
Toneri in DC

After his tragic encounter with Otsutsuki urashiki and being trapped in the void known as the dragon king palace. In his moment of despair he is rescued by his ancestor, Hamura otsutsuki, the brother of Hagoromo Otsutsuki bringing him a glimmer of hope and possibly a chance at a new beginning…

Fredozy · Anime und Comics
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64 Chs

Chapter 13:Tides of Disturbance

For almost a month, the disturbances in the ocean had wreaked havoc on coastal cities around the world. Tsunamis, monstrous waves, and earthquakes had become a common occurrence, leaving devastation in their wake. Even Themyscira, the hidden island paradise of the Amazons, had not been spared, with tremors shaking its shores and causing concern among its inhabitants.

In the command center of the Watchtower, Batman stood before a holographic display monitor, his brow furrowed in concern. The monitor showed images of the natural disasters occurring all over the ocean, highlighting the areas where the disturbances had been most severe. Charts and graphs displayed data on the magnitude of the tremors and the frequency of the anomalies.

Wonder Woman approached, her expression grave. "It's happening even on Themyscira," she said, her voice tinged with worry. "The earthquakes have grown more frequent, and the waves have grown more violent. We cannot ignore this."

Before Batman could respond, the Zeta Tube activated with a soft hum, and Zatara stepped out, his presence commanding the room. His eyes were sharp, taking in the scene before him, his cape billowing behind him in the artificial breeze of the Watchtower.

"I came as soon as I heard," he said, his voice firm and decisive. "Tell me everything."

Batman nodded, his gaze meeting Zatara's. "We've been dealing with a series of natural disasters caused by disturbances in the ocean," he explained, gesturing to the holographic display. "Tsunamis, monstrous waves, earthquakes—everything points to a significant source of instability deep below the surface."

Zatara frowned, his mind already racing with possibilities. "Have you been able to pinpoint the source?"

Batman shook his head. "Not yet. The disturbances seem to be emanating from multiple locations, making it difficult to determine the exact origin. We need to act swiftly before the situation escalates further."

Wonder Woman stepped forward, her expression determined.

"We must mobilize the League and coordinate our efforts. Time is of the essence. The safety of both land and sea depends on our actions."

Zatara nodded in agreement, his cape fluttering behind him. "Agreed. I'll contact the others and brief them on the situation. We'll need to work together to find a solution."

Toneri sat cross-legged in his room, the serene silence enveloping him as he delved deep into his memories. The glow of his Tenseigan illuminated the space around him, casting a soft azure light. His mind drifted back to the time he spent training with his ancestor, Hamura Ōtsutsuki, on the moon.


Moon Training: hamura stood before Toneri, his eyes filled with wisdom and determination. "Toneri," he said, his voice echoing through the cavernous training hall, "the Tenseigan is a powerful gift, but it requires immense control and understanding. You must master it if you are to uphold our clan's legacy."

Toneri nodded, focusing on his training. Over the years, he honed his abilities, mastering the Tenseigan's power. Hamura guided him, teaching him not only the techniques but also the philosophy behind their clan's mission.

One particular conversation stood out in Toneri's memory. He recalled the somber tone in Hamura's voice as he spoke of their mother, Kaguya.

"Kaguya was powerful, but her lust for control and peace through dominion led her down a dark path," Hamura explained. "My brother, Hagoromo, and I fought her for weeks, months even, before we could finally seal her away. It was a battle that tested our very limits, but we prevailed because we believed in a future where humanity could thrive on its own."

As Hamura spoke showing him the battle with his own tenseigan by using Genjutsu, Toneri could see the fierce battle playing out . The Ten-Tails, a monstrous entity of unimaginable power, had ravaged the land, mountains leveled, the land torn asunder through the assault of the Kaguya with the ten tails and her two children, a battle of gods. Hamura and Hagoromo had faced this beast, their combined strength barely enough to subdue it.

"The Ten-Tails was a manifestation of Kaguya's will," Hamura continued. "Defeating it was necessary to restore balance. Remember, Toneri, the power we wield is not just for destruction. It is a means to protect and nurture the world."

