
Total War System: Stuck between DC and Marvel

How would a third generation rich kid which was the black sheep of his family react when he discovers that he has been chosen as host of a system but the price is that he is bound to a place where he has limited freedom and could only leave on certain conditions? Freak out of course!!!! “Why!? I was comfortable in my house leeching of my family! Why must I be subjected to this confinement!!” [Host was chosen randomly out of trillions of many possible candidates, so in the words of your fellow humans it is better for you to ‘enjoy’ it if you can’t fight it.] So Mark Johnson was stuck within a weird three story building with a late Victorian design. [Host has discovered ‘The Shop’] [Mission Issued: Where are you?] [-Host must discover where you are and what or which worlds you can access.] Mark then fumbled around and realized that there are two doors that led to two different worlds. Namely DC and Marvel Universes. [Mission completed!] Mark could only say two words when realization dawned upon him. “I’m Fucked!” [Note: Any character in this novel is not mine except for the main protagonist. Also I would change some things about some characters as I am not quite knowledgeable in every canon facts about many of them Also I only write in my free time to release some stress so don't expect consistent uploads of chapters.]

Warcry_Ayms · Fantasy
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102 Chs

72 Shop customers

[In the Shop]


Unbeknownst to Mark as he battled, a customer has appeared on the shop with no one to entertain the person. The old man was wearing an old English butler attire as he held a tray with biscuits on it, he looked confused as he was standing in the shop that was filled with lots of weird things.

"Curious, now I am quite sure the mansion did not have this place inside nor was there any recent renovations." The old man looked around as he was not sure how he got into this place when all he wanted was to go to the kitchen then get some confectionaries for his young master.

As he looked around he saw some weird things as well as a wall decorated with various weapons and armors. It was then his eyes landed on the cat sitting on the table, it looked like it was so grumpy that people did not pay him money that they owed.

"What a grumpy little cat, you seem to have faced hard days did you? Now where is the owner of this place, wherever this place is." The butler looked around as he came upon the pet section where various small animals were placed in small biomes that replicated their habitat.

"This place is quite curious, from the place settings I would think this was some kind of shop. Hmm… you are a cute one are you?" The butler was attracted to a fluffy puppy that was just lazing around the floor. He was instantly beset with the feeling of wanting the small pup, and when the puppy somehow woke up as it sniffed the air.

It ran it's small chubby legs towards the butler and sniffed the pants of the guy, the old man just reached down and picked up the puppy. As he was not sure where he is he just went and walked back to the door where he came from. Just as he opened the door and was greeted by the familiar hallway he used to pass by he looked back at the mysterious room he stumbled upon.

He looked at the counter and did not see the cat there anymore but he did not mind, cats tend to wander in many places. He thought for a moment and went to the desk with the puppy in hand as he took of the rather expensive watch his young master had given him. Then left it on the counter while taking a note and pen then wrote what he had just taken away.

He could tell this place was shop as he had seen earlier after picking up the puppy that there was a price tag. 100 gold coins, not sure how much that is but the $800,000 gold watch should be able to pay for the small bundle of fur. He then wrote his name on the note as he put the watch on it as he left for the door.

And as soon as he closed the door behind him he was now standing in the hallway of his master's mansion. He looked back and saw the familiar doors leading to the kitchen. He opened it and was greeted by an empty kitchen, he sighed as he put down the puppy on the floor as he went to find any food for it.

He looked at the bleak aura of the manor which was now empty as he had just fired every servant within for stealing mementos from the mansion after the death of the Master and Madame. He could not understand how his father picked such ungrateful people that stole from the family that gave them their jobs.

While he was working around the kitchen the puppy was looking around as it started familiarizing itself on his new home. It then looked at a dark corner of the kitchen where a pair of eyes floated, the puppy tilted his head as it looked at the pair of eyes. It was then a window near the sink opened and let in a gust of wind.

