
Chapter four ★ a warning

<p>It had been three weeks since Viper's massive idea and Alice still disagreed. Suprising how she was thinking of his decision, whilst at the board as clueless as can be. The math teacher stared at her in bewilderment with a scowl probably wondering to himself how she managed to get into the A stream.<br/><br/>She held the chalk in her hand just above the simultaneous equation the teacher had asked her to work out.<br/><br/>After smacking her lips, tapping on the chalk board and looking stupid the teacher finally got tired.<br/><br/>"Alice isn't this quite simple?", Mr Martin asked.<br/><br/>Alice scoffed ridiculously "It has fractions in it", she used the chalk to tap on the first equation.<br/><br/>Mr Martin held the bridge of his nose, whilst the class laughed.<br/><br/>"Can you atleast try?".<br/><br/>She nodded and turned back to the board, everything was goobledegook and she had a <br/>headache just thinking of trying, so hence she wouldn't try. Alice raised her hand and put it down in thought.<br/>"I'm blank".<br/><br/>The class laughed and Mr Martin sighed throwing her a look of disapproval. "Any one to come and help her?".<br/><br/>Shaniq stood from her spot in the front and walked over to Alice and placed her manicured hand over hers and read the equation aloud.<br/><br/>"We can't hear you!", Viper teased but Shaniq simply chuckled and turned back to Alice.<br/><br/>"So you see", she told her, "You have to change the fractions into improper fractions to illuminate the whole number, and hence look for the common denominator then further simplfication will be simple".<br/><br/>Alice shook her head "Huh?".<br/><br/>Shaniq laughed "You know what never mind I'll teach you before practice, at the library".<br/><br/>As Shaniq worked the sum Alice stared at her, she was the cheerleading captain, she wore a white denim mini skirt with black buckles clipped, she paired it with a black strapless shirt tucked into her skirt and white air forces, her hair was tied up halfway and let down by the back, she was pretty anyone who chanced to see those big sky blue eyes could tell.<br/><br/>Shaniq turned to her "12 o'clock before practice right", and she skipped back to her seat.<br/><br/>Alice stood there awkwardly until Mr Martin told her to go back to her seat.<br/><br/>Her laughing friends greeted her and she laughed also. <br/><br/>At the end of the lesson they decided to eat at the cafeteria for a change. As they walked out Alice was the last to leave.<br/><br/>"Alice a word please", Mr Martin raised his index finger.<br/><br/>Alice arched a brow then waved for her friends to go, as they left she strolled over to the teachers desk, "yes?, Mr Martin".<br/><br/>He pulled out a folder with her name emblazoned on the cover "Alice your results are getting worse by the day, and you have already sent your letter to college?".<br/><br/>"Yes", Alice told him.<br/><br/>"And which did you apply for?".<br/><br/>"Harvard".<br/><br/>Mr Martin nodded "Alice", he opened the folder "If you are going to learn at that school then I'd suggest you pulled up your socks, and it's not that you are bad academically. You have potential to pass but you simply don't want, you aren't trying. I could easily say you are dull but i know its not true and so do you, after you pulled your gibberish stunts with Viper, I know you are brilliant but brilliant people need to study to refreshen theirs minds, that is how they become brilliant. Alice I can't force you to read, even if I put a book infront of you in detention, as long as you don't want to read you will not. And right now I am asking you Alice, please read, Its your future".<br/><br/>Alice nodded "I'll try my best".<br/><br/>"I'm serious Alice, this is your life we are talking atleast put some effort".<br/><br/>Alice nodded again.<br/><br/>Mr Martin thanked her and she left for the cafeteria thinking of what he had said, she had better stuff to do, she had basketball, she could always find her way around math.<br/><br/>Entering the cafeteria she walked to the very end of it, that was where their spot was, even if they vanished from the earth no one would dare to sit at it. Keith thought it was bad but the rest said it was simple life and major respect.