
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · Fantasy
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102 Chs

76 Well Sh*t...(2)

Five months since the Grey Mountains' earth shattering events, it made Mark more famous when people were starting to flock towards his place and see if the man is indeed a god living in the mortal world.

And I turn increased believers as well as those of the Lady of the Lake's as many saw the statue Mark made. Now the Cathedral became larger as it welcomed many who were curious, but since it was an upsurge in popularity there is bound to be others who don't like such events.

It was mostly nobles of Brettonia that finds the teachings of Mark's believers to be a bad thing for them. Letting peasants learn to read and write would make things harder for some noble lords, as many of their peasants in their fiefs tried to flee their lands to work for Mark's territory.

They wanted to protest about this but the rumors of him singlehandedly destroying the castle of Drachenfels and tales of his real form being a sky reaching Titan that could send spears of light to decimate his enemies deterred them. It was because of the word of the now new Count of Fume situated near the Grey Mountains.

A knight of renown famous for his upright honesty and honor, the words of his men as well were heard. Similar rumors also bloomed in the empire when a famous adventurer from Ubersreik spread snippets of the battle courtesy to their Bard and coupled with the drawings of the Elf from Laurelion Forest making Mark more famous.

Another would be priest of other clergies, which was led by the Sigmar cultist. Mark was confused as to why they did not like another human to rise as a god but it became clear that these priest were the corrupt ones that lost benefits when some of their believers turned to worship Mark.

One priest tried making a fuss about him being a false god and all but it got the ire of many Brettonians that were in pilgrimage to the large Cathedral. As he was about to make more trouble but got kicked out then he promised to bring holy retribution. Mark got pissed he asked for Neferata about dirt they could find about this guy and it was delivered instantly to his table.

"Who are you to decide what the gods like or not? Are you a god? You are but mere mortal preaching for your own benefits. You even speak that the people are misguided, then who shall guide them you?

A man who asks to tithes from the people you preach to and spend them on debauched activities? I know what you do with all the coins you receive 'priest' so don't preach here when you do not even act on your own words."

It was then many rumors came out of the things the priest did that made many chase him even when he was out of town. Other than these the Green Tide was prevented making many Brettonians celebrate.

The Duke also briefly visited him in Castle Rachard along with Francine that was always in a dreamy state when she is with Mark. The Duke was happy at this knowing the one he chose is becoming a legend. But he did not stay long as his lands were still not stable at the moment making him leave to handle all these problems.

Then most days became monotonous as Mark studied the tomes and scrolls of Dark Magic and even found some notes coming from Drachenfels of his comment at how Nagaash made the Elixir of Life.

Mark also found he could practice almost every type of magic making even Neferata who was recently introduced to have a wide array of expressions. She too was stunned when she had heard of the event that happened in the Grey Mountians.

She knew that Mark might be able to defeat Drachenfels but to obliterate him and erase everything the guy built was something she did not expect. This made her realize how foolish her actions in trying to control Mark, not that she could do it again as the collar in her neck tightens everytimesuch rebellious thoughts appear.

Mark was also able to slowly increase the network of information he has as he had Neferata travel city to city in the Empire to make those accept him as their King. They were all surprised at the Human body of Neferata and even was excited knowing their king was the one getting famous all over the Old world.

Mark did this as he had all the Silver Chest and bronze chest open, most were Random Minion rolls, some were armor and magical items but what he got that was useful were fity Anywhere doors and ten large anywhere gates.

This enabled him to have a branch in every major city in the empire as well as have many more in Brettonia. Taking over the Lahmian Vampires as well as making them start to worship Mark would be for the near future.

He also got three dozen skeleton minions too, which he found very valuable as the skeleton summons of the vampires is vastly different from the system skeleton summons.

These skeletons could be programmed and given time would develop sentience as his first somehow was now able to communicate to Mark with basic message indicating feelings.

It could not speak as of yet but it'll get there, now he has tireless workers making him many basic resources needed. Food, oil, wool, ropes, soaps, glass, bamboo products, lumber, stone tools, arrows, wine, beer, dried goods and many more.