"Hmm? It seems that it was right of me to fire those servants, such lax quality in even making sure the window is locked properly is not needed here in the Wayne manor." Said the butler.

[Grey Mountians]

"Are ya sure about that milord? The bugmans said it was making the mountains tremble, must by Grimnir getting angry on something. Do we have be present when we could just send a wee bit of scouts to check that place?" A Longbearded Dwarf said as he looked at their liege who led a contingent of dwarven hammerers to see the reason for the rumbling near the accursed place.

"We have ignored that place for too long that it is going to be a danger to the Dawi, we must seek out the reason so we could write off a grudge off of our books. Tis be a cursed land but it is once a place our ancestors roamed. If a beast be fighting that blight there then it be proper we help it bring down the damned place to rubbles." A robust dwarf fully armored said as he marched together with his Brethren to rid the mountains of that scourge.

A dwarven army marched on the underways their ancestors built going to the place that was owned by one of their hated beings. They had suffered for generations under fear in facing such foul creatures as their people vanish to thin air.

They knew it was the work of the foul necromancer Drachenfels as the being does not even hide his tracks. He wants people to fear him as the ultimate evil so he did not even deny playing with dwarven lives for fun.

But even when they had raised armies to track down the hateful being, they always fall short(A/N:no pun intended) in finding his lair. They knew he was in the Grey Mountains but they could never see past his wards of hiding. Thus years of grudges gone unsettled made many of his people turn into slayers finding respite from the pains they had felt losing someone from the Great Enchanter.

And when those grudges felt like they'll be forever unsettled, a report came in from a Bugman Ranger that a place of foul magic was found. The ranger had not looked deeply but he could hear the battle that was going on and the horrifying screams of anguish and rage made the ranger sure this place is the lair of the foul being called Drachenfels.

Crows arrived again that the battle has taken long as two days and the ranger has tried going near the place. All the ranger could tell was that the Great Enchanter is facing a deadly foe or a monster with all the dead found in the battle field. A demon Prince was seen too but he could not see what the hordes of darkness were facing.

One thing he was sure is that whatever is killing them is the reason for the wards of hiding placed by the Great Enchanter to be broken. The Foul could be felt for miles that the Ranger had to retreat first as the blood and gore now painted the valley where the battle resided.

The Dwarf Lord knew this was their chance, he had rallied the best dwarves in his hold to march and strike the place fast and clean. A number of about 2000 dwarven warriors now marched to the blighted lands that they had not dug for more than a thousand years.


Other that the Dwarves that lived on the near Karak Norn, Brettonians on the nearby County of Fume in Sanglac castle situated in the Grey mOuntains also were also alerted when the spell that hid Drachenfels was lifted due to the damage done all over.

They did send a group of riders to see the situation but there was also another group that rode out dressed in Black cloaks riding on large warhorses that seemed to bring the night along with them. These two were not aware of each other as they rode towards the near place.

[Athel Loren]

Even the Wood Elves of Athel Loren in Waterfall Palace were roused by the foul energy that is tainting the air of the forest. Brachwraiths, Treekin and Great Stags were awoken from the disturbance that their forest has felt.

A squad of Hawk riders were sent to scout out the place and when the news of the Great Enchanter's castle being found then a group led by a Glade Lord on a Large Eagle followed by Hawk riders went to strike first to the unholy being.


Even the Empire was now alerted at the change as their magical device blared in alarm from the chaos magic that was felt in the Grey Mountains. Bright Wizards speculated who was the one that owned such malevolent energy and their books show of an old foe the Emperor Sigmar has faced. Constant Drachenfels, this made them send word to the garrison in Ubersreik, a town situated just under the mountain to send scouts to seek the place of the Great Enchanter.

[Castle Drachenfels]

Mark did not know that going about destroying stuff all around as he methodically slew foe after foe has revealed the location of the Chaos infested region. Drachenfels had felt it and tried to fix the wards but Mark saw his actions and bothered him with occasional shots from his M14. Not able to kill the guy but it annoyed him that his incantations were stopped midway every time.

