

At the age of sixteen elysian moon was shocked when she found out the secret her butler has been hiding from her for almost sixteen years which brought her to a completely different world she never expected and changed her mundane life forever.

Gray_Wolf_1161 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter 9 THAT DAY IV

Evelyn never actually wanted to kill the beast, she was just going to remove the bracelet from it's belly using her ability without killing it, since it was still quite useful to them.

But seeing jonathan's reaction she wouldn't want to disappoint him. "I guess killing one of them isn't so bad, i guess i will let him have his way, i would love to see how he would fare against an ordinary beast, especially since he has been practicing all the time. He's already at the crese level of cultivation, so he should do well, coupled with all the training he had with his father and his other cultivator teachers, all he did was train all day unless his school lesson tutor comes home for his lessons or it's time to eat. At least he still remembers that." Evelyn thought within her.

"sure, jonathan if that's what you want, i gladly accept your help." she voiced out.

Hearing his mom's response made him quite happy, now he would be able to do something good for his mother. Jonathan thought with satisfaction. "thank you mom," jonathan said while smiling.

"No! No! hell No!" Thomas said stuttering. "Jonathan is doing nothing like that!. Evelyn how could you encourage our son to do something so dangerous?"

Thomas accused not expecting that from evelyn. What if jonathan get hurts, that would be bad news for them, there's no way he would let that happen. If evelyn was blind and couldn't see the danger well he could. He thought before continuing

"Evelyn am sure before you brought that thing home you must have had a plan. So continue with that and don't put our son in harm's way." thomas refuted before clamping his mouth shut, with a wronged expression on his face.

Evelyn was stupefied, not expecting such a tirade from thomas, opening and clamping her mouth thereafter not knowing what to say, she was rendered speechless.

But she was awaken from her stupor by the words pronounced by jonathan.

"why won't you let me?." Jonathan said quite hurt by his father's words, this was an opportunity to put to action what he practiced, all those days he spent practicing to get to this level all the injuries and pain he had been through it was finally time to show what he could do, but why wouldn't he let me.

"Yes", evelyn suddenly blurted out having found words in jonathan's voice. "Why won't you let him,? he has been practicing everytime he gets all day, he ends up with injuries but he never complained, it's not like he ever asked for much anyway, all he did is ask you to kill an ordinary level beast, to give me back the bracelet the bracelet you bought for me!. Evelyn shouted in annoyance.

Thomas was stupefied, was confused why he been attacked, not expecting the outburst of tirade his wife just showed. He wanted to defend himself not wanting them to misunderstand his intention. "I never....

"you never what!, do you want all those days he spent practicing to be in vain, tell me." Evelyn fired at him preventing him from speaking any further.

"Yes daddy, i would love to show you what I have learnt so far, please daddy." Jonathan pleaded.

Thomas being scolded by the duo, so he thinks, didn't dare refuse the both of them anymore, he finally yielded to their words.

"Fine you can do as you wish" he said in surrender.

"sure." Evelyn replied curtly. before looking towards jonathan "wait here i will go bring it over, and also call luxe over"

"why would you do that," thomas asked with a pout still quite annoyed about the fact that he was pushed to agree to their absurd request.

"since you seem so worried about jonathan's safety, i have decided to bring luxe over, just in case something goes south."

"Are you saying am not enough to help."

"why are you so grumpy, and by the way it's jonathan's first kill, the more the merrier." Evelyn snorted before walking off.

"It's nothing to be happy about." Thomas mumbled then tsked before facing jonathan "are you sure you want to do this" thomas asked seriously, still not quite satisfied with their decision, like a worried mother hen looking for her missing chick.

"yes dad am very sure about this." Jonathan replied while nodding his head.


Young master!

Young master!

Young master!

Luxe seeing jonathan in a daze was quite worried above him, did he get a brain injury or something.

"huh" said jonathan, suddenly been jolt back to reality

"what is it?." "Are you okay, young master?.

"am fine, is anything wrong?." "No, nothing's wrong, but what would you like for dinner tonight."

Jonathan looked at luxe and sighed before replying.

"I don't think I can digest anything today, am so tired and my body is aching so badly, so am not interested in eating tonight." Jonathan said tiredly.

"It must be the effect of your dad's ability. I understand, am going now. Have a good night sleep."

"I know, good night to you too luxe." Jonathan said before lying on the the bed tiredly. But then something

suddenly struck him he doesn't know exactly where he was, he must have been so tired that he totally forgot to asked luxe.

"wait!", jonathan said stopping luxe from stepping out of the room, since he had already opened the door.

"where exactly am i?."

"we are in the northern empire, in the outskirt of the city of Esseriniah, young master" luxe said respectfully.

"what!, it's f**king cold here!, but why are we here in the first place?, Couldn't we just stay in Astral?, Did we have to leave the capital in the eastern empire?, huh?.

Jonathan bombarded luxe with numerous questions, in shock, not quite understanding why his father would send him so far away.

Luxe cleared his throat before speak. "It doesn't snow in Esseriniah, so you should be fine."

"But it's still f**king cold here!." Jonathan blurted out immediately.

"you can manage young master, by the way it's not very cold here, and the person who agreed to help you train refused to leave Esseriniah"

"why,? couldn't you just find another one in the capital?, and what about school?, i haven't graduated from business school yet?, what am i going to do about that?.

"umm, luxe said hesitating. Actually the teachers at the capital refused to take you as their student when they found out you couldn't cultivate anymore." Luxe said in his most gentle voice ever, not to make him feel bad.
