
Tower of God: Chaos Bringer

Warning! Google Translate, Don't read this novel if you hate bad Grammar Kira is a Genius Magician, but his existence was considered threatening after he found a Magic Item that was equivalent to the weapons of the gods. He was hunted by government soldiers to be killed. At the end of his pursuit, Kira who was really cornered at that time could not do anything. However, suddenly a mysterious big Gate appeared and Kira entered it. With determination and revenge in his heart, Kira who knows the truth about the gate decides his path. Update : 1 chapter / 1,5 day

Phantominium · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

「 Mazino 」

Moments earlier, at this time Rea, Ran and Franz were conducting an exam on the 27th floor.

The test administered by the Test Administrators for them was ' a simple task ' of capturing the Giant Black Eel King hiding underground.

Although it is called a simple task, to lure the king of black steel eels to the surface of the sea floor is not an easy task. Moreover, they have to compete with 9 other teams who also take the same exam with them.

"This is all because you advised Kira not to come with us, if there was him here then this test would end very quickly."

Ran looks grunted while putting his hand into his pocket. The three of them were currently seen at the bottom of the sea, even so, they looked as if they were standing on the ground and were not affected by the pressure from the water. That's because the sea they occupy is a sea that is a collection of Shinsu in Liquid form, not a real sea.

Ran only uses a dark blue short, while Rea is only wearing a bikini the size of a child.

"Shut up, if we rely too much on Kira-bro, we won't become stronger ... besides, as one of the people who bears the Top 5 Regular, aren't you ashamed to say that?"

Rea looks upset because she heard grunts from Ran earlier. Ran just chuckled while Rea was seen talking to Lighthouse who was their source of light.

"How is it, Franz ... have you found a hole where the Black Eel King is?"

{Not yet, but 200 meters ahead there is a horde of Rainbow Throat Fish which is one of the main food sources of the Black Eels, it is likely that there will be one black eel coming out of their hiding soon. }

Franz's voice can be heard from Lighthouse. Franz's position in their current three-man team is as a Light-Bearer and Scout.

He is currently in charge of managing Rea and Ran as well as overseeing the movements of the Black Eels, and is currently sitting sweetly in the Central Unit of the Lighthouse which is quite far from Rea and Ran.

If you are wondering how he can do both of these things simultaneously, it's because of the Item he designed with Mai.

An item in the form of unmanned aircraft made using Floating Stone and can survive in the ocean of Shinsu. This item can be used to monitor remote areas making it easier to gather information, although there are still many shortcomings, but it is a very useful item.

Hearing Franz's words, Rea immediately grinned.

"Hehe ... is there another Regular around here?" Said Rea, she heen brought up her Reel Inventory and pulled a weapon. But it is not Chosinseong, but an ordinary steel hook.

{I-I don't think so, B-but we better not start the movement first ...}

Franz said in a slightly doubtful tone, but before he finished his words Rea had interrupted him.

"Hahaha, take it easy ... I won't attack the Rainbow Throat anyway, you are indeed timid as usual, Franz."

{B-but ...}

Franz finally gave up after he saw Rea who ignored his words, seeing that Ran said with an annoyed face.

"Oi Old Hag, why are you ignoring Franz's words, at least we should accept his advice in battle."

"Don't worry, I listen to it."

Then, Rea immediately ran towards the Rainbow Throat mob a few hundred meters in front of them, seeing that Ran chuckled before following her from behind.

However, when the two of them had just run a few meters, suddenly a huge explosion wave swept the ocean and blew them both back.

* Boom *

* Splash *

The explosion waves instantly made Rea and Ran flung far enough before the two of them regained their footing.

"What the heck is that ?? ??"

Rea was then seen standing up with an upset face, and turned her head towards the explosion.

"Looks like the explosion just now came from above, not from inside the sea ..." Ran muttered with a deadpan expression.

Suddenly Franz's voice came from Lighthouse.

{T-This is bad! The Rainbow Throut horde that was near us had been blown away and died due to being hit by the blast wave before, besides that my Drone was also destroyed and damaged, it couldn't be used anymore. }

"Huh! Isn't that bad?" Rea said, saying something stupid.