Mark did not go way big or Swamp fire on their asses as he wanted to hone every skill he wanted to develop. He could see that the two leaders did take him seriously but they opted to have their minions exhaust him but unbeknownst to them that his stamina was regenerating fast enough to cover what he had just used.

His body still felt getting tired but he was pacing his actions and calculated every enemy that came to him, only strain he could feel was mental strain as he honed his sword skills, shooting skills and other weapon mastery he could from the weapons he has on his inventory.

He also picked up some axes here from marauders and tried axe throwing in some point and he even started to get used to how his body moved making his actions sharper and smoother. He was dancing in the field that he could feel every slash, smash and shot he made by the second. He was not sure but he was fighting for about three hours already as the enemy could not swarm at him even if they wanted to.

He could feel his notifications but he did not look into them, he was sure the gods were now seeing his feats. He did feel some foreign power try to empower him but he did not accept it as he was not sure if it was Khorne or the other Gods of War or Slaughter. He did not want to be inspected by them at all, so he just went on his continued fight as he weaved left and right dodging trolls, knocking out Minotaurs and breaking up bones of the undead.

He was in the zone as he felt like a cold calculating computer as his sense told him of the directions of the blades, arrows, spear heads and various things that were going to hit him. After all the time he was rampaging the two forces were also still fighting while the two leaders kept recovering. They looked over the field and were silent as they had now understood Mark was no small fry they could just take over like they want.

As much as they don't like to admit it the do not have any assurance they could defeat Mark without sacrificing something. They too were wary with each other as they casted spells from time to time, but Drachenfels was always shot by a fast arrow every time he tries to repair his concealing wards. He knew the forces around now knew where to find him unless he repairs everything.

For the fastest it would take about a day for any group to arrive thus they were not in a hurry, the two looked at each other as they felt wary still that if one faces Mark then the other might backstab the other. So right now other than giving some assist, they also ordered their followers in battle.

Be'lakor's army did not engage Mark closely as they were more pushing the undead towards him. Only the large creatures which somehow he does not kill were sent like Minotaurs, Wargors, Trolls and Giants. Be'lakor had those knocked own pulled away as he waited for them to recover from whatever made them faint (Mark's tranq arrows which were concentrated nerve vemon from the Datura Snake).

It was when they had placed sufficient orders to tire Mark out did the two powerful leaders fought again as they went ballistic towards each other. Now in the battle field there are three fronts of battle happening, Drachenfels vs Be'lakor, Mark vs 50% of the army of each side and the other 50% that were fighting each other to the death.

[The Shop]

Unbeknownst to Mark another customer or a trio of customer has arrived on his shop, one that he would have never predicted to have been present to the world his shop is attached to.

Three kids wearing dark robes with were now looking around the shop curious as they were not sure how they got here when they were just going for their Herbology Class. They were all about eleven or ten years old as they wandered around the weird room they ended up in.

"I told you we should have left earlier or else we would not have taken that short cut you said then we would not have ended in this place or whatever it is we should call this here." The young girl with them complained to the other redheaded kid who was the whole reason they were lost, her british accent tells of where they all came from.

"I swear we passed through the shortcut but I didn't know we would end up in this place at all! I didn't even know of the existence of this place within the school premise." The young red headed boy with a worn out robe was confused too himself as he looked at the weapons in the shelves and various weird things.

"I don't think were in the school at all." The last boy who wore glasses and has a dark raven hair said as he looked around. He stared at a glass jar filled with eyes and as he leaned in closer the eyes all looked at him simultaneously. He flinched back as he turned around to walk towards the pet section where various creatures were displayed.

One feature Mark had noticed is that if the customers were aware of the occult and magic then the pet shop and certain products were placed in more obvious places by the shop automatically. He learned of this when one customer seemed to be a rogue sorcerer looking for Goblin Blood that he needed for his spells.

