
Tower of God: Chaos Bringer

Warning! Google Translate, Don't read this novel if you hate bad Grammar Kira is a Genius Magician, but his existence was considered threatening after he found a Magic Item that was equivalent to the weapons of the gods. He was hunted by government soldiers to be killed. At the end of his pursuit, Kira who was really cornered at that time could not do anything. However, suddenly a mysterious big Gate appeared and Kira entered it. With determination and revenge in his heart, Kira who knows the truth about the gate decides his path. Update : 1 chapter / 1,5 day

Phantominium · Anime und Comics
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49 Chs

「 Daphne 」

"I am Eurasia Daphne, the ruler of the Everlasting Rain floor, Mr. Kira, I gladly welcome you to Atalanta."

But Kira looked displeased, his expression did not change, he stared into the distance with a cold glance.

"Where is Mai?"

"You don't need to worry, Miss Mai and Miss La Nave have arrived at my palace first, Haisa there will guide you to go to my palace, so you can follow her."

Kira who heard that glanced at the woman who had attacked him with an illusion before, saw Kira the woman's shoulders trembled slightly. She was afraid, as a Wave Controller who focused on Illusions, he was confident enough with his illusions.

Haisa also believes that even a High-Ranker will find it difficult to get out of her illusion, the Illusion of Winter Flowers.

"Quickly take me to her palace, don't try to act stupid, you are now my hostage ..."

Kira said coldly, he also thought.

'Besides that no one knows what this woman did to Mai, an Ancient Blue Hole High-Ranker whose power cannot be measured seems to be sure to be able to easily kill Mai if she wants to, if she does that, forget about Gustang, I will kill her. '

"What are you waiting for? hurry up," said Kira who was still in his Light Drive mode. While Haisa only nodded obediently.

Then, when the two of them had again set foot on the ground, Kira deactivated the Light Drive and told Haisa to walk in front of him.

* Wang *

'I still don't like the pain after the use of this Light Drive, my body keeps shaking. ' Kira looks at his hands who trembling violently like a person with Parkinson's.

After that, the two of them started walking away from there to where Daphne was.


After walking for a few minutes, Kira and Haisa arrived at the castle where Daphne was. It was an old castle that stood firm and looked unkempt. Around the castle it is covered by a kind of transparent Shinsu barrier which makes the castle invisible from the outside.

* srrrr *

Somehow, Haisa made a hole about the size of a human in the barrier before she entered inside followed by Kira behind her.

Then, the two of them walked into the castle, along the way Kira looked around, the castle's interior was actually different from what he had imagined. The castle was not decorated with luxurious gold-colored interiors, or various expensive ceramics collections.

It was simple but elegant.

"Tell me where Mai is," said Kira, while walking behind Haisa. Haisa who heard that didn't stop walking.

"I don't know about that, other than that, even if I did, I cannot tell you, because Lady Daphne herself told me to separate you from them."

"Are you not afraid of death?" Kira asked with stoic face, they continued walking in the quiet halls of the castle. The sound of raindrops could no longer be heard when they entered the castle.

Haisa who heard Kira's words just kept going before she said.

"Rather than death, I'm more afraid that if I lose my reason for living, living without purpose is pathetic and I don't want to live like that, it's worse than death."

Haisa looked down slightly and thought about Dahpne, before she said.

"Alright, forget what I said before, we've arrived."

Haisa stopped in front of a wooden door, and Kira who saw it raised his eyebrows.

"Is this the room?"

"This is not her room, but in this place she spends the most time, well this place can also be considered as her room." Said Haisa.

* krieeet *

She then began to open the door and the creaking sound of the door frame could be heard, indicating that the door was old.

"Please come in." Said Haisa started walking into the room followed by Kira behind her.

When the door opened, they were greeted by a dark room and a stair that went down, both of them descended the stairs and slowly their vision was greeted by an amazing sight.

Kira widened his eyes as he looked around, thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even millions of books neatly arranged on wooden shelves surrounding the room.

