
Totally Hooked

Love seems like a beautiful thing for everybody. Its everything everybody craves for. That perfect man sweeping you off your feet, its every girl's dream. I never knew that someone would have me TOTALLY HOOKED.

L_A_5349 · Urban
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61 Chs

Chapter 11: The Flowers

"Babe! Stop it stop it!" Angel said, panicking as she tried stopping Shin from punching TJ again. Miggy and Vin immediately intervened and held a fuming mad, Shin by his arms in an attempt to calm him down.

"I'm fine. I'm good." Shin said, opening his palms wide and raising them as high as he could as a gesture of defeat.

The other players from the IT department helped TJ get up as he wiped blood off of his lip. Vin and Miggy then let go of Vin, but he immediately charged again, but this time Angel went in between him and TJ.

"Sorry Ton. Sorry about this." Angel apologized, while her hands are on Shin's chest, stopping him from coming any closer to TJ.

"Babe, let's just go. Come on. Please." she said to Shin, pleading at him.

They looked at each other's eyes and just seconds after Shin caved in, and started walking out of the court, holding Angel's hand.