"

After saying that, Udor disappeared and the Regular who were fascinated by the luxury offered by Submarine immediately wandered. Some immediately went around Submarine and there were also some people who immediately planned to go to their rooms.

"Are you going back to your room too?" Ehwa asked Kira, Kira only replied with a simple nod.

"Then I'll go to my room too."


The atmosphere became quiet because Ehwa had not left her place, Kira raised his eyebrows.

"What's wrong? Why are you still here ..." Kira asked, actually he lied to want to return to his room, after Ehwa left he planned to immediately go around the Submarine and look for Mai's whereabouts.

But he wanted to immediately get rid of the existence of Ehwa who had been following him, making Kira must lie.

Hearing Kira's question, Ehwa was seen turning her gaze and blushing.

"W-well, it's not like I want to know your actual room, but you know ... that, my POINT, yeah! That's right, because my point is in your pocket right now, so I need your room number," Ehwa said, stuttering a little.

"Huh? Your point? What are you talking about ... it's clear all of these points are mine now." Kira said with a tired expression.

"Already, just give me your room number!" Said Ehwa.

"C-78" Kira answered while showing his pocket to Ehwa. He did not want to delay any longer with such troublesome girl.

Hearing that Ehwa's face brightened, before she finally greeted Kira and went to her room, leaving Kira who was still standing in front of the entrance.

"Then now, where should i go."

After that, the sound of the horn echoing in Submarine became a sign of Submarine's departure to the bottom of the Shinsu Sea.


* Crack *

In the dark alley, currently seen a woman whose body was covered in wounds, she fell on the ground and seemed to have been defeated by a landslide. That woman is Sharon.

"You're pretty good too, a little girl from the Ari family, can corner me in such a way."

Ha Jinsung looks still able to stand on both feet, he received many injuries but not as bad as Sharon's.

* TOOT *

The sound of the horn from Submarine can be heard even from the underground passageway where Jinsung Ha is located. Hearing that he said.

"Well, since Submarine has begun its departure, I think I should leave too, Viole might have finished learning the technique I taught a week ago."

Ha Jinsung stepped before he heard Sharon's voice.

"Y-You, what did you mean earlier ... you said the bomb wouldn't explode?"

Hearing that, Ha Jinsung stopped and answered.

"Well, I didn't say it like that ... but for sure, the bomb won't destroy the 12th floor as you think, it won't make this floor look like a floor of death or something ..."

"However, the Shinsu Superbomb in the Submarine has a destructive power that can only cause the entire floor to be broken," Sharon said, trying to stand up.

"Yeah, but as long as the Guardian from this floor isn't killed, this floor can still be restored."

Hearing that, Sharon widened her eyes before screaming.

"But what about the lives of the fig dwellers of the floor! They have absolutely no sin to die like this!"

"Sorry, little girl, but what you should blame is your king," said Ha Jinsung with a serious expression.

" Hah? "

"You think, why only you were sent this floor, to complete a dangerous mission like this ... Mai Macseth is also a High-Ranker, right?" Said Ha Jinsung made Sharon speechless.

"You want to know the answer? That's because Jahad doesn't care about the lives on this floor! Peace? Bullshit, Ari Han is blind if he wants peace by following a ruthless demon like Jahad," said Ha Jinsung, implied vengeance in his words. just now.

Sharon could not deny his words, Ha Jinsung looked back briefly before he said.

"In the end, you Jahad followers fight each other and cause chaos in the fake peace that you want to protect... and the one who wins in the end is FUG."

* Tap *

"You need to change your fragile ideal, little girl from the Ari family ..."

After that, Ha Jinsung disappeared into the darkness leaving Sharon who still collapsed on the ground while looking at the ceiling.

' Is that true...? '

Doubts about Jahad began to appear on Sharon's heart, but she shook her head and tried to stand up.

'I can think of that later, for now I have to stop the Bomb from exploding no matter what ...'

After successfully standing up, Sharon then hobbled toward the main channel to go after Submarine.