<br/><br/>Alice took her usual place inbetween Justin and Viper.<br/><br/>"What did he say?", Viper asked.<br/><br/>Alice snatched Keith's water bottle and took a sip "Can I have a conversation with a male without you guys asking me what was said?".<br/><br/>Landon chuckled "We the only males you should be talking to".<br/><br/>Keith agreed to him by raising his sandwich and gesturing for Alice to hand him his bottle but she shook her head no so he just grabbed hers "Absolutely, the day we catch you with a guy", he laughed in thought.<br/><br/>Alice rolled her eyes "Like I'm serious why didn't you ask me what Shaniq told me at the board?".<br/><br/>"Didn't seem interesting", Justin told her.<br/><br/>Alice squinted one eye at him "What's not interesting is your stupid hairstyle".<br/><br/>She had wanted to comment on it the whole day, he had literally tied it up into a small bun. After she had offered to plait it he went and did that nonsense.<br/><br/>"What did you want me to do?".<br/><br/>Alice narrowed her eyes and wacked him with Keith's bottle "Plait it dumbass".<br/><br/>"You'll plait it after school".<br/><br/>"What were you and Shaniq talking about anyway?", Keith leaned against the table acting as if it was a nonchalant question.<br/><br/>Alice smirked "None of your business".<br/><br/>"Shes my girlfriend Alice, it's my business".<br/><br/>"That's if I tell you and if it was any of your business you'd ask her yourself".<br/><br/>The group laughed and Alice winked at Keith and began to eat.<br/><br/>After break time and a chemistry lesson Alice walked to the study room and spotted Shaniq almost immediately.<br/><br/>Alice strolled over to her with her hands deep in her pockets. <br/><br/>She sat from across her, she noticed her two friends next to her. Shasha and Candice.<br/><br/>Alice nodded at them and they gave a sloppy hi.<br/><br/>Chuckling Alice stared at Shaniq "If you're going to teach me then they have to go", she said glaring at the both of them, no female in the school liked Alice and the feeling was neutral. She didn't truly hate Shasha and Candice they were the ones who hated her first so she simply returned the favour.<br/><br/>Shaniq nodded "Girls".<br/><br/>With death glares Candice and Shasha left, which Alice definetly knew was going to happen. Their friendship was based by status and Shaniq was at the top and the rest had to be followers.<br/><br/>"I didn't bring books", Alice told her.<br/><br/>Shaniq leaned against the chair by putting one hand over the arm rest and her tiny denim skirt lifted up "I didn't call you to teach you Alice, I wanted to talk to you about Keith".<br/><br/>"Nope, no, uh uh", she stood up and began to leave. There was no way she was doing that.<br/><br/>"I know his your best friend Alice but I need to ask you something".<br/><br/>Alice stayed still "You know his my bestfriend so why not ask me something in front of him?".<br/><br/>"Cause I don't want him to know I know his cheating".<br/><br/>Alice was shocked she sat back down and stared at her with concern and irritation.<br/>"First of all don't you ever trick me into shit like this again", she snapped "and secondly how do you even know he's cheating, isn't that a crazy assumption?".<br/><br/>Shaniq pulled out a cigarette and lit it "He is, with Shasha".<br/><br/>Alice was about to get up "You shitting me".<br/><br/>"I'm serious", she took a puff and offered Alice but she refused "I went through her gallery the last time and well I saw videos", she shrugged.<br/><br/>"Sorry, but what do you expect me of all people to do?".<br/><br/>Shaniq laughed "I expect you to stop that shit otherwise I'm going to kill both of them, Shasha and Keith, they think they can play me", she laughed.<br/><br/>Creeped out Alice knew that Shaniq had something mentally wrong with her and the way she was so calm yet so serious.<br/><br/>"You wouldn't", Alice told her.<br/><br/>"Is that a challenge?", she smirked and blew out a puff of smoke.<br/><br/>Alice gulped.<br/><br/>______________________________________________<br/><br/>💜AIO💜<br/></p>