He also got another dozen of Cleansing Orbs, not sure how they work but maybe he'll be able to understand them later if he furthered his studies in magic. Right now he is mostly focusing on the magic of Life and Magic of Death.

And right now maybe he could develop the procedure to change all the vampires, one important element in this is himself as his cultivation makes him able to repair souls. One of which is the problems vampires have due to the curse of Nagaash.

And since his territory is expanding he also started to develop the lands around Castle Rachard. Thanks to the increase of population courtesy to the Herrimaults, Mark now has an increase of man power making him able to focus training his men that were mostly the original residents of his first town.

Unbeknownst to many, most of the original families were being slowly transferred by Mark to his backyard. Which also started to expand slowly from what he could tell, it seems having the system fixed made the things inside grow faster.

This includes the animals too as the herds of herbivores and the large number of predators now roamed the lands that were not touched by Mark. He did not integrate the Herrimaults yet to his cause but only those who could be considered his first citizens.

They were now fanatic to Mark and being brought to the paradise like land which Mark said to be his divine residence then they now turned into full blown devotees. Mark felt it, somehow a part of him could tell that people were praying to him.

Thankfully his soul power improved making him able to tell where the person praying to him was. This made him realize he is now slowly becoming a real god, and right now the sigil made by his own preachers were that of the omnitrix making Mark raise his brows.

'Would Azmuth gain some faith power too? Or would it be Ben?' Mark thought.

With around three thousand population that slowly disappeared but not noticed at all, could be as well called an amazing feat. Mark did not prevent them from going out though as his soldiers still patrol the lands he owned.

He did have some the Herrimaults join his town guards but they were not much included in the inner works. Other than that Mark has now expanded his underground network as he had now raided the Skaven town three months ago.

This made the skaven aware that another group is now contesting their supremacy in the underground world. This brought in a large influx of attackers but Mark had built a fortress underground designed by him with advanced engineering techniques.

Other than that he has now expanded his sea faring trade with ten more frigates he bought. Now he has a fleet secretly equipped with advanced sonar making him able to catch more fish than others. Also abled him to increase the variety of sea life on his backyard.

Besides that he now started instructing Neferata to slowly change the Elector Counts that would answer to them. One thing Mark wanted to rid this world of is the prejudice of other races and snip those supreme race mentality from occurring.

But he needed several generations to do that, he also started to gain influence in Kislev that no nobles would dare offend his trade fleet. Who would want to offend the one supplying them with affordable food and great weapons for small benefits?

This also made him able to see the Kislev boyars in action as some northmen tribes raided some villages. This also earned him more slaves, and speaking of slaves Mark was also able to convert most of the beings he had captured in the battle.

Now he has extra fifteen minotaurs, two hundred beastmen, five rock trolls, ten river trolls and seventy warriors. Some were executed as they were crying and clawing to be killed as they regained their sanity. Some were not able to handle the fact they killed close family members in their obsession to strength and power.

Mark was able to calm many of them but others looked like they were soulless as they talked of how they took the life of their own children. Mark felt bad making them sober up but he oblige nonetheless as he gave them mercy by killing them.

He also had the new residents of his place, the brettonians, elven slaves, dwarf slaves and the now reformed beastmen to watch the events. He wanted this to remind the people here that most beings had no choice but to kill due to the influence of chaos.

He wanted the beastmen and humans live in harmony here as he knew it would be hard to rid of generational fear towards other races. And it did work, when the people saw the beastmen that were clothed and clean, they were curious.

And since there are a lot of things the Skeletons made which made the building of the town really fast. Mark introduced to them many techniques in building as well as provided a blueprint that he also thought them how to read and understand.

He had them live in the community of the beastmen and even had them help each other in building homes. Torgu and the muscle group were welcome in their great assistance in doing the heavy work. The small giant child was happy he got to meet other children to play with.