Though the already magical items were obvious to the other people that found themselves here, they just mostly thought Mark was a devil or something like that. Other than Blade and Wonder Woman who looked uninterested in many items, the sorcerer was the only one that understood some of the magical items here.

This made Mark put up more items like babies of weird creatures he got from the Minion Rolls. Not all were found useful be Mark so he just let them be and if eggs or babies come out he would take some to put in display. Right now the boy was looking at a various weird things but his attention was focused on the snake section.

"I concur, it seems that we have found ourselves in some weird place. Should we tell the Headmaster about this place?" the girl said as she was more focused on some items placed on small bottles. "Unicorn Hairs? Troll Blood? Goblin Claws… hmm it seems we are in some sort of store that sells various things."

"Well I sure hell am not buying anything, this place gives me the creeps." Said the red haired boy.

"THE CREEPS?! How dare you call my master's shop creepy you ignorant snot nosed boy!! Why I oughta beat you senseless if you weren't customers." Reepicheep said as he jump on the counter.

"BLOODY HELL!! The Rat just talked!" The red haired boy was wide eyed as he looked at his friends who were also shocked at the rat.

"Of course I talk! You think I got this mouth for nothing?! And besides you smell like my kin, so I can't get angry at you." Reepicheep said as he looked proud. As he stood he kept making body building poses as he looked at himself in the mirror on the counter.

"You can walk on two legs." The black haired boy with glasses said as he looked weirdly at the buff Rat.

"You walk on two legs too so what's your point?" Reepicheep looked at the kids in front of him who stopped asking him of his situation. He was not sure where Cookie the telekinetic cat has gone but he could not find him anywhere. So as he wandered around the mansion he got to see the situation in the shop and heard just in time what the small red haired kid has to say.

"Umm… Sir? Mister Rat? Would you mind telling me where are we?" The girl had seen a lot of magical things so a walking and talking Rat was not outlandish for her. It was just it looked weird with all the muscle it has as it did those weird poses.

"Why, you are in my master's shop is where you are and my name is Reepicheep given to me by my very powerful and handsome master." Reepicheep flexed more as he talked to the kids."You wouldn't have met with a flying cat with anger issues would you?"

"No, we have not." The black haired boy shook his head. "So where is this place exactly and how do we go back to where we came from?"

"Huh, where this place is exactly you ask? Well…..hmm…." Reepicheep seemed thoughtful as he tried to think."…well I don't know." The three kids looked at the Rat who made them wait ten seconds for nothing.

"And for how to get out then you pass by the door of course, did you think it was a one way road? More importantly what is a one way road? I feel the term is correct but I never seen one….hmm." Reepicheep was thoughtful again as he ignored the annoyed faces of the kids in front of him.

"Wait, a shop? So does that mean we can buy the stuff here?" The red haired kid suddenly shone his eyes as this realization hit him.

"What part of shop do you not understand boy? I feel sorry for your parents for having a dumb kid like you." Reepicheep said.

"Says the rat that does not know what a 'one-way road' is." The Black haired kid said which made Reepicheep thoughtful and nod.

"Touche', what ever that means…" said the large Rat.

"How much for the Unicorn's Hair?" The girl said as she looked at the Rat.

"How would I know?" said Reepicheep.

"Aren't you the store keep here?" asked the girl.

"No, I was just looking for my ugly cat friend." Said the rat.

"You're friends with a cat? But doesn't cat eat rats?" Asked the black haired boy.

"Master won't like it if he eats me, I'm master's favorite!" The rat looked proud as he said this.

"How much is this?" the red haired boy brought in a Mace, a metal glove, chainmail, metal boots and a dagger.

"Ten shiny coins!" Reepicheep both his fore fingers wide.

"But that's eight, you have eight fingers total." Said the black haired boy.

"You said you don't know the price." The girl was also a bit annoyed but her eyes shone. She turned around and took out coins in her pockets and a wand which she pointed on the coins.