The room was cylindrical, the walls covered with books, and it is high enough to have to descend hundreds of stairs to get to the bottom of the room.

" This place... "

"This is Po Bidau Gustang's Private Library," Haisa said, continuing down the stairs until they finally arrived at the bottom of the room.

There is really wide and very quiet, there is only a sofa, a wooden table on which there is a cup of hot chocolate, and a fireplace which is the only lighting in the room besides the dim light emitted by white crystals throughout the room.

When they arrived a few meters behind the sofa, Haisa saluted.

"I have guide him to you as you ordered it, Lady Daphne."

Then, a sweet and soft voice came from behind the sofa.

"Thank you Haisa, you may leave us alone."

"Then excuse me." Hearing that, Haisa returned to salute before she turned and prepared to leave, but a sword of light had been pointed at her neck.

"Wait a minute, you can't go. And you Miss Daphne, hurry and tell me where Mai is! If not, then I won't be reluctant to kill this woman." Kira said.

"Well, calm down, Miss Mai is my guest of honor, she's safe with me, I won't hurt her. So you don't need to worry."

"I didn't ask if she was okay or not, I asked you where she was, answer me," Kira said, still putting on a stoic face.

"You really are an impatient person, huh ..."

Then, Daphne is seen starting to stand up from her sofa while yawning, and her figure can be seen fully by Kira.

Daphne is a gorgeous woman, gorgeous even a word that underestimates her appearance, her stature like a Goddess. She has fair skin, pinkish white hair that is characteristic of the Eurasia family, looks disheveled, and an seductive body that can stimulate any man.

Especially at this time she was only wearing a loose white shirt that extends up to her thighs, just to cover her underwear.

"Fine, I'll tell you, but before that I want us to talk for a while, you are here to meet me, right?"

Hearing that, the light sword in Kira's hand slowly split into small particles, which made Haisa take a deep breath of relief.

"Did Gustang tell you?" Said Kira.

"Yes, so, uncle tells me about a boy who will go to this library to find the truth about the tower and ask me to take care of the boy, so there's no mistaking that boy is you."

"Boy ... huh." Kira is not offended at all, because compared to people who are thousands of years old like Daphne and Gustang, Kira is just like a newborn baby.

'But I never said yes on the Gustang's Advice, did he predict that I would go to this place? ' Kira thought, while looking around him.

"How is this place, beautiful right?"

Hearing that, Kira turned his attention to Daphne who was seen making a chair using Shinsu and sitting on it. She was seen sipping a cup of hot chocolate.

"Ah ~, I like the smell of old books, well, even though this library is called the private library of Uncle Gustang, the fact is that the library and castle in this place are entirely owned by the Eurasia family. This library is a gift given by Uncle Gustang to Aunt Blossom as proof of his love, isn't it romantic? "

Daphne keeps talking about her bullshit.

"Instead of that-"

"You know, half of the books in this place are the work of Uncle Gustang all his life, the other half are books by famous figures like Macseth, Molic One P.GR, Joochun, and many more. They are very valuable books, maybe if all the books in this place were sold, the points could buy all the Flying Ship and Suspendium in the tower. "

Daphne just continued to smile while discussing facts that were not important to Kira. But Kira just kept quiet and waited for her to finish.

"Are you done?"

"Yes ~" said Daphne with her sweet smile, seemingly not bothered at all even though her words were ignored by Kira.

"Then let me speak this time, as you already know, I came to this place on the advice of Po Bidau Gustang, he said in this place I might get information and also learn more about Shinsu, I didn't think that he told you to teach me. "said Kira.

"Yes, that's how it is ~."

" Then-- "

However, before Kira could finish what he said, Daphne said.

"But after meeting you in person, I think I undo my intention to do that."

" Hah? "

Kira raised his eyebrows because he didn't understand what Daphne meant from her words. Undo her intention? But why?