Mark did warn to be careful as torgu could throw them three kilometers away if they kept pestering him to juggle them high in the air. The scene was also shown by Mark to the vampires who were also starting to blend in.

Many were shocked to know of many vampires serving Mark, it wasn't until Melissa and Maria appeared that things became lively. Those two went to gossip and tell tales of Mark's fights as well as the events of the Grey Mountain Battle.

His shadows also started to live there too as a frame of a large town is starting to appear. Various races living together and in harmony was a scene no one could find anywhere here in the Old World. But maybe it will come to fruition once his plans to have the ruling class under his control.

Mark wanted to advance this world farther than they could become as it might be them that'll fight the wars that'll come. He also warned Neferata to watch out for suspicious activities that includes the Skaven.

And with the network of the Lahmian Sisterhood, mark was able to gather more slaves whom he did not buy from slavers. But stole on the way to their delivery places; this earned him a few more hundreds of slaves and more coins for his pockets.

He did it with discrete operations as the slaves were transported through his now roaming carriages. Also when he is reading the tomes and scrolls he usually now hangs in the shop, he didn't want to miss out on special customers.

But so far none have arrived, but he did find out his grumpy cat was in DC universe making things hard for Alfred. He knew this as he has a connection to those he summoned making him see a slowed down perception, it was then he saw the cat have vases fall to the ground when the butler is passing by.

None were broken of course as Mark ordered the cat to stay there and guard the house. He got an annoyed purr but he knew the cat would do what he asked; this might help Bruce Wayne too in the future one way or another.

He also noticed how the system did not give him anymore missions but some new features were added in the mix. He still is trying to figure out the things that are new but he did find that one of the locked rooms before is available.

The War Room

And this room is like the place where you can see all the things going on in your territory, just like in the movie Clash of Titans where the gods were seated on a hall. And the floor just depicts the bird's eye view of the earth and the kingdoms within in view to the gods.

But this one was the world of Warhammer, but the ones he can view were those he had been or where his men had traveled to. Most of Brettonia were visible from the beaches of Couronne to the feet of the mountains in Carcascone.

Half of the Empire is shown too as well as some parts of Kislev. Mark was also able to see the oceans which his boats has traveled, additional to this he could see the forces of other territories depicted with an avatar of a man.

He realized this was like how Total War depicts the whole map and that the avatars might be armies or forces of other groups. He could see an Avatar of a Orc Shaman looking battered slowly running back to Masif Orcal.

Some avatars were smaller but they most likely present the damsels and Paladins. Mark also saw some avatars of Dwarves in some parts and realized some had bars on top of them.

These bars represent the amount of units he has on the army, he also saw a mini version of himself in the map. But the most important of all was the small flags on the map indicating resources, which made him able to find those in his territory and even able to increase his fishing yield.

Thus enabled him to have a lot of funds in building ten frigates, five were fitted with more defensive weapons while the other five were mostly have more room for fish and personnel.

And since his success was apparent to everyone that looked closely, there were many spies that wanted to learn his secrets. But how can they get past when Mark owns the best of these spies, now his plans in slowly making the empire shift its focus to the forces of chaos is on route.

He wanted them to be aware of what the Kislevites will face in the upcoming centuries. For now no Chaos warband would dare face the armies of the Tzarina that was forged in war and strife.

Having united the whole of the north the Kislevites will be the wall that would prevent the Chaos forces to march down to the worlds of men. He wanted the nobles of the Empire be aware that if they do not send some help then they too will be next.

Having the War Room made Mark able to see the things needed to make and army better. Also he was able to see to the under empires too which the game does not have, making him able to see the various minerals that could be mined and how close they are to the tunnels.





These were now in Mark's grasp as he kept developing as he planned. But he would not let such rapid development appear to the Old World, he knew that to have the technology he wanted to present then a period of time must past until all would be accepting of change.

But before that he must increase his influence and make sure his religion has a great voice before such change be introduced. Led by Hans, the first ever Guardian of the Forest, a group set out to spread word of his teachings.

