
23. Let's Not Talk About It (Jack Ryan)

Let’s not Talk about it (Jack Ryan) - VelvetKyra

Jack Ryan was angry at the world and he felt he had the right to be.  He had put his doctorate on hold to serve his country and ended up unable to walk.  He didn’t regret his decision as it had saved the lives of his men but rehabilitation sucked.  They told him he would never walk again and right now, as much as he wanted to disagree, he thought they might be right.

It was late in the evening and he was doing his rehab exercises. Jack was of the opinion that he should have arms like a linebacker for all the weight they were holding up.  As he landed on his ass yet again, he figured that it was probably because he didn’t have those muscles that he kept ending up on the floor.  

A voice on the sofa spoke up. “Get up.”Jack snarked right back. “Did you miss the cripple part?” He had to add, bitterness colouring his voice.

“No.  I saw a gorgeous guy down on his luck about to give up.” The voice replied to him.

Jack had always been bisexual, he’d given up on those thoughts when he joined the Marines.  As it was, he wouldn’t have to worry about it as this was a career ending injury.  He spared a glance to at least see who the voice belonged to and damn, he wished he was less injured or he’d be all over that guy.

Any snark on Jack’s lips died as he saw the massive cast on the guy’s leg.  “So what happened to you.”The pity moment was over, he dragged himself to the sofa and started to chat to the newbie.  Gorgeous newbie smiled. “Well you know how it is, one minute you are the starting quarterback at O.S.U and then Brad Pitt breaks your leg.  So you are not the only one who has to refigure their lives, lieutenant.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “How did you figure I was a Marine?”There was a boyish grin that would get a lot of people in trouble. “Well, now I can’t play ball ... I have to figure out a new job.  I could be a cop, or I could be a physical therapist I haven’t decided.”

Jack huffed.  “Well let’s get fit first and then we can decide.”Hot guy tilted his head to the side.  “Do I hear a pact there?”Jack figured he had nothing to lose and why not?  He wanted to walk again and he wanted to see cute guy smile again.  “Sure. Do I get a name, or, am I to keep calling you hot guy in my head?”


Tony hoisted himself up on his two crutches, “Sure you get a name when you take your first step.”“That is teasing.”Tony grinned. “No, it is called an incentive and besides when I can do the same I will ask for your name.”Jack rolled his eyes and his brain was going like a whirlwind.  “What are you calling me until then?”“Perfect male specimen,” was the deadpan response.

And okay Jack had no good reply to that, he was working on not blushing.   Hot Guy did do one thing for him.  He gave him the metaphorical kick he needed, he was not the type to give up and failure was not an option for Ryan’s.  He could do this.

A new voice entered the fray.  “He gives advice you know.”

Jack rolled his eyes because this guy was not nearly as cute.  “And what can I do for the CIA this evening?”

Tom Harper could kiss the guy who had just left.  He’d listened to the flirtation but more importantly, he’d seen the fire return to Ryan.  He could work with that opening. “You know John, you can still serve your country.”

“How?” You could see the distrust and his eyes roving to calculate his options.  Tom admired that level of natural paranoia as it was the type that could see him survive.  “Oh, and John was my father, it’s why I like Jack.”

Tom would leave him keen tonight. “Go back to school and settle down.  We’ll be in touch.”


A week later, they were doing rehab work and Jack had to crow in glory. He took his first step, his trainer chuckled at the enthusiasm.  “You are going to hurt so be careful.”“Don’t care, now I get to know hot guy’s name.”  Jack realised in that moment it mattered more than even he realised.The therapist didn’t understand. “If you say so.”

Jack knew how it sounded but he wanted to know more.  “You don’t understand Doc.  He is gorgeous and seems interested in my sorry ass.”That did get Jack a chuckle. “Well if he is as cute as you ... then you deserve each other.  You would both be too pretty for mere mortals.”Tony was actually doing his work on the other side of the room.  He was pleased to see his perfect male specimen make progress. He hobbled across and interrupted. “Thanks doc and it’s Anthony DiNozzo but call me Tony.”Jack smiled, “I’m John Ryan but for god's sake call me Jack.”

