
Tokyo Revenger: Domination

Reincarnated to the "Tokyo Revenger" World and obtained a powerful system,see how our mc climb step by step to the Top of the World.

Novannovan · Anime und Comics
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9 Chs

Manjiro Sano

Seeing that the chibi boy apologize sincerely, i calm down my agitated mood for a while and try to comfort myself, more ever he is Emma brother so i can't be angry with this chibi boy and make Emma have a negative impression of me, but if you think about it for a while, if I'm in his position and see my younger sister with a boy sitting in the totally dark place where there, not many people walking pass, he too will think wildly and make the same decision as this chibi boy, so.....my mood return to calm and reply to this chibi boy.

"It's okay i know what you do is to protect your sister and i can understand that, so please stop bowing and you don't need to compensate me for this non-existent injury" i said to the chibi boy while helping him to stand up.

The chibi boy look up and see Novan with a surprised and relieved smile on his face, he was surprised and relieved because Novan understood his own thought, when you have a younger sister you will have a feeling of responsibility to protect your sister from danger, especially where he is a Leader of a Top Gang in Tokyo that controlled the Shibuya area, there are many enemies who want to hurt him and the person closes to him, so it is understandable if he is overreacted after seeing her younger sister with a strange guy in a shady place.

"Thank you Novan-san" The chibi boy replies with a grateful look.

Seeing that her Brother and Novan resolved the misunderstanding, Emma feel relieved and quickly introduced her brother to Novan.

"Novan-san this is my older brother, Manjiro Sano, he is a 2nd Year student at Takanawa Middle School, even though he makes stupid decisions sometimes, he is a truly caring brother" Emma says to Novan while dragging her older brother to her side and cling to his arms with a happy smile.

'Heyyy..... I'm so jealous.....why not me the one who Emma clings on" i thought enviously, but still introduced myself.

"Ohh hello Manjiro-san, my name is Novan, and I'm a Freshman student from Shibuya Middle School" i say with a small smile on my face but with a slightly polite tone, there is no way, i need to make a good impression in front of my future Brother-in-law right?

"Just call me Mikey, everybody calls me that" Mikey smiled at novan but when he want to continue to talk with Novan Emma's excited voice interrupted them.

"Novan-san do you say Shibuya Middle School??" Emma asks with a voice that needs confirmation to Novan.

"Yes that's right, is there anything wrong??" i reply puzzledly to Emma.

Seeing Novan confirm, Emma jump happily while muttering That's good that's good on her small cherry lips, but unfortunately Novan can't hear what she saying.

But he can see that she is happy from how her body language moves, even though he is deeply puzzled why Emma becomes like this, but as long as she is happy he is happier, a small smile appeared on his handsome face.

"No there's nothing wrong Novan-san, but we will become neighbors in the future" Emma said to Novan with her sweet smile.

"Neighbor??" with a puzzled face i reply.

"Yes, your school and mine are pretty close only about a hundred meters away, oh yeah i forgot to tell you, my school is Joshi Gakuen Girl's School, so....when the school start tomorrow can we go together?" Emma asked with a hopeful look while playing with her finger fidgeting and feeling a bit nervous waiting for Novan reply.

When Emma mention the start of school, i suddenly remember something, that is, the freshman enrollment ceremony, i almost forgot about this thing, fortunately, Emma reminded him, but then again, going to school with a beautiful girl, which idiot doesn't accept it ? so without feeling hypocritical, i reply.

"Sure can, but where is the place where we will meet? or we can exchange phone numbers so it will be more convenient for us to communicate" i suggest to Emma.

"Okay that's fine too, let's do that" Emma nodded quickly at Novan proposal, even though she does not show it on the surface, she is a little happy in her heart after getting his contact information because after she get his number, they will have plenty of time to interact with each other, thinking of this she cheers herself.

So they exchanged their phone number while determining the place where they will meet up tomorrow, after a few twist and turn they finalize the location where they promised to meet, the location is in an old temple near the two schools, only 10 minute short walk from their home it's not too far not to short after all the matter is done, they prepare to part way because it's already getting late, and Novan need to go home to cook for himself because he is already feeling hungry right now.

"Okay Novan-san i need to go home now, it's already getting late, remember to text me when you are already at home okay?" she say with a look of she will not go home if he doesn't give her a satisfied answer.

Seeing her adorable expression Novan felt a little funny in his heart, but he still satisfied her.

"Yeah don't worry i will never forget to text a beautiful girl like you" i reply with a smirk on my face , while laughing looking at her shy expression after she hears my teasing.

"Hooligan!!" Emma replied with a small blush on her face.

Seeing Emma and Novan flirting with each other Mikey has confusion in his eyes, Where am i? Who am i? Besides that confusion, there is panic in his eyes, he asks himself, if Draken sees this will he get berserker? will he ever accompany me to eat Children's set meal again? The more Mikey thinks of this the more panic he becomes.

After Novan finishes teasing this cute girl, they said goodbye to each other because the sky is already getting dark and Emma's parents already start to call her so she needs to go home as soon as possible.

After bidding farewell to Novan, Emma and Mikey go to the parking lot where Mikey bike is parked, seeing Emma and Mikey getting further and further away, Novan starts to walk to his house with his grocery bag and happily humming an unknown song.

He had been too happy lately, First, he got lucky to get a discount beef meat that was always out of stock in the grocery store, after that, he got a chance to chat and get a phone number from a cute girl, and then he gets an offer that pays 100.000 Yen for a short video, *Sigh* why my life is too good? i thought to myself.

Suddenly i stop my track feeling something is missing 'huhh??? wait,100.000 Yen???? ' as of remembering something i slap my forehead causing a bit of pain because it's bearing too much force.

'Fuck!!! i almost forget about that thing, fortunately, i remember it in a timely manner, if not, it will be cheaper for that guy Takiwa' i cursed myself for being an idiot to forget something important, so i sprint in the direction where Takiwa is while hoping that he is still there.

When i arrived in the location where the last time i see him, there was nobody there, i thought maybe he is going to the bathroom to relieve himself, so i stay there patiently waiting.

*5 Minute Later*

"Maybe he is having a hard time with his stomach, just wait a few minutes longer" i reason to myself while looking at the time on my phone which display 8.30 PM.

*10 Minute Later*

"Maybe he is going to a nearby convenience store to buy a few drinks...yeah that's it, just wait a little longer" i comfort myself and wash away the negative thought in my head while looking at the sky counting stars to relieve my boredom.

*15 Minute Later*

"Maybe....maybe.... maybe.... he is on the way here, just wait a little longer yess, just wait a little longer" My confidence start to crumble and intuition told me that Takiwa already left, but i still have some small hope that what I'm thinking is not true and it's just me who overthinking too much, so i wait a little longer with that small ray of hope that i hold tightly.

*A few minutes later*

"FUCK!!!!!! EVEN FOOLED KNOW HE WILL NEVER COMEBACK, HOW STUPID DO YOU WANT TO WAIT FOR HIM YOU IDIOT!!!" besides feeling aggrieved in my heart, i don't forget to curse Takiwa seven Ancestors until my throat feel dried and my heart content.

You know, it feels bad when you get scammed, even though he did not lose anything, he still got agitated for not getting that money, if he can obtain that money, he can relieve his financial situation a bit, no matter how tiny is a meat is, it's still a meat doesn't it?

"Sighh....whatever life must go on, i just hope that guy will get a misfortune soon, it's better if God makes him a eunuch, so he will be a better person in his next life" Thinking of this a creepy smile appeared on my face while laughing like a devil in this quiet place scaring the nearby people because they thought there is a ghost near here.

after finishing my creepy session, i start heading to my house, with my hand in my pocket while shivering because of the cold night.
