
Tord: Reincarnated in Another Universe

What would you do as a veteran reincarnator when you find yourself not just in an alternate version or parallel universe? What would you do when you find yourself reincarnating into a universe that you have seen to be well known in the entertainment franchise in your previous life? Would you stay quiet about what you know and let things go as is or would you willingly change things? At that moment, that was Tord's problem once he found himself waking up in one place he never expected nor did he even know truly existed. ____________________________ The use of words "Wife", "Lady" and a few other feminine identifiers doesn't exactly mean that a character is female here. In this story AU, people are fine referring to people depending on the role they usually play and whether the said person they are referring to accepts such identifiers. ___________________________ This story would now be continuing in Archive of Our Own. My Pseud there is MARVEL_DC_HEART_THROBS. P.S- There's now a Discord Server which I made just to discuss anything about this series: https://discord.gg/rVhHZzf

Sephiroth_Naruto · TV
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77 Chs

Master Yoda

A/N: "Hey" - said aloud

{"I hate them."} - thoughts


They were fake.

The older Jedi and their warm smiles are nothing more but fakes since Tord knows that they do nothing else but ridicule him. They ridicule him and put him in constant scrutiny that sometimes the silvernette hates the fact that Order needs them to act in solidarity.

He hates the fact that they have to pretend in front of him when in truth what they are saying, doing and thinking are false and do not line up.

He hates almost all of them for their deceit.

Almost all because as much as distant Master Yoda is sometimes the green elder is more honest and merely more of out of depth if anything. Master Yoda may be a little too traditional and distant with his methods but somehow Tord feels that his Master must truly care for him. His reasoning for such was that the green Jedi was all too lenient towards him in terms of a few policies like keeping possessions and allowing him the sole right to the pod he came in with and the crystal which encased him.

{"Master Yoda cares for me, right?"} Tord sometimes asks himself not knowing whether he just want to say that or he tries to convince himself of that.

That said, this manner of being the elder had, it kind of reminded Tord of how certain parents in Earth only knew love in a form of leniency and material possessions. The time that they spend with their children are rare to happen since they consider work more of an important issue for the reason that their work would affect the well-being of their children.

Hell, Yoda was pretty much the textbook definition of that kind of parent which was why Tord was already grateful enough that he wasn't truly a real child. After all, if it was a real child who had undergone such treatment, it wouldn't be surprising that the said youngling would turn out having a number of emotional problems when growing up.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, Tord looked at his cool light blue lightsaber that was made from a Pontite crystal and a golden Phrik case with a few Beskar embellishments that served as its hilt . As of the moment, he was already eight-years-old and had his light saber for three and a half years now.

It was rather fortunate that miss Erya, as much as dark and ill-intentioned her motives are, appeared and allowed him to borrow her extra lightsaber during the first year and a half of their lightsaber instruction. That and she along with Jedi Master Kyoru—apparently his old Engineering instructor is also part of Discontent— to request Master Yoda to allow him a lightsaber of his own was a great boon for him since it gave him a reason to have a weapon that was his alone.

As such, when he and Master Yoda go on missions, he could actually defend himself more openly because of the said weapon. The force may be strong with him; but for Tord, he would rather avoid using it and his magic so publicly since he wouldn't want to be questioned so heavily so early on in this life.

He already has enough on his plate considering on where he supposedly came from and how he deals with things. He doesn't need any more scrutiny from the older generation of Jedi who couldn't understand that not feeling isn't exactly Darkness related.


"Bothered you are again, around you the force ripples continuously," Master Yoda remarked as he eyed his Padawan and noticed that the silvernette was staring at his buzzing light blue lightsaber.

Green gem-like eyes then blinked for a couple of moments before Tord turned off his weapon and placed it back to where it belonged in its holster. He is, physically at the moment, merely eight-years-old but Tord felt as if he was already a hundred and plus with the way something in the force was now continuously nagging him.

It was as if the Force was now telling him to at least do something. To try to live a little and just go with the flow. Which in itself is an interesting thought since his magic, which usually acted as a subservient servant, was now going along with the Force's suggestions as if the two were close friends that were advising him.

"Master, what would you do if the Force was telling you to stop acting the way you are and that you should live a little?"

Yoda was surprised at the odd question and tried to look harder at his devil horned Padawan. "Tell you to live, the Force does?"

"Yes, it does, Master. It basically says that I should stop trying to be invisible and quiet when I could try to better," the younger admitted as he stared at the holovid that was currently playing in the rooms that they were given for their mission.

Yoda snorted at the boy's words, "Quiet in dealing with people, yes, you are. Invisible, you are not. High are the results of your tests always, your instructors and the older Padawans notice you for it."

Tord frowned at his Master's words and then prompted, "Master, I'm being serious here."

"Do so, if the Force tells you. Make you stray, the Force does not. Follow the Force, live a life. Yours is the choice, Padawan."

Sighing again for the other's cryptic words, Tord turned his sights on the ceiling and made a choice.