" What do you mean? "

"Didn't you hear? I said, I don't want to be your teacher, I don't want to teach you about Shinsu or anything, I won't tell you information or access to find information in this room, do you understand what I mean?"

Daphne smiled and glared at Kira using her purple eyes, while Kira's expression remained unchanged. Daphne then continued.

"What I mean is, it's useless for you to come to this place because you won't get anything here."

* buzz *

Terrifying pressure emanated from Kira's body when he feel that Daphne had gone too far, he was maintaining his manners until now solely because he still knew the true ethics when asking someone for help.

But Daphne's attitude had made Kira, who usually didn't care much about other people words become angry.

'This boy ...' Daphne naturally felt her whole body shiver when she felt Kira's killing intent, even though she didn't show it on her face, but Daphne felt a little fear right now, as if she was standing in front of a dragon.

"In vain are you saying? Listen bitch, I parted with the rest of my team just to come to this place, and you say that it's all in vain? "

Kira walked and stood in front of Daphne who was still seen sitting calmly on her chair, and pointed the sword of light to her neck.

Although she was a little afraid, but Daphne suddenly burst out laughing and made Kira raise his eyebrows. She then stopped and returned Kira's gaze.

"This is why I refuse to do what uncle Gustang asks for ..."

Daphne then continued.

"... Hey handsome, I want to ask you one thing, you came to this place to get stronger right? After you become strong, what do you want to do?"

"Don't change the topic of conversation ..." said Kira.

"What is your reason ... your motivation to be strong? After I make you stronger, then what will you do?"

Kira was silent for a moment before he opened his mouth.

"I will find a way out of this tower."

Of course Kira didn't tell Daphne about the fact that he came from another world, or about his promise to the mysterious Black scaled Dragon that kept appearing in his dreams.

"Then what will you do after you get out of the tower? Are you also like that stupid Urek who wants freedom, seeing a sky full of stars, then what will you do afterwards?"

" That... "

Kira stopped talking when he realized that he was about to say things he shouldn't have said.

'... that's right, why would I tell her if I want to see my mom... my mom? That's right, why do I assume that my mom is still alive? '

Kira who had just realized something very important widened his eyes and stared at the empty air.

'Why do I believe words from' dogs' just like that, no ... he can't lie at a time like that, mom must be alive somewhere, that's right, There's no way he lied at a time like that ... But, if mom really died ... '

'... then why should I try hard to climb the tower? '

Kira is in a conflict of thoughts right now, just because of Daphne's words he has again questioned his motivations. Daphne who saw that closed her eyes.

"I don't mean to tell you to forget about your motivation or anything like that, having motivation or goal is the essence of human life, that is a good thing, an importanr thing. Because in the end humans cannot be completely free, we are all born as slaves, in the end everyone is a slave to something. "

She then opened her eyes and looked at Kira's blue eyes with a serious expression.

"But don't because you are too focused on pursuing that goal, you forget the things around you."

"Huh? What do you mean-"

Before Kira finished his words, Daphne said.

"Hey Kira, what do you actually consider Mai?"

Hearing that, Kira seemed to answer but he stopped because he did not know what to say.

"You must consider her as a mere tool, right? A tool that you can use for your benefit, am I right?"

"Huh, what are you-"

Kira stalled as he tried to oppose Daphne's words but again he was silent. Seeing that Daphne put a cup of hot chocolate in her hand on a wooden table before she stood quietly from her Shinsu chair.

"Looks like you have also realized that,huh ... not bad, but it's still pathetic, get lost... I don't want to teach someone like you, I don't want the knowledge I gave you later to be used for something stupid and useless. Come back to me when you can answer my question just now. "

Then she start walking to the stairs before suddenly stopped.

"Ah, and also ... if you want to see Miss Mai, ask Haisa to guide you to guest room number 221, although I don't think you want to see her right now ... right?"

Daphne smiled briefly before she began walking again and came out of the library carrying a blanket and pillow on the sofa, leaving Kira alone there.

Don't forget to check out my new novel.

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