
chapter 1

First period I had orchestra, in the front row (2nd chair violinist in the 1st violin section.) Behind me sat Issac, a non-binary (bio female) I had thoughts about them, I really liked them. I only saw them 1st period and 5a. Of course hour 5a was lunch, I couldn't help but stare. I finally built up the courage to follow them on tiktok, surprisingly Issac followed me back.

After that we became close friends, we would also joke around and say that we are dating. I knew we werent but it kind of felt like a real relationship.

Whenever I slept over at Issac's house I always took a shower before we went to sleep. This time Issac was asleep, I thought it was an opportunity to masturbate (I was a very horny teen.) So I grabbed my dildo and started going at it in the shower. I remember I was moaning too loudly (I was climaxing). I heard Issac get up. Oh no I thought. Issac asked if I was ok (probably not realising what was going on). I responded with a yes.

Issac asked "can I come in? I have to piss."

I said yes but I was done in the shower and was about to turn the water off. I told Issac to not look and quickly jumped out of the shower. But Issac was looking, Issac just sat there and stared. I was embarrassed.

I covered my boobs quickly with a towel. But I couldn't look away from Issac, I wanted them to finger me so bad. Issac stood up off of the toilet wiped, flushed and washed their hands. But about to turn the door knob, Issac turns around.