
Tomorrow always comes

After an unfortunate event, Aaron is on the verge of dying, but who can accept such an end? Things might look bad now, but you always gotta have hope, after all,Tomorrow always comes.... I will be posting once a day every day.

Novu · sci-fi
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How wonderful...

16 years

As far as lives go, it's pretty short lived, and it's also basically my final high score. After all, I don't think I'm gonna live after getting hit with the full force of a 12 ton school bus.


Oh would you look at that, I can see one of my ribs sticking out of my chest and a bone sticking out of my leg. I guess one could say that the bus had a bone to pick with me, hahah- ouch, note to self: don't laugh when bones are sticking out of your body. I guess despite being gravely injured and having bones sticking out of me, my funny bone still stays inside haha.




Fuck, this hurts so bad



I don't want to die yet

Not right now

Not like this

Why isn't anyone even trying to help me, not even the kid I just pushed out of the way is moving a damn inch


I don't want to die...














"Not yet. You are still needed..."

A voice bellowed as the words it spoke seemed to reverberate deep into Aaron's body. Suddenly a deep caressing light seemed to surround Aaron's unconscious body entirely as it seemed to break it down piece by piece, though it seemed to be helping rather than harming him.

Finally, as the light finished breaking down his body, all that was left was an expansive space of white, never ending and eternal, and in the middle of it all was a single being, sitting on a simple wooden chair , almost insignificant when compared to the expansive white, though he seemed to emanate a certain gentle yet dominating aura which made the space pale in comparison.

"Hopefully you'll surpass my ideology and will save more people than I ever did", the young man said with a hopeful voice and expression, but his tired eyes and body posture betrayed his words.

"Welcome to your new lease on life, number 9048788..."

The young man sighed and paused for what seemed to be an eternity before speaking his next words.

"...And hopefully, the end of mine"

Hey how ya been feeling today? Good I hope, well anyways, this is essentially a reboot of the story. I will be taking out the system aspect of it, tweaking a few details and even adding some new stuff. If you got any comments on the story, be sure to let your voice be heard. I am open to all suggestions and criticism. I hope you all have a merry Christmas! Or whatever it is you celebrate.

Novucreators' thoughts