Mark made sure that there would be no conflict to the preachers of the Lady of the Lake as they went on their missionary quest. He even added that the believers of the Lady are friends and must be helped, so he staged situations where some damsels were saved by the passing knights on the mission.

Both sides did not know but Mark did, his men has no acting skill yet enough to fool others and he would not have them learn such. How he knew where some Damsels are?

Well Vampires kept tabs on them to know if the said damsel might need to be avoided. Vampires were quite averse to the presence of these women so they made sure to know their paths so they would not meet each other.

Good thing the people under the vampires were not aware of the true nature of their masters. Which made things very easy to make maximum discretion; Mark just did not expect a damsel to fall in love to Hans.

'Good for him, he might need to have some heirs too as his age was quite at the grandpa stage already.' Mark was happy his men got some love too in his schemes. Mark felt things were getting right on their tracks…

[Two weeks later]

Mark stared at the ceiling as he was still processing what had happened to him last night. He looked down and saw Francine on his arms smiling foolishly like she was in a happy dream. They had slept with each other, but that was not the worst part.

He looked at the other woman in his hands with the similar expression as Francine as their faces looked like sisters smiling foolishly. Mark groaned in his mind as the events started to come back to his head.

An Oyakodon, he had slept with his wife and his mother-in-law. Reason why it happened? Well Mark did not account for the fact that he had pleasured Francine with only his hands making the girl happy but also insecure.

She had thought that maybe she was not enough so she asked for tips to her mother. Who in turn was happy giving out adult content tips to her daughter, but months passed by and Francine was still not able to last long making her more sad inside.

This is where things go wrong, as smart and dutiful of a wife Francine is, her mother is an airhead through and through. So her mother has sought out for an apothecary and asked for potent potions to make a man fall in 'love'.

The apothecary did give the woman the drug and said to only use a drop for the Duke. This apothecary was thinking that maybe the Duke was ignoring the Madame so he gave something strong that was enough to affect a Grail Knight.

But the klutz of a mother Francine has poured the whole bottle to make sure her daughter gets loved by Mark plenty. She had visited Castel Rachard which made Mark prepare a ball to welcome her. But after the party when he and Francine visited her, she gave them glasses of wine.

Mark was tired for the preparation that he did not check for anything weird on the drinks at all. His impression of the woman was she was a very loving mother and a little bit of an airhead one.

Not raising his guard made the potion effective immediately, which made him want to cleanse himself of it but somehow the two women in the room also felt hot. The mother even put a drop on her drink too making her and her daughter jump at Mark.

And since it would take time to cleanse himself, his body's instinct kicked in to take charge. And behold from 7 PM to 7 AM he was awake changing sheathes from time to time. He was too late to cleanse himself as he could not focus at the softness he was feeling.

In other words, he just cucked the Duke, his own father-in-law. Mark's brain now has thousands of monkeys throwing bananas everywhere trying to make him understand how fucked up his situation is.

He did not place any kind of ward to prevent the screams last night to spread all over the walls. Just when he is having a stable pace of development this happened.

'Well shit…'

[The Next Day]

Thankfully all the people in the castle were Mark's subordinates and the vampires were able to cast spells of illusion to the handmaidens of the Duchess as well as her retinue of guards.

It was then Mark learned from the duchess that she was worried that her daughter was underperforming and was going to be ignored so she helped a little bit.

Francine was really embarrassed that she locked herself in her room knowing her mom did such a thing with her. Mark was sweating his forehead but he still scolded the duchess for her reckless actions.

The vampires were also gossipy as they were in the shadows watching the drama, good thing this world was not so modern that it was not unfounded some nobles have quirky tastes.

The Duchess was quite open about it but she did sigh in relief when she heard no one knew of the matter. She knew her husband was quite busy and she had gotten not much loving for a long time.

(A/N: Can't give lemons for the mean time as I could not imagine a scene like that before I too get hard. Can't have that as I am currently in a vacation with my family, can't have a tent while I am fiddling with my phone. That would send some wrong messages to all my relatives around me who liked gossiping about rumors of family members.)