
Chapter 162: Never Mind. It’s Not.

We eventually arrived at the airport. We still had three hours before we had to board.

"Who wants to go to the town square?" I asked.

"Me!" Miyeon said, raising her hand.

"What about you, Chief?" I asked. Didn't he say he wanted to go just this morning?

"Never mind. I'm tired," Byung-hoon said from his spot on the floor.

"It's right over there," I said, pointing. Seriously, it wasn't that far. Maybe around 500 meters? You couldn't even really call it a town square. It was just a department store, and maybe a few restaurants. Maybe that's why the others didn't think it was worth the bother. To be honest, even I was wary about going – it was way smaller than I had expected. Then again, we were already here so might as well check it out. Besides, Miyeon wanted to go.

"Yeah. I'm not going. You two go ahead."


"Oh, wait, if it's just you two, it'll be dangerous," Byung-hoon said, looking concerned.