Tony smirked. “Well, I won’t interrupt the progress. You need to be walking to take me on a date somewhere that isn’t here.”He walked away and Tony even managed to make the crappy hospital sweats look good.  Jack figured forget Cop or Physical Therapist - He’d make more money as a model.  His own therapist interrupted his thoughts.

“You know I like him, cute and sassy but I was right. You two are way to pretty to date anyone else.”

Jack had to focus on his mission, okay the mission was walking but it was a vital one.  “Well, you heard him… I have goals.”&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&*

The rehabilitation staff watched the two beautiful men crash together.  The therapists encouraged them as they pushed each other.  The usual depression seen in patients as they had setbacks never appeared as they wouldn’t let it.

When Jack was walking he pushed Tony to settle on a new goal.  One that he could work towards now the idea of going Pro was over.  “I want to help people,” Tony confessed.Jack had grabbed Tony and pulled him into a hug on the bed. “Okay. It is a worthy goal. How?”Tony wasn’t sure. “Well, I am nearly finished with my Physical Ed degree.”Jack whistled. “Now that is not an easy course.  Do you know that many of the courses are the same as Pre-Med?  You could work towards getting your Doctorate.  I can’t think of anything nobler ... Just imagine how they would deal with stubborn Marines.”


Tony laughed but twisted in Jack’s arms.  "I don’t want to date just any Marine.  I only want to date you.”

Jack may have hugged him tight for a second.  “Good and I feel the same so let’s get out of here and go be different types of doctors.”

Tony huffed. “Just like that?”

Jack grinned and unleashed his own devastating charm on his partner.  “Well, I always say when there is the will, there is always a way.  We’ll find the scholarships and we’ll figure it out.”Tony kissed him because that kind of unshakable faith was something he’d never had in his life. “You make me believe.”******Later that evening Commander Tom Harper walked back into his life.  “I see you’ve worked on the settling down part of your life.”Jack rolled his eyes and asked the most pertinent question. The CIA may know about his love life which was creepy but that was not why they were there.  “So what do you want me to do for the CIA?”“Go work for Wall Street.”Jack was a smart man but he could honestly say that was not what he was expecting.  “You want me to do what, launder money? Earn a lot of money?”Tom chuckled. “You’re a funny guy Jack, don’t lose that. No, we want you to check for patterns. War, as it is fought now, is becoming a thing of the past Jack.  It is moving into the financial and cyber wars.”Jack rolled his eyes because he’d written a paper to that effect just before the September attack so now he knew how he’d come on the radar of the CIA.  “Well, then Tony and I will need the money to fund our studies.”


Tom smirked. “Check your email ... I should imagine there will be a few scholarship emails coming your way.”



Ten years passed in a blur and the two men had done as they promised and forged their new lives together.  Jack was officially Dr. John Ryan, having gained his doctorate in Economics and newly installed as Vice President of European operations.  Tony was now Dr. Anthony DiNozzo, his hard work gaining him the reputation as a rising star in Rehabilitation Medicine.  No one gave them crap about being gay mainly because they both could fight and shoot.  Tony hadn’t known how to shoot but indulged Jack’s worries which was a good thing.  Jack hadn’t quite figured out how to explain he was working for the CIA and should anyone come after Tony, Jack would prefer it if he could fight.

“So are you ready to be bored by my side?” Jack asked.  

Tony was still in his Doctor’s coat not wanting to change as it had been too much effort at the end of his shift.  “Was that in the vows I made?”“Somewhere, in sickness and in health.  You know the bit where it said you must keep your husband from boredom at dull parties.”

Tony huffed. “You are lucky I love you.”Jack grinned.  “Oh, I am grateful hot guy every damn day.”

Tony was a whizz at these parties because he was brought up on this shit.  He’d summered with his mother’s family the Paddington’s in England and his Dad used parties as a giant con so he was well versed in how to behave at parties.


