
Top Star: Journey to Become a Global Star

Ren, he was someone with great talent in acting and singing but due to bad luck and some wrong choices, he was only able to become a third rate actor. After dying in an accident, he noticed that he had returned to the past. With the help of his talents and the knowledge of future, he started his journey to become the trendiest star of the century! *On hiatus * * * The story will take place in an alternate world. It is just to avoid the copyright infringement. I don't want my story to end up like I'm in Hollywood or IRAS. Contact me on discord : Killerbee#4748 Here's a link to the server : https://discord.gg/F9xfJWv PayPal account: https://www.paypal.me/Killerbee11 Support me if you want!!

Killerbee · realistisch
Zu wenig Bewertungen
299 Chs

Chapter 285. Death (3)

Chapter 285. Death (3)


The place where a battle had happened. It was a ground where you would find blood, dead bodies and the smell of death. 

In this battlefield, the battle between the army of Cao Xu and Xu Tingsheng was still going on. It was at its end phase and everyone was awaiting the victor who would also be the next emperor of the Liang empire.

Most of the commanders and generals of both the armies had already died, along with the countless soldiers and mercenaries. 

It was simply a massacre. 

The grounds were bathed in red and this was the biggest battle in the history of the Liang empire. 

"Brother, are you okay?"

Xu Tingsheng, the crown prince of the Liang empire turned towards his sister, the Spirit princess, Xu Xiang who looked at him with worried eyes and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just that my injury is hurting."

"You should rest then."