Toneri absorbed his ancestor's words, understanding the gravity of their mission. The training continued, with Hamura pushing him to his limits, teaching him to harness the Tenseigan's full potential. Toneri learned to control gravity, manipulate chakra orbs, and even perform miraculous feats of healing.

The flashback shifted to a later time, a period when Hamura was contemplative. "Toneri," he said one evening, as they watched the occasion shift of light in the void from the moon's surface, "our role is not just to observe but to act when necessary. The fate of humanity is intertwined with ours. If the world below is in peril, it is our duty to intervene."


A knock on his door pulled Toneri from his reverie. Without opening his eyes, he sensed who it was. Rising gracefully, he concealed his Tenseigan, his eyes returning to their normal blue hue. He moved to the door and opened it, revealing Dinah standing there with a serious expression.

"Toneri," Dinah began, "we have a situation. The natural disasters we've been dealing with—tsunamis, monstrous waves, earthquakes—they're escalating. We need your help."

Toneri looked at her impassively, his expression unreadable. "And why do you think I should help you?" he asked, his voice calm and measured.

Dinah met his gaze steadily. "Because it's better than just sitting up here in the Watchtower. And it might help you stretch your legs a bit," she said, a hint of a smile touching her lips.

Toneri pondered her words for a moment. She had a point. While he had been focused on understanding this new world, perhaps taking action would provide more clarity.

Dinah continued, sensing his hesitation.

"The disturbances are affecting countless lives. Coastal cities are being evacuated, and even Themyscira has felt tremors. We need to find the source and stop it before it gets worse."

"Very well," Toneri said, nodding. "I'll help. Lead the way."

Dinah smiled and turned, leading Toneri through the corridors of the Watchtower. As they walked, she briefed him on the situation. "We've been dealing with these disasters for almost a month now. At first, we thought they were natural occurrences, but the frequency and intensity have been increasing. It's not just coincidence."

Toneri listened intently, his mind racing with possibilities. The concept of natural disasters was not foreign to him, but the idea that they could be artificially induced intrigued him. "Do you have any theories?" he asked.

"Batman suspects it might be related to some sort of mystical interference," Dinah replied. "That's why we're calling in Zatara. He has experience with magical disturbances."

Toneri's interest was piqued. "You mentioned you called in someone named Zatara. Who is that?"

"Zatara is one of the most powerful magicians in the world," Dinah explained.

"He's an expert in magical disturbances and might have insights into what's causing these disasters."

Upon getting to the briefing room, Toneri see's a tall man in green and yellow with yellow hair and with what appears to be a trident in his right hand. To his left he see's another man who fits the description of zatarra given to him by Dinah on his way here.

As the League briefed Zatara on the situation, Toneri watched intently, absorbing the gravity of the crisis. Dinah glanced at him, noting the serious expression on his face.

Aquaman's voice was filled with urgency as he addressed the League. "The seismic activity is growing stronger, it's affecting life forms and more are turning up dead everyday and the earthquakes is starting to do some damage on Atlantis, not just that but settlements along the coasts have been evacuated because of the disasters destroying their homes."

Meanwhile, Black Canary, who had been tasked with overseeing Toneri's integration into the League, watched him closely, noting the subtle shift in his demeanor.

"This is why we need your help," she said quietly. "There's a lot at stake."

Toneri nodded, his resolve strengthening. "I understand. I'll do whatever I can."

With the stakes higher than ever, the League prepared to intensify their efforts to uncover the source of the disturbances.

Aquaman regarded him and introduced himself, " I am Aquaman," while extending his hand to Toneri and with a thoughtful expression, weighing his offer carefully. "Very well, Toneri. Your assistance would be welcome. But be prepared for the dangers we

may face."

Toneri giving a subtle smile while taking his hand,"of course."

The presence of both Toneri and Zatara offered new avenues of investigation, and they knew they had to act quickly to prevent further devastation.

With the stakes higher than ever, the League prepared to intensify their efforts. The presence of both Toneri and Zatara offered new avenues of investigation, and they knew they had to act quickly to prevent further devastation.

As they strategized, Dinah leaned closer to Toneri. "We'll need your unique abilities to help us find the source of this disturbance. Are you ready?"

Toneri nodded, feeling the weight of responsibility. "I am ready."

'What could possibly go wrong?'