
Tower of Despair

Davy miller, One of the two Survivors of the Miller family, promised his dying dad that he will protect his Sister, Julian no matter what! But suddenly On the New Year's day, A series a earthquakes took over the Earth.. 1/3 of the population was Dead was buried alive in the buildings. Suddenly, A blue transparent screen appeared in front of everyone. "Synchronisation complete!" "Planet 037 failed to meet the requirements" "initialising annihilation of planet 037" "process interrupted" A mysterious sound sounded throughout the world, "The Higher beings are giving you another chance!" and the text over the screen changed! "Tower welcomes the Players!" But while clearing the Tower, Many secrets unfold, Putting Davy's and Julian's Life in Danger. Soon enough, Julian was found Dead! but she left a note behind.. "All of it.. was a lie.." Davy couldn't handle the shock and fell to the ground. As tears ran down his face, He made a vow... "Until the day I Avenge your death, I won't rest Easy! I will Avenge your death even if it means to kill the Gods!!"

Wu_Cai · Fantasie
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5 Chs

ch-5, Tutorial begins

Soon, 4 days went by quickly.

On the 5th day, Everyone was interested in what the Tutorial actually was. Many were watching news channels in order to find more information about it while some took the initiative to go on the streets and investigate by themselves.

Davy was a part of the latter group. He wanted to go out and find out about the details by himself, but was eventually stopped by Julian.

For the last 29 days, Davy and Julian were mostly at home. Julian had a special stash of food for a month, collected to use in times of emergency.

Davy, being Young and a frivolous boy, was bored to death. He was the type to engage himself in fun activities, but staying at home for 29 days was nothing but a torture to him. But for his sister, he tried his best to not go out.

Finally on the 29th day, He was extremely happy as in he will be free from the house arrest after another day passes!

Many hours went by, Davy was patiently waiting for the clock to reach 12:00. He was constantly watching the time and finally let out a sigh,

"Why is the time going so slow? Sister! Are you sure over clock is okay!?" He said.

"Don't worry! Our clock is just fine! And it's 11:29 already!" Julian replied.

Davy was still constantly looking at the clock impatiently.

As soon as the clock hit 11:30, the electricity went out. Davy and Julian were surprised by this, but to their surprise they could still see some purple light which came in through their window.

When they looked outside, they couldn't believe their eyes. They sky had turned purple! The purple sky was so beautiful and eye appealing that Davy and Julian stood their in a daze with their jaws dropped.

Davy noticed some movements in the sky and said, "Sister, doesn't it look like the purple colour in the sky is moving towards that single point?"

Upon closer look, Julian also noticed the movements in the sky.

Before too long, the movements increased and the purple colour gathered at one spot in the sky.

It was as if it was rotating to create a portal. Davy's eyes were focused on the moving purple colour. His eyes could easily see and follow each and every change in the flow of purple colour in the sky.

Soon he noticed that the intensity of purple colour had increased on a single spot. When he focused a little, he saw some cracks appearing around the spot!

"The Sky Itself Is Breaking!!!!" He shouted with excited looks on his face.

Julian was surprised by Davy's sudden shouting but she too noticed the cracks in the sky and was shocked!

Davy and Julian weren't the only one watching this happen. This phenomena was happening in each State of every Country!

As they were still processing that how could the sky get cracked!? The blue screen appeared in front of everyone again.

"Connecting to the 'Mother System'."

"Connection established!"

"Hello dear Players, I am 'System'."

Everyone was confused as this was the first time that The mysterious blue screen introduced itself!

But Davy was different from everyone else, his eyes were shining with excitement.

"As per 'Higher Beings' request, 'Tower' has decided to give you all another chance. The Tutorial phase will start in 15 mins. Pass through the Tutorial phase with 100 or more survivors each country. If failed to Meet the Requirements, Planet 037.... Earth! Will be annihilated" System continued.

Everyone went into a daze.

"Survivors? What do you mean? We need to survive through something? People will be killed!?", Everyone's face started showing signs of horrors.

Julian ofcourse, was scared. But Davy clenched his fists and said, "Don't worry sister! Ill protect you!"

Julian bonked him on the head and said, "Idiot! You still wanna joke around!?".

Davy mumbled to himself in low voice, "I was speaking truth though? ;-;"

The text on screen changes again,

"To ensure Right behaviour, The Tower is dispatching Inspectors for each assigned area. In between the Tutorial phase, Inspectors will be connected to you through System to provide you with the information regarding the Tutorial."

"The Tower wishes you all Luck!" System continued.

Everyone was still wandering about what kind of threats lied in the Tutorial. The clock hit 12:00 A.M.

Davy's eyes shined a bit with excitement as he was interested in what would happen next.

"Nothing happened?" , Davy disappointedly said.

A sharp and high sound sounded through different parts of the world. Davy looked ou of the window.

"Sister! Look! Someone is coming out of the cracks in the sky!!" Davy shouted out of excitement.

"I can see that BUT WHY ARE YOU GETTING EXCITED ABOUT THIS!?" Davy got bonked again.

Soon the one who came out of the Crack was visible.

"I-Its a demon!" Julian was frightened.

Davy closely examined his body features.

"He has 2 horns, a tail, two wings, verticle eyes, long nails, red skin, white hair, and he's wearing a tuxedo. He isn't a normal demon, He's a noble demon!" He concluded.

"Does that even make a F#kin difference!? And How can you see his vertical eyes when he's so far away!!!!?" Davy got booked for the third time.

The System*¹ appeared once again, but this time, Rather than texts, everyone could see a face! The face was that of the demon Davy just saw out of the Window!

"Sister! See he looks the same!!!!"

Davy with a sad face, told her sister because he was bonked by her as she though he was saying some nonsense.

"A-Ahem" Julian was embarrassed.

Soon the figure started speaking and everyone's attention was drawn towards him.

"Hello everyone, my name is Fredrick, I am a Noble of Demon race!" He announced.

As soon as Davy heard this, He started glaring at Julian with sad eyes. Julian was embarrassed again and turned her face away.

"If you can see me on the System than that means you are in Seoul, As I have been assigned as the inspector of the Seoul state. The tutorial phase is divided into 5 different parts. At the start of every part, I'll provide you with the necessary information to survive. You are all responsible for your own survival. Anyone who refuses to abide by the rules will be killed by me." He arrogantly said, making everyone watching him frightened.

"Usually every part of the Tutorial has its own different difficulties which are: Easy, Medium, Hard and Hell. Where Easy being the easiest and Hell being the hardest. But because this is a Tutorial for the second chance provided to you by the Higher Beings, the difficulty for each and every part is set at Hell." He continued.

The more he spoke, the more people were getting frightened. But ofcourse, Davy was slightly grinning and his eyes were full of excitement.

"Rules are simple- During the Tutorial phase, you cannot leave the Seoul state. You can do whatever you want in the tutorial but at the end of the day, Remember that you are the king of your own life!!" He further continued.

Everyone was carefully listening to everything but soon they saw him Smiling as if a Demon was smiling on its prey's futile attempts to survive.

"Without further ado! I announce that the Theme for the first trial is 'Zombie apocalypse'! You have to survive in the apocalypse for a time period of 30 Days!! The first trial will start in 2 hours! Try your best to survive with those futile attempts of yours!" He said while drooling, and started laughing. But little did he know, he wasn't the only one smiling. Davy too was smiling with excitement for new adventure which he had always wished for in his dreams!

He then announced with a drooling and demonic face!!!

"Now let the Tutorial begin!!!!!"


(Note- *1 - blue screen will be now changed to System.)

The Fun Begins!!!!

Wu_Caicreators' thoughts