
17. The Bad Boy of Starling ... tamed? (Oliver Quee...

Tony hated moving in Paddington circles. He was not stupid. He knew where the trust fund came from. He hated having to go to these old riche parties. Uncle Clive was in the US and he owed the man. Tony would have been in serious trouble if his Uncle hadn’t stepped in. His Dad had disowned him at twelve and sent him to boarding school.

His Uncle had pitched a fit when he found out. When it came to his next academic year, he’d enrolled in Eton and got to grips with the English Education system. He’d also been enrolled as Anthony Paddington.

Moving towards him was a vision in a suit. Oh, the bad boy of Starling City was gracing them with his presence. “Nice to meet you.”

Queen smirked at him, also giving him an easy once over. “Delighted, I’m Oliver Queen.”

Queen cocked his head to the side, intelligence brimming in his eyes. All of the pretty boy act disappearing, “And who are you? I would remember someone who makes my day better just by standing.”

Tony had to laugh at the audaciousness of the line. It was bold when you were not sure of someone's orientation. Queen was arrogant to assume it wouldn’t matter. “I’m Anthony Paddington.”

“Hmm, they are English and you are American,” Queen observed.

Tony could give as good as he got, “And you are rude whereas your mother is delightful.”

Queen chuckled, “Touche, isn’t that what the Brits’ say.”

Tony rolled his eyes, “What do you want Queen?”

“It’s Oliver.”

Tony was getting an understanding of what it was like to be the chased and not the chaser. He hoped he wasn’t such a douche. He shouldn’t be as he used the English manners to great effect. The accent too if it would help him secure a date. “Is it?”

Oliver pouted, “Now it doesn’t have to be like that ... Our families are talking about a joint venture.”

Tony grinned, “Well in that case, you will need Uncle Clive. He’s the businessman.”

“And what are you?”

“I’m the cop.” Tony answered and he was good at it. He had never pictured working for Scotland Yard but he was good at it. It was where he had also learnt the art of socialising at such events. That’s why he was attending with his Uncle, and not his cousin, Crispin, who had all the personality of a wet fish.

“How exciting! Does that mean you have cuffs?”

Tony rolled his eyes as it was hardly the most original thing he had ever heard. “You’re funny Queen, don’t let anyone tell you any different.”

Queen slid closer, “Don’t be like that, you know you like me really.”

Tony thought about it, “Well, I am not bored.”


Not bored, turned into a transAtlantic relationship. Thank god they were rich and could afford the air-fare. The press couldn’t decide just what place Tony held in Oliver’s life.

It all came crashing down two years later when a boat containing Robert and Oliver Queen sank in the South Atlantic. Tony grieved but he threw himself into his work. Five years later he had reinvented himself. He was currently on loan to the NCIS from the Yard. As a result, he went overboard on his character. He even asked to be known by his father’s name. He’d phoned his Uncle to explain his reasons. The jobs he was performing in America were riskier than normal. The last thing he wanted to do was cause grief to his family or see them come to harm.




Gibbs looked at his SFA in confusion. Morrow had called him into his office and told him about his New Agent. He was on loan from Scotland Yard but was too good to waste. “You need his investigation skills.”

Gibbs couldn’t argue. Tony was rough around the edges but he knew how to get the information they needed. Once, Tony had the information he was a natural at slotting the idea together. They were a two-man team and their closure rate was the best of all American Alphabet agencies.


His Agent was handsome. Gibbs may be as straight as an arrow but he wasn’t blind. He just couldn’t understand how, whilst being an outrageous flirt, he had never seen Tony in a serious relationship. He was no stranger to grief but Tony was too young to be as bitter as he was about Shannon.

They were at his house a few too many beers to the good. “You ever think about settling down DiNozzo?”

“A bit difficult ... He is at the bottom of the ocean.”

Gibbs hadn’t expected that answer. “Come again?”

“Oliver Queen was so close to ‘taming’ my heart but then his boat sank.”

Gibbs remembered the papers. The Queens were big news even outside of Starling City. Their family was due to make a big deal with an English family and it was supposed to be sealed the old fashion way with a marriage.

“You’re good.”

Tony smirked, “You would never know it how I act. I can move in English Upper Class circles and no one would know I was American.”


Gibbs had to tread carefully here, as he didn’t want to be a hypocrite. “Would Olivier want you to be a nun?”

Tony chuckled even if it came out a little watery. “No, he’d be horrified but I just can’t pretend.”

Gibbs understood. He’d had three marriages end because he couldn’t pretend. It was a tragedy what had happened to Shannon and his daughter, Kelly. “I get it. I do Tony but don’t end up like me.”

“I don’t know ... you’re not too bad and you rock the silver fox look.”

Gibbs shook his head, “I am going to limit the time you and Abby spend together.”

It didn’t help but their conversation let the pair understand each other again.



The rules remained the same. The pair cycled new members onto the team and trained them up but then they went back to working as a pair. It was way too much work for two men but it was just how they liked it. It didn’t let them think about other aspects about their lives.

The TV screen was showing the news as always. Tony turned white and fell back on his chair. He was seeing the words and the face and he couldn’t believe it. There was no such thing as a happy ending. He just hoped to get justice for their families.


McGee and David who were their current two turned at the tone of his voice. They were about to make a snide comment. Christ, he must be looking rough. They stayed quiet and let him get his breathing under control. Damn Plague. Tony didn’t care about his snotty co-workers. There was a miracle. “Is it real?”

Gibbs was laughing. His focus was behind him. “Why don’t you ask him?”

Tony whirled around and there he stood. The love of his fucking life so alive and perfect. They were going to make their second chance count. He found his legs moving without his conscious thought.

Oliver cupped his cheek. He could have made a comment about not being a girl but he didn’t care. Oliver was alive. “You are here.”


Oliver nodded, “Not even hiding as DiNozzo would stop me.”


Tony chuckled weakly but he wasn’t interested in words. He pulled Oliver in by the collar of his shirt. “Shut up and kiss me.”

“Yes Sir.”

Tony broke the call, hearing the cat-calls and blushed. Oliver hadn’t let go of him. It was okay as he was not too fond of his letting his lover go either. “Boss, I need some time.”

Gibbs smirked, “Go and get your man Tony.”

Tony left the building not too caring if he never came back. He felt his phone explode with demanding texts. As it was a work phone, he chucked it the bush. Gibbs had his proper phone number.

He was working on his happy ending, it looked promising once more.