"Scourgify!" said the girl and the coins were now covered in soapy bubbles, she then pulled her red haired friend over and used his coat to wipe the coins clean.

"Oi, why you using my coat for cleaning?!" the kid protested as his friend finished cleaning the coins. The girl then stood up and handed the coins to the muscled Rat and asked.

"Will these bunch of shiny coins be able to pay the things we are buying?" the Rat's eyes shone as soon as he saw the shiny coins and nodded fiercely as he took it from the girls hands.

"Yes yes it would pay for the not shiny things you picked up." Reepicheep was entranced as he could see his face I the coins and started to pose in front of it very satisfied. The three kids looked at each other and went around the store to pick the things they found interesting.

It wasn't until their hands were filled they stopped and went straight towards the door. As soon as they opened in they were now standing in the hallway that was very familiar to them. They looked at each other and stared at the things they picked up until the girls said.

"Of all the things that we could use you picked up armors and weapons? How daft could you be to ignore the ingredients we could use in potion making?!" she looked at her red haired friend that was now decked with various things on his body that was not of his size making him look funny.

"And you, a jar of eyes? A sword? And a bunch of food? Ughh! " the girl looked exasperated but she was glad she got some various things in small jars that might be useful for her studies.

"You Three!! Where in the blazes have been hiding? The Headmaster has been alerted of your disappearance in the school so you better have a good explanat- why are you wearing all those armor Ron Weasley?" an Old woman walked to them briskly as she looked relieved at the sight of the three kids but she looked confused at the red haired boy's appearance.

"Professor Mcgonagall! We suddenly arrived in weird place and-"

"Professor I got these from a talking Rat! And he said we were in a-"

"We got lost somewhere in a weird shop then a Rat came out talk-"

The three kids suddenly talked in a hurry like they wanted to share their experience. But the old lady with a witch's hat looked confused at their words and could not understand what they were saying as they talked altogether.

"Save the explanation to the Headmaster, so follow me and we'll talk about this 'shop' you said stumbled upon shall we? And Potter, why do you have a Jar filled with eyes?" the old woman looked at the boy who was shaking the jar.

"They move, look!" he stretched his arms to show the eyes that now looked to the old lady. She did not flinch as she had seems something similar in the past.

"Well follow me now, you all have a lot of explaining to do especially you miss Granger." The old lady shook her head as she walked to the office of the Headmaster followed by the three troublemakers. They had been all alerted of an anomaly that blared the wards of the school all over.

[In the Mansion]

"Yeah you look good there baby." Reepicheep walked around with the coins now hung on his neck and using one as a personal mirror. Melissa was walking by as she saw this and was confused as to what the Rat was holding.

But seeing it was just a polished coin then she ignored it and went to handle the documents while fantasizing the body of Mark. If she was focused then she might have noticed the lack of things falling like pots and stuff on cabinets.

(A/N: Did you know that Harry Potter is canon in Marvel Universe, so I just decided to put this here as I have made the MC more inclined to magic. Reason? Why not? So I placed this here to give myself more problems I would face in the future, also the MC would also face extra problems.

Why? Because I felt like it and didn't think this through, but it would be fun knowing that other than sorcerers there are witches and wizards too.

This also means I would have to read up on many pages about the witches and wizards in America. Like the wizard Newt Scamander met who were also Americans. I'll need to read about the Salem incidents which were also mentioned in the Wandavision.

This would also make me lose a lot of hours of sleep but meh, who made me an idiot wanting to put a lot of things in this Fic. But mostly the reason is that a lot of Fics already existed about Marvel and DC and I am trying to make sure mine does not appear similar to others.

I have read many of it already, which made me find a lot of 'questionable' fics that were like gathering women like pokemons. This would have been quite hard to explain why I just inserted the Harry Potter verse here but I remembered I wrote of the plot change given by TOAA to the MC.

So F-ck this and we'll see where this Fic will go, this making a Foundation Arc is about to be done anyways so please comment on how the MC could insert himself in the wizarding world.)