
Torn Between Love And War; A Witch's Tale

(Volume 1 completed) A world where witches and warlocks practice witchcraft, bloodshed, sacrifice, and worship underworld deities. One witch, Elvira Cain, loses her heart to her species' enemy, a wizard while working as an undercover spy. Her heart is now torn between loyalty to her kind and the man who has opened her eyes to a new world of kindness. If she chose him, would he ever accept her true nature? Even if he did, would her family let her live with that decision? War, bloodshed, and consequences will surely follow whatever choice she makes.

Irum_Azam · Fantasie
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111 Chs

Chapter 7

The next morning, Elvira peered through the window. It was bright outside. Leona was still in dreamland and was snoring like a pig. Elvira headed downstairs to confirm the wizard's departure before waking her sister.

"Good morning, Miss. Is your sister feeling well now?" asked the Innkeeper, cleaning the tables.

"Yes, she is," said Elvira, and took a quick scan of the room. The wizards weren't there. "Have the wizards left?" she asked.

"Yes, they left in a hurry before sunrise," answered the woman.

Elvira sighed in relief. She couldn't wait to return home and share her perilous wizard encounter with everyone. It disappointed Elvira to rescue her friends. Only Serena and Charlotte's intellect could save them now.

Elvira predicted Lilith would soon pass a new rule prohibiting travel to Berkton and all nearby lands.

Elvira probably wouldn't ever get another chance to look for Serena there. Agror had slipped her mind after the nerve-wracking wizard encounter. Her curiosity was piqued as to what his visit to her village had yielded.

Immediately following breakfast, the sisters left. They finished part of the journey on horseback until they reached an isolated place. They were lucky not to run into any wizards on the way. Leona then used a fast travel spell to their village.

They arrived at their village somewhere around noon. The streets were a lot emptier than usual. The sisters went straight to the Dome of Witchcraft to find their uncle.

He was standing outside the building with one witch. Upon noticing their arrival, he immediately excused himself to his companion. The worry lines on his forehead became visible as he approached them.

Even though he was hundreds of years old, he looked like someone in his late thirties in human years possessing heavy features.

"Elvira and Leona, where have you been?" he asked. There was vexation and disappointment in his tone. He, however, didn't raise his volume. He practiced social etiquette under any circumstances.

"Uncle, a friend needed our help. You would not believe what we went through..." Leona began.

"Not here," said their uncle, looking around. "Come inside. I have something important to share as well."

The sisters shared a guilty look and followed their uncle inside the building quietly. He took them to a small chamber full of books and a desk in the middle.

"You may want to sit down for this," he said.

The sisters took a seat and looked at him impatiently to begin.

Eldritch Payne joined his arms behind him and circled the room. He had a very proper posture. Everything about him, from appearance to clothing, was polished and neat.

"Is the Grand Enchantress mad at us?" Leona asked. "Because if she is, we have a solid reason to be away for almost an entire day."

"I am sure you do, and I would love to hear it. Listen to what I have to say first, Leona," He said and glared at her.

Elvira hinted at her sister to stop. Her uncle was a tender-hearted man and cared immensely for them. He couldn't possibly imagine a wizard encounter, especially when they were unscathed from the outside. It was better to listen to him. The tension on his face was hinting at a serious problem.

His uncle adjusted himself on a seat. "King Agror was here," he began. "I am sure you would be familiar with him. If not, let me tell you he is a king of dominant influence and power. He visited our village bearing dreadful news."

" He claims the wizards are planning to wage another war against us. The plan is to wipe out our entire species," he added.

"What? How can he be sure of that?" Elvira jumped out of her seat in emotion.

"He has his reasons, and they seem to be valid. A magical portal came into existence weeks ago at the Altar of Itar. As you know, it is the most sacred place for our species. Our ancestors built that temple. They were the very first ones to dedicate their life to Itar, the king of the underworld. He is no longer the king, for you know why," answered his uncle.

"How do you know it's a portal?" Elvira asked.

"It appeared one day during a big gathering of our people there. The party included a warlock king and a prince. The portal's energy began sucking them inside. It continued until the rest of them united their magic to destroy it. Their attempt shattered it into pieces. The survivors quickly deserted the area, but the fate of the ones it devoured is still a mystery."

That incident made each hair on Elvira's body stand up.

"The portal reappeared only a week ago. Its strength has multiplied. Each time we break it, it re-emerges within a day. Our people are destroying it every day. However, we can't keep this on for a lifetime. It takes fifty of us to break it. Agror fears it might grow in power if not dealt with soon."

"We could just abandon the Altar of Itar altogether. What makes them so sure it's the wizards' dirty work?" Elvira suggested.

"What other species is capable of this, especially against us?" Eldritch raised an eyebrow. "Abandoning the source is not the solution. The threat is a lot bigger than that. They spotted wizards lurking at the Altar. They captured ten of them and interrogated them individually. Those wizards blurted about a colossal conspiracy to eradicate our kind. They tortured them for more answers, but that was all they gave away. They were ready to die, but they refused to disclose any names.

"What are we going to do about it?" Leona asked in horror. "Maybe that's why we ran into wizards in Berkton!"

"You ran into wizards!" Their uncle looked stupefied.

"Uh, I did, and I made sure they didn't see Leona," said Elvira. She then told Eldritch everything, not leaving a single detail behind. She, however, was careful not to mention Serena.

Eldritch hugged them both from behind. "I can't believe you girls endured that. Thanks to Riion for saving you. I don't know what I would do if anything happened to you girls. I may not have my own children, but you are like my daughters. So, please never leave the village again without my approval, especially you, Leona."

Leona held up a pinky finger to make a promise. "Now, please tell us what are we going to do about the threat?" asked Leona

"King Agror is having a meeting back at his kingdom, Onnanor. He has a plan and wants to share it with everyone. Many warlocks and witches are going to be there from around the globe. Our presence is also expected. Change into your finest dress, and meet me at the dome in less than an hour. We must leave soon," said Eldritch.

Even though her uncle had shared distressing news, Elvira was still excited to visit a kingdom. She had never seen any other place associated with her species except their village, not even the Altar of Itar. Her chance to meet more warlocks and witches was finally here, and she couldn't wait.