"Didn't Franz have said that before ... besides, what we have to think about right now is how we can capture the Black Eel King, Franz's Drone has been destroyed and damaged, while our golden opportunity has also been lost due to the explosion." Said Ran.

Hearing that, Rea innocently said.

"Heh, isn't that obvious, let's find the person who caused the explosion earlier and beat him up."

{ Eh, that- }

Hearing that, Ran's face looked upset.

"Huh? We don't have time to do that, idiot."

"What did you call me just now !?"

* Grrr *

When Rea and Ran were fighting with each other, then Franz's voice was heard again.

{Please listen to me for a moment ... We should gather together to discuss a plan, after all there is still 3 hours before the exam ends. }

Hearing Franz's serious voice, Rea and Ran immediately fell silent. That's because Franz is usually a shy and hesitant boy, but when he's serious, then he can be as frightening as Kira.

"Okay ..."

After that, the three of them then gathered and discussed the plan because now they had lost the 'bait' to lure the king of black eels out of the ground.


Meanwhile, Kira who saw the tattoo on the back of the blond man raised his eyebrows.

"Mazino ... that name, isn't that the name of Urek Mazino, the Irregular?" Murmured Kira.

"Mazino? Why did you mention that name suddenly?" Mai asked.

"The man who caused the explosion of light before had a tattoo that read Mazino on his back, is he the real Urek Mazino?" Asked Kira.

" Maybe, Urek Mazino is famous for having a tattoo with a winged tree and his name on his back." Mai said, her purple eyes staring at Kira with a mysterious look.

Hearing that, Kira made a confused face.

"So he really is Urek Mazino ... what is that guy doing in this place?"

Kira muttered, he then glanced towards the sea and thought.

'But if he does that one more time, then the test will be interrupted, I must stop him. '

After thinking for a while, Kira then started walking to talk to Urek, well he just wanted to tell Urek not to disturb the exam, because if Rea and the others failed, then he would also fail ... of course Kira didn't want that.

In addition, as a fellow Irregular, there are some things that Kira wants to ask Urek, of course if he is a friendly person.

Looking at Kira, Mai said.

"Mr. Kira, where are you going?"

"I have to talk to that person, he has interrupted the course of the test. You just wait here." Said Kira.

"No, I'll come."

After that, Kira and Mai flew and approached Urek who was seen floating in the air from a distance.

Meanwhile, Urek was currently seen holding a large black object similar to a Pocket, but it was not a pocket. But a core that is usually on the head of the Black Eel, it is called the Black Pearl.

It was a very valuable and rare item, because there was only one in each Black Eel. Black Pearl is very valuable because it is a unique object which is a natural electricity generator, which is used as an energy source.

But because the price is expensive, it is usually only used by members of the 10 Great Families. The higher the quality of the Black Pearl, the greater the electrical voltage that can be generated, and will be more durable.

And the Black Pearl with the highest quality is the Black Eel King's Black Pearl. If an ordinary Black Pearl can produce electricity for 1-2 years, then the Black Pearl from the King can produce electricity for 50 years.

Seeing the Black Pearl in his hand, Urek chuckled.

"Meh, this is not the Pearl of the King that i want."

After saying that, Urek immediately threw away the Black Pearl in his hands like throwing trash. Even though it's very valuable, what Urek wants is a highest quality Black Pearl.

He needs it to be a source of electrical energy for Wolhaiksong Headquarter, ordinary Black Pearls won't be able to do it.

"As usual, these eels are very difficult to catch huh ... I guess, I have to blow back up some of the holes they created to lure the king out of hiding." Urek murmured while watching the ocean from above.

After he saw a slight movement on the seabed, Urek then grinned and prepared to swing a punch.

But before he could do it a voice was heard.



Hearing that voice, Urek then glanced sideways and he saw a brown-skinned man with black hair flying towards him with a beautiful woman with smooth skin and mint green hair.

That is Kira and Mai.

"Who are you guys?" Urek was seen staring at Kira and Mai with confused looks, before he suddenly said.