Tony picked out a tux that he knew he looked good in and as a bonus, he knew Jack liked peeling him out of it at the end of the evening.  Jack looked at him in the tux and pouted.

“Why are we going to the stupid party?”Tony snickered. “It is for you darling to celebrate your promotion to VP.”

Jack pulled him closer and teased. “Yeah, all it means is now I have an office.”Tony grabbed his husband’s hand and pulled him towards the door. “Yeah, and just think we can have office sex in there just as soon as our schedules clear.”

“Still a tease.”

Tony knew just what would keep Jack going through the party.  “No, not a tease because I deliver on my promises.”


Tony sighed because he read the name of the next patient.  Stubborn bastard.  Marines seemed to be his thing, he was the one who made the breakthroughs, only this guy had ended up as an NCIS agent not a wall street banker.  

“So Leroy are we’re wallowing or self-loathing today?” Tony asked, knowing it would grab his attention.  

“What would you know?”  Gibbs growled.

Tony looked at him sharply.  “I know my husband suffered a career ending injury breaking his back in the Marines.  He saved his men and I will never be more proud of him than for that.  I know I had to get over my ego when I broke my leg in the college championship stopping me from going pro.  We all have our pains Agent Gibbs ... It’s how we react that sets us apart and your file doesn’t suggest you’re a quitter. Although I could be wrong.”Gibbs stared at him - almost through him - but Tony was equal to the task.  Gibbs chuckled. “Damn no one has spoken to me like that since my first wife.”

Tony snickered.  “Well, then you need a better deputy find someone with a backbone but until then ... Let’s get you fit and whole.  What do you say?”The progress was slow but Tony didn’t let him slack off and made him keep up.  He was shocked to find himself acting as the man’s psychiatrist too but Tony knew he wouldn’t see anyone else and he could still remember his early rotations.

Tony watched Jethro claw his way back from the shooting.  

It had taken two months but Gibbs was ready to go back to his job.  Tony was there to see him off. “It’s been a trip Gibbs.”

The man shook his hand. “You were great doc and I know I am not an easy patient.”“Just do your best not to end up back in my care,” Tony responded.  

Gibbs chuckled.  “It’s not my fault it is the damn terrorists and I will work on finding a mouthy second.”Tony laughed. “It would do you good.”Gibbs smiled at him.  “Too bad you are not an Agent you would have been great for the role.”“Nah, can you imagine it?” Tony had once thought about it but he was glad to have gone the route he did.   “Take care Agent Gibbs.”

&*&*&*&*&*&*&*&Jack was stressing because he had no idea what he should do with the information.  This was a little more than rooting out cyber-terrorists and the money launderers. God he wished he could tell Tony but Tom, his boss had forbade it.  Jack had too many puzzle pieces and he needed to figure it out.

There was no point in delaying it so he phoned his shadowy-boss.  The meet was set up.  “So explain it to me and remember I don’t have a Ph.D.”Jack explained the only scenario in his head that made sense even if it was terrifying.  Tom sighed as if this was only a mere aggravation not a potential attack on their mainland.Jack asked tartly. “So what should I do?”“Tell your husband.  His last patient was an agent well connected in anti-terrorism circles.”Jack looked at him in confusion because his boss was telling him to tell the truth.  The one rule he’d been told at the beginning was to tell no one so he could be forgiven for being confused.  “You told me I couldn’t tell anyone I worked for the CIA.”Harper smirked. “Well Jack, I said tell them what you found not why you found it.”


It turns out that Tom Harper only got half of his wishes.  Jack did as ordered and passed the information along.  Tony hadn’t blinked, he’d used the contact details he had to set up a meeting with Gibbs.


No matter what Commander Tom Harper thought, Tony was not stupid.  They’d fought, had a knock-down fight but the make-up sex was phenomenal .

All was good in Tony’s life even if his husband couldn’t decide if he was a banker or a spy.  It was all cool, they were alive, happy and for everything else - they would adapt.