
Tokyo revengers: Gangsta's Dream

In the heart of a crime-ridden city, Kayne, a ruthless thug feared for his violence and cruelty, falls prey to a cunning conspiracy orchestrated by his adversaries. Betrayed and mercilessly slain during a mission for his boss, he finds himself engulfed in an infinite void. Yet, instead of fading into obscurity, Kayne awakens in the body of Takemichi Hanagaki, the protagonist of his beloved manga, Tokyo Revengers. Bewildered by this unexpected twist of fate, he swiftly comprehends that he has been granted an extraordinary chance to alter his own destiny and that of those he cherished in his previous existence. Resolutely set on avoiding the errors of his past, Kayne decides to harness his knowledge of the manga to ascend to the pinnacle of strength. But will his unwavering determination be sufficient to conquer the formidable obstacles that await him?

Ghost_flame07 · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

A new beginning - 2

The sun pierced through the curtains of Kayne's room, gently pulling him from his sleep. He stretched, still a bit disoriented by his new reality. The events of the previous day came back to him, and for a moment he wondered if he had dreamed it all. But no, he was indeed in Takemitchi's body, ready to change the course of history.

Suddenly, a pebble thrown from the courtyard struck his window, snapping him out of his thoughts. Familiar voices suddenly rang out.

"Yo, Takemitchi, stop snoozing, it's time to go to school."

Kayne got up and glanced out the window. His friends, or rather Takemitchi's friends, were waiting for him downstairs, obviously ready to leave for school. He waved at them, and they calmed down. Kayne hesitated for a moment.

"Do I really have to go?" he thought. "After all, I have much more important things to do."

After weighing the pros and cons, he realized that acting too unusually might arouse suspicion.

"It's better to blend in with the crowd for now," he sighed.

He quickly got ready, took a bath to refresh his mind, and went downstairs to join his friends. They greeted each other and set off. On the way to school, they couldn't help but revisit the events of the previous day.

"Seriously, Takemitchi, since when can you fight like that? It was awesome, the way you scared that guy!" exclaimed one of them.

Kayne deftly dodged the question, not wanting to get bogged down in complicated explanations.

"Oh, you know, I just got lucky. Besides, you'll never guess who wants to see me: Mikey himself!" he said to change the subject.

This revelation had the desired effect, and his friends momentarily forgot their questions to focus on this intriguing new development. They started a frenzied debate to find out the reason, and a flood of questions poured in on Kayne.

As he tried to shake off these curious onlookers, a familiar figure suddenly caught his attention. It was the young girl who was with the brute from yesterday. She stood there, a few meters from them, seemingly waiting for something... or someone.

Kayne couldn't help but scrutinize her with his gaze, intrigued by her presence. The exhausting day had prevented him from paying attention to her, but now that she was looking at him, he realized she was strikingly beautiful, with long jet-black hair cascading in silky curls over her shoulders. Her porcelain skin delicately contrasted with her carmine red lips and large almond-shaped eyes, deep and intense brown. She wore the uniform of a neighboring high school, a gray pleated skirt and a fitted white shirt that highlighted her slender figure.

As if she had felt the weight of his gaze, the young girl slowly turned her head towards Kayne. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to freeze. She was staring at him with a disturbing intensity, a mix of curiosity and fascination dancing in her dark pupils. Kayne held her gaze, both destabilized and captivated by this unexpected connection.

Around them, Kayne's friends continued to chat happily, unaware of the silent exchange taking place. But for Kayne, nothing else existed but this mysterious stranger who was staring at him so insistently.

Suddenly, the girl's lips stretched into an enigmatic, almost mischievous smile. Without a word, she looked away and continued on her way, her black hair dancing in her wake. Kayne watched her, fascinated, until she disappeared around the corner.

"Hey Takemitchi, are you dreaming or what?" suddenly shouted one of his friends, bringing him abruptly back to reality.

"Huh... you saw her too," he said.

"Who?" replied his puzzled friend.

Kayne shook his head, still troubled by this unexpected encounter. Who was this girl? And why did she seem so interested in him? Was it related to his altercation with the man from the previous day?

One thing was certain, this intriguing stranger did not leave his thoughts. Kayne swore to discover her identity and understand the mystery surrounding her. Perhaps he would cross her path again in this new life full of surprises that lay before him...

Arriving at the high school, pushing aside these questions, Kayne was surprised to come face to face with Hinata Tachibana, Takemitchi's childhood sweetheart. She approached him with a big smile.

"Good morning Takemitchi! You look different today, I don't know why..." she said, looking at him curiously.

Caught off guard, Kayne began to stammer, desperately searching for a coherent and natural response. But before he could recover, Hinata's friends arrived and took her away with them, not without a last intrigued glance at Kayne.

"Well, I guess the old man was right. There's nothing more reliable than a woman's intuition."

He let out a sigh of relief, aware that he would have to be careful with his behavior if he didn't want to draw attention to the changes in "Takemitchi."

The morning passed without further incident until a sudden commotion was felt in the hallways. The rumor of Mikey and Draken's presence at the school spread like wildfire. All eyes turned to them as they walked through the corridors with assured steps, their charismatic aura commanding respect and admiration.

Kayne, seeing the two leaders of the Toman heading towards his classroom, took the initiative and went out to meet them. Aware of the commotion their presence was causing, he suggested they go talk somewhere quieter.

They went to a nearby park, a haven of greenery in the middle of the city. Cherry trees in bloom lined the paths, their delicate petals swirling in the spring breeze. A stone fountain stood in the center, its gentle lapping soothing the atmosphere. A few wooden benches invited relaxation and conversation.

Arriving in this peaceful setting, Draken discreetly slipped away, leaving Mikey and Kayne alone. The young boss of the Toman turned to Kayne, an enigmatic smile on his lips.

"So Takemitchi, I saw what you did yesterday. You went to fight that man, even though you knew you had no chance. Are you stupid or brave? I admit it intrigues me. And then I heard you wanted to join the Toman. What are your motivations?"

Kayne took a deep breath, searching for his words. He knew this moment was crucial and that sincerity would be his best asset. In this situation, there was nothing better than to speak Takemitchi's words, anyway, he already knew the story.

"To be honest, Mikey, I want to join the Tokyo Manji-kai to protect someone dear to me. I know I'm not the strongest or the most experienced, but I'm ready to give it my all to get there. Your gang embodies values of loyalty and brotherhood that deeply touch me. I want to fight alongside you, become strong, and make a difference."

Mikey listened attentively, his piercing gaze probing Kayne's soul. The latter held that intense gaze, putting all the determination and sincerity he was capable of into it.

After a moment that seemed to last an eternity, Mikey nodded, a satisfied smile forming on his lips.

"I feel you're different, Takemitchi. You've got guts and an iron will, I like that. Protecting those dear to us is the very foundation of the Toman spirit. I'll give you a chance to prove yourself. Keep going this way, show me that your resolution is unshakable, and you'll have your place among us."

Kayne's heart leaped with joy and relief. It was the first step towards his goal, the first victory in his quest to change destiny.

"Thank you, Mikey, I won't let you down."

The two young men exchanged a knowing look. Sealing this tacit promise. Then they left side by side, the wind carrying the cherry blossom petals like so many fragments of hope.

here is the new chapter, have fun and don’t forget the comments.

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