"Ah! So you are the Test Administrators on this floor, did you all come here to stop me? Even after seeing the name on my back?"

He then waved his hand and continued what he said.

"You better stop your intentions and stop the exams that you are carrying out, I'm in a hurry about the problem."

Urek seemed uninterested in Kira and Mai's presence, he then clenched his fist while muttering.

"After this is over, I will immediately go to the 21st Floor ... Jeez, I am really a busy person."

However, Kira said and stopped his movements again.

" Wait a minute. "

"Hm? What? Didn't you hear what I said before? Get out of here, I'm not interested in fighting two weakling," Urek said.

"We will not leave before you stop doing something stupid that can interfere with the exams being carried out," said Kira, seemingly unconcerned when Urek called him weakly.

Seeing Kira who didn't look scared in the slightest, made Urek slightly raised his eyebrows.

"Look, I don't know if you are stupid or really overly confident, but you should know who I am right?"

"Urek Mazino, right?," Kira said with a deadpan look.

"That's right! I am Urek Mazino, the strongest person in this tower ... After knowing that, do you still dare to stop me? Mr. Examiner?"

"Also, we are not Test Administrators."

Hearing Kira's words, Urek made a strange face and said.

"Eh? Then why are you two stopping me?"

"Hearing your words before, it seems like you came here to get the black pearl from the King, right?" Said Kira.

"Yes, that's how it is," Urek said.

"Therefore we cannot let you do it, this time the test requires us to bring the Black Eel King alive to pass this test, if you kill him and take the black pearl in his body then automatically we will also fail the test. Do you understand what I mean? "Said Kira.

Hearing that, Urek made a stupid face and said.

"Wait a minute, doesn't that mean you are a Regular?"

"That's right," Kira answered.

Hearing a direct answer from Kira, Urek suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha, you really have a lot of guts for a Regular."


After finishing laughing, Urek then grinned and looked at Kira with a sharp look.

"Then if I don't want to go, what will you do?"

"Then, even if you are that Urek Mazino, I will still stop you," said Kira, who somehow felt deja vu with the current situation, as if he had experienced it before.

Suddenly a terrifying aura emanated from Kira's body. Seeing that, Urek slightly widened his eyes because he was shocked, Kira who previously looked normal could issue such a tremendous aura.

'This boy ... Is his Shinsu's control so good that he can hide the aura that radiates from his body perfectly? '

Meanwhile, Kira who was staring at Urek thought.

'Besides, This might be a good opportunity to find out my power gap with the other Irregular. 'thought Kira.

Seeing Kira trying to fight Urek, Mai put on a worried face and said to Kira.

"Mr. Kira, you better not face Urek Mazino, this fight is absolutely impossible to win."

Mai knows Kira is very strong, after four years climbing the tower together, she has repeatedly seen Kira's Power. His Shinsu Light is very fast and flexible, besides that, there is a mysterious destructive power that he rarely uses, Mai knows that.

Mai also knows that Kira's full strength is equal or even surpass a High-Ranker, especially because he is an Irregular. But facing the famous ' Ray Barracuda '? Mai dare to guarantee that Kira has no chance to win.

Of course Kira is also aware of that, at this time, the use of Chaos Energy in his body did not develop at all, he can only create two Chaos Baang at once. And that is not enough to face one of the strongest existences in the Tower.

Kira knows that, but for some reason he was even excited to face Urek. Is it because he is bored? Kira doesn't know that.

"I know ... but if I let him destroy this place, then Rea, Ran, and Franz could be killed accidentally ... You just need to stay here."

Hearing Kira's words, Mai became even more worried. But she could not stop him.

Meanwhile, Urek who saw Kira, then grinned and said.

"Looks like you have absolutely no intention to back down huh ..."

Hearing that, Kira just looked at Urek with a deadpan look and said.

"Yeah ... not in the slightest."


Urek's sobriquet is Ray Barracuda. Ray refers to his combat style, in which he fires shinsu at the speed of light. Barracuda is the name of the most aggressive and ferocious White Steel Eel in the Tower. Although his formal sobriquet is Ray Barracuda, just Barracuda can also refer to Urek in the Tower.

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