
Chapter 155: Achieving the Objective_1

Translator: 549690339

The next morning, Lin Tianming finished his practice early and appeared in the courtyard of the cave mansion.

Lin Shilu had also emerged from seclusion and was walking around the courtyard.

Today, they were going to visit Li Xiuyuan's cave mansion, and Lin Shilu felt somewhat apprehensive, particularly concerned about the matter with the shop. Whether they could succeed or not depended on today.

Upon seeing Lin Tianming come out, Lin Shilu perked up and greeted him.

The two exchanged pleasantries and then sat down in the courtyard.

Since there was still time before the agreed meeting, the two chatted idly to pass the time.

Before they knew it, an hour had passed.

As the sun shone brightly and the time approached, Lin Shilu spoke up:

"The time is almost upon us, let's set out!"

Lin Tianming nodded, and the two of them, one after the other, left the cave mansion and headed towards Ye